This is a listing of those items produced for various conventions over and above the standard badge, programme
book, etc. These would have been commissioned or produced *by* the convention and do not include unofficial items
produced *for* the con by others, such as Combozines and badge ribbons. Items included in membership packs like,
say, a bar of chocolate or a bar of soap would not count unless they had special packaging bearing the name of
the convention. Occasionally, conventions have issued non-badge promotional items beforehand as part of the bidding
process. These will be listed with (p) after them.
Since 1979 - with gaps - NOVACON has published a chapbook featuring material by that year's Guest(s) of Honour.
A listing of these can be found here.
* a standard Murphy's glass on which James Bacon wrote the convention name in red paint -- all attendees got one.
**According to Mark Plummer, who co-edited it with Claire Brialey, this "was quasi independent, I think mainly
because we weren't sure we could do it and didn't want to commit. It was retrospectively partially
funded by the convention but was a sale item in the fan room."
My thanks to S&ra Bond, Claire Brialey, Bill Burns, Rob Jackson, Dave Langford, Mark Plummer, and Alison Scott for their help in assembling this table,
and/or supplying photos and scans.