NOVAE TERRAE #19 - Vol. 2 No. 7 (December 1937)
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Editor: Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard Street, Russell Sq.,
London WC1, England. CONTENTS.............
Subscription Rates |
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What Purpose, Science-Fiction? by Donald A. Wollheim British science-fiction fans seem still obsessed with the notion that science-fiction should be a means of teaching science with sugar-coated pills. The old idea that from reading science-fiction boys got a liking for science and an urge to create, and so study for a scientific career, is evidently still in their bonnet. And is probably still in the thoughts of many U.S, fans as well. This idea is now pretty much discarded and disproven in most of the older U.S. fantasy circles, however. From the writer's own experience I know this to be so. And from the experience of the four years crusading of the International Scientific Association in this field the evidence proves that science- fiction does not work as much towards arousing interest in science as towards arousing interest in the fiction angle. Few, if any, former fans are now pursuing science carreers. Those youths who were primarily interested in science probably gave up reading science- fiction after their first experimental glance at such stories. The dreamers, however, did not give it up, they went after it avidly. If there is one form of work a dreamer is capable of it is in literary or artistic fields, not in the field of research. Many years ago (and even today) the science- fiction clubs always tried to build up science laboratories. They never amounted to much. The club magazines did however. They took up all the energy and work of the members. The present flood of so- called "fan magazines" is merely the natural outcome of the natural trend of science-fiction reader. One leading British fan recently
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denounced these publications
as being of no value to those interested in practical
work. True enough, but the motive for these has
not come to his comprelonsion. These small papers
are not published as "fan" publications really.
They are but a form of amateur journalism, the desire
to express oneself in print, the desise to edit and
publish and criticize. There is no conscious intention
of crusading at all. If the purpose of science-fiction is not to foster science, then what is its purpose? It must have a reason for existence. As I see it, and as things seem to shape themselves, its purpose is to build up in the public mind a sympathy for science- progress and a realization of better things to come. It is to make the public receptive to new ideas and to cause it to lose its scepticism towards radical projects. "They laughed at Robcrt Fulton" you have all heard that phrase. Such laughter was caused by the fact that the minds of the non-scientific populace knew nothing of the potentialities of change and discovery. The last hundred years have wrought so many innovations and have so changed and speeded the tempo of progress that men are more or less expectant of changes. The magazines and books of today deal with imaginative inventions and tales of the future are aiding to prepare the public mind for the great things which are yet to come. Already the success of science-fiction is apparent. The average man today is aware that rockets are a conceivable method of space flight. What is even greater, the idea of space flight and travel to other worlds no longer strikes him as grotesquely as it had. They may yet smile, but they do not laugh. It is becoming apparent that there is a genuine possibility of it and that that possiblity is coming closer to reality. Science-fiction in the form of books, magazines, radio skits, movies, etc. have constantly drummed in the idea of space-flight until now it is almost an old story.
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That, then, is the real value and purpose of science-fiction.
And in the United States at least it has achieved its purpose.
It must keep up its work of course, in order that those concepts
and visions may not fade from the mind of the public. But the
main work, that of introducing these visions, has come to
fruitition. In Britain and other countries the work has not
yet come to success. In England there has not been sufficient
material to bring these ideas to the public, but there are signs
that success is on the way. There is no place in Britain yet
for the idle fantasy-amateur publications; in England the
publications must fight for their purpose and carry on. The
fan organization, the powerful Science Fiction Association is
doing its share. British science-fiction magazine seems on its
way, and in other respects the conservative-thinking islanders
are waking up to the future. Thus is the real purpose of science-fiction found out. It is the duty of those who read it to further its reading in others because it is one way of working for the future. The public mind must be prepared for the future and to accept and aid the coming progress. If it never did another thing, the fact that science-fiction was directly responsible for the organization of the American Rocket Society and the British Interplanetary Society would alone have made it worth while. But there is an infinity of things still to be done, it is up to the dreamers of fantasies to seek those out and tell of them in glowing colours so as to stir the world to want them. And to that end is science-fiction dedicated.
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Cosmic Case Number 2 by D.R. SMITH The Right to Colonize At the Hall of Justice, Section 8. Before chief justice Mx, being the 30th Casel Session 10; Epoch 3175. Proceedings by verbal communication. Etlm Sar appointed prosecutor by the Central Justice Dispensary, outlined his case in a bright speech containing the clear cut logic for which he was famous. He ran over the salient points of Case 235 of the previous session, recalled that the accused Race, Homo Sapiens had been forbidden to continue colonization of Mars and Venus, neighbouring planets, and stated that information had been laid by the Renthyl Race, plaintiffs in the previous case, that this command was being flagrantly disobeyed. Witnesses were called to prove this. Considerable interest was manifested throughout the worlds of Universe (to which the Halls of Justice are permanently attached of course) when the famous Pleader, Sir Wallace Loret, rose to his feet to open the ease for the defense. (If this action is obscure information can be easily acquired, but it may be mentioned that Justice Mx, whose race, the Sffits, are singularly inflexible of physique, was visibly shocked. Sir Wallace's speech is given in detail:) "The fact that my race is accused at the instigation and on the evidence of the Renthyl is evidence of the instability of the case against us. The weakness of Renthyl logic has been demonstrated in the
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former case, and I was surprised to find Etlm Sar producing
witnesses of such doubtful stability of mind or body." "Your Race is not perfectly rigid, Sir Wallace, to judge from your recent change of shape" interposed Justice Mx. "I may respectfully submit that there is no comparison with the semi-fluidity of the Renthyl" said Sir Wallace deferentially. "To leave this point, which does not materially affect the case, since truth is independent of whatever disgusting source it comes from, I will proceed to demonstrate the fundamental errors of the prosecution. "The activities of Homo Sapiens on Venus and Mars are entirely different from the ejectment of the life of those planets which was justly banned to us as to the Renthyl. There can be no such intention. Our race numbers approximately three thousand million and expert witnesses will prove that from two to twenty times that number could be accommodated in comfort, depending on the methods of food supply chosen. I may recall the fact that on a Renthyl planet a. little smaller than Earth, about ten-thousand times the above figure dwell. While such overcrowding would be unsupportable to a more cultured race, it is obvious that Earth has far less than the highest population possible. Hence we cannot be aiming at displacing the races of our neighbouring planets, for this would be wasted effort and directly contrary to the second fundamental principle. To explain why we continue to send emigrants and materials to these planets I must ask you to recall a point I made in Case 235, when I pointed out the well known natural law that evolution is a direct result of combating difficulties. Earth
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is completely civilized, the battle for
existence has been
fought and won. Other races so placed, have sat down for eons of
quiet expansion of numbers. My Race, recognizing its inferiority
to its elder contemporaries as decided to force on evolution as
fast as possible. Certain mentally warped people among us insist that evolution is the result of radiant energy, loosely called by than "rays", but apart from restraining these from self-annihilation with their fantastic creations we ignore them. It is an instance of the interest in evolution possessed by oven the feeble minded people of our Race. On Venus and Mars we find conditions of hostile climates and life which gives us the necessary conditions for a new struggle for existence. The emigrants themselves are most directly affected, of course, and, so they are carefully selected as the most degenerate specimens of our race, these obviously requiring the benefits of struggle more than others. On Earth the finest specimens of the Race, chemists, physicists, engineers, biologists and organizers labour to fulfil the needs of the emigrants and young men are driven to extreme physical prowess to receive the prizes of rare beauty from these planets. I shall call seven witnesses, each from a different profession, to prove how the struggle is benefiting them. It may be said that to the indigenous races of those planets the result is the same as if extermination of them was our object, but surely they have a greater chance to benefit, for they are struggling harder, not having the advantages of armament given to us. If they fail in the struggle it will show definitely that they were not fitted to exist. Nor is it likely that they would ever develop successfully if left to themselves, as I will show.
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In the case of Venus, we have a primeval world
so saturated with moisture that fire could never be discovered,
and I will call witnesses to prove that the discovery of fire is
an indispensable link in the upward climb of thinking creatures.
Secondly, they can never see the stellar vista, because of the
cloud layer, and hence will never possess an imagination, the
first difference between reasoning power and reacting power.
Thirdly, no Venusian creatures ever show signs of a desire for
shelter from the incessant rains, and the two expressions most
absolutely condemnatory of a person's intelligence are, on Earth
at least, "He hasn't enough sense to come in out of the rain" and,
briefer and more admirable, "He's all wet". "Mars is incapable of furnishing a climate permitting of any life other than an absolutely stationary one, and greater minds than mine have argued that controlled motion is the first proof of intelligence." The case did not furnish further matter of interest until Chief Justice Mx announced his decision with characteristic brevity. "The logic of Sir Wallace is clearly without flaw, since Etlm Sar has been unable to attack it in spite of his well-known powers. With great deference and respect I must announce my decision that the President of the Court of Racial rights was acting a misapprehension when he commanded Homo Sapiens to cease the colonization of Venus and Mars, and I formally rescind that order. "Using my powers as Energy Conserver I must also request the Authorities to take suitable steps to prevent the Renthyl Race from uselessly increasing the entropy of the Universe by the energy wastage involved in spying on their neighbours."
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Wake up, Fans! by Douglas F.W. Mayer No one who has meticulously digested the contents of the past few issues of "Novae Terrae" can have escaped noticing the trend for contributors to ignore science-fiction itself, and to expound in their articles the ideas, beliefs and. inspirations that science-fiction arouses. This is no mere flash in the pan, nor is it a feeble attempt to introduce a slight originality. The truth of the matter is that British fans are at last beginning to realise that science-fiction is something more than a mere type of literature. As two of last month's contributors pointed out, science-fiction, taking as it does the whole of the cosmos into its ken, from the largest universe to the smallest electron of electrons, produces several marked effects on those who read it regularly. One of the most important of these effects is that it causes them to witness terrestrial events from a detached standpoint: from the standpoint of some superior being on a distant star: from the standpoint of one who finds more in life than merely eating, sleeping, working and playing. Whether this outlook is created by the science fiction or whether it already existed to some extent in the reader who was hence attracted to science-fiction, is difficult to say. But there is no doubt that science-fiction is the only type of literature through which these ideas can be inculcated, and the really expert writers, building up as they do immense word-pictures, have a powerful instrument at their disposal. This point as never been better stressed than in the words of Claire P. Beck:-
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"When the writer has mastered the magic word that unlocks the
shadow-box, he is set free. His fancy may roam all space, all
time. Like Cabell's Donander Veratyr, he may amuse himself
with the creation and destruction of worlds. He has a canvas to
paint upon which is wide enough for the vastest designs his mind.
can grasp. He finds himself set free, not only of the cramping
bonds of conventional incident and conventional locale, but free
also to criticize historically, allegorically, or how he will,
the petty meanesses and misdirection of our petty affairs. He may
sketch the ideal with a clearness and directness that in any other
type of literature would get him called a menace of a fool!" One may ask therefore, why it has, taken so long for those facts to be realized and for the fans to turn their attention from the outpourings of hack writers to the problems of humanity. I cannot say. Maybe it is due to the fact that the average age of fans is increasing with the march of time; maybe it is due to one of the strange psychological changes that sweep our race from time to time; or maybe H.G.Wells is right and we are being affected by rays from some outlandish civilization. Whatever the cause, it is pretty certain, I think, that little of this new outlook had attacked British fans before the beginning of 1937. It is also certain that prominent British fans of my acquaintance began to stray from the accustomed path towards the end of July. Perhaps some of the magnificent ideas expressed in "Star Begotten" were responsible for this awakening. In the Leeds Branch, at least, the change from amateur scientists to idealistic sociologists took place following the introduction of this book, and my half-humourous comment that fans were slightly star begotten
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From that time onwards prominent fans began to neglect their
scientific discussions and experiments; letters between them were
filled with comments on politics, religion and human happiness. Each
was inspired by the same ideal -- that the applications and teachings
of science should be used to sweep away archaic beliefs and
superstitions, and to create on Planet Three a world fit for the
superior race that man would then become. Inspired by these ideas a few British fans attempted to expound their theories through the pages of this magazine. But while we were still thinking about them a few of our American colleagues who shared the same beliefs decided in a typically American fashion that action, and not theorizing, was required. Consequently John B. Michel, at the recent Philadelphia Convention, demanded that science-fiction fans should adopt an active attitude towards the future instead of a passive one, and concluded with the words: "It is our job to work and plan and prepare, to teach and expound for the coming of that day when the human race shall stand erect as should a man and gaze on the dark, naked cosmos with firm eyes, to feel the solid inconceivable impact of the grim void, to flood the consciousness with the realization that in the vast emptiness we must stand on our own feet and fight it out". That, roughly, is the situation. If this article strikes one as being extremely reactionary, it is because I have stated what other contributors have only dared to hint. No doubt many readers who still believe in science-fiction for science-fiction's sake will be offended to encounter this new line of thought.
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But I am not suggesting that these ideas
should be adopted without discussion. I am asking that all thinking
fans should admit that science-fiction in itself is a mere nothing;
it is what lies beyond science-fiction that counts. I am also
suggesting that it is a practical possibility for persons who share
these ideas to unite in strength to DO SOMETHING, and I sincerely
believe that the matter is one that should be seriously and actively
considered in further articles, and at the forthcoming British
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Worst Cover: January. Best Interior Illustrations: Wesso's second in "SOS in Space" (Jan.), Dold's third in the first part of "Frontier of the Unknown" (July), Marchioni's November one in "A Surgical Error" and Jack Binder's second in "Forgetfulness" (June). Worst Interiors: Eric Williams submits the following. Dold's in "The Eye of Madness" (April), Wesso's first in "Spawn of the Red Giants" (May), Thompson's in "The Destruction of Amul" (Jan.), Flatos' in "The Second Cataclysm" (March) and Jack Binder's third in "The Endless Chain" (April). Best Two-Part Novel: Norman Knight's "Frontier of the Unknown" (July and August). Best Novel: Don A. Stuart's "Forgetfulness" (June), Robert Willey's "At the Perihelion" (Feb.), Eric Russell and Les Johnson's "Seeker of Tomorrow" (July), and Arthur J. Burk's "The Golden. Horseshoe" (Nov.) Best Novelettes: Eric Russell's "The Saga of Pelican West" (Feb.) for action, and Vic Phillips' "Once Around the Moon" (June), John D. Clarke's "Minus Planet" (April) an honourably mentioned. Best Short Stories: Eando Binder's "SOS in Space" (Jan.) Walter Anton Coole's "A Surgical Error" (Nov.) and Gordon A. Giles' "Diamond Planetoid" (May). Best Schachner Yarn: "Past, Present and Future" (Sept.) Best Campbell Article: "Interplanetary Dividends" (July). Best Science Articles: Willy Ley's "Visitors from the Void" (May), and Arthur McCann's "Cosmic Ray Shields" (Nov.) Best Issue: July. Worst Issue: March. It will be noticed that all the best stories were in the early part of the year (?).
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"Amazing Stories" Best Cover: April. Worst: August. Best Interiors: First "By Jove" in April, and "Shifting Seas" in the same issue. Worst Interior: In "Murder By Atom" (June). Best Serial: Walter Rose's "By Jove" (Feb., April and June). Best Complete Stories: Arthur K. Barnes' "Prometheus" and Stanton A. Coblentz's "Donitro" (both in Feb.) Best Issue: February. Worst: August.
"Thrilling Wonder Stories" Best Cover: October. Worst: April. Best Interiors: Jack Binder's for "The Molten Bullet" (June), Marchioni's for "The Brain of Venus" (Feb.), Wesso's for "The Dark Sun" (June). Worst Interior: ZARNAK. Best Novel: John W. Campbell Jr.'s "Double Mind" (August). Best Short Story: Gordon A. Giles' "Vision of the Hydra" (August). Best Science Feature: Philip Cleator's "Spaceward" (Aug.) Best Issue: August. Worst: April.
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ASTOUNDING STORIES.............DECEMBER 1937 Reviewed by Arthur C. Clarke
Dark Eternity by John Russell Fearn.
Mana by E.F.Russell.
The Mind Master by A. R. Long.
The Secret of the Rocks by R.R.Winterbotham.
Space Signals by A. B. L. Macfadyen.
Angel in the Dust Bowl by Spencer Jones
City of the Rocket Horde by Nat Schachner
From the Vacuum of Space by J. H. Haggard.
The Time Contractor by Eando Binder.
Spectral Adventures by H.C.McKay.
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Science Discussions and Brass Tacks. Mr. Bergh is either nuts or pulling our legs. Mr. Danner never having read Einstein, writes a lot of drivel. "Common sense is not enough!" (A.C. Clarke, "Collected Works"). 60 m.p.h. plus 1000 m.p.h., but approximately 1059.99999999999987 m.p.h. Not much points to Brass Tacks yet.
Illustrations. Not a very exiting issue. (In our next issue Ted Carnell reviews February ASTOUNDING)
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Because of this keen interest and because my
duties have been extended to the point that could not give all the
time I wanted to ‘Astounding Stories' I have chosen John W
Campbell, Jr.', whose work you undoubtedly know well, to succeed me
as active editor of 'Astounding Stories'. I shall maintain
continuous contact with the magazine as consulting editor and feel
that between us, Mr. Campbell and. I will be able to move the
magazine forward consistently. "I have turned your letters over to him so that he may proceed. knowing everything that has passed in connection with the Science-Fiction Association, and my promise to mention it in an editorial." I know that members will join with us in wishing Mr. Tremaine every success with his new duties. Furthermore, members will no doubt be pleased to learn that, on a recommendation of the Council, Mr. Campbell has been invited to accept Honorary Membership. Acknowledgements: We would like to take this somewhat belated opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of the following publications and of expressing our thanks to the senders: THE ATOM (R. Wilson, Jr.); THE SCIENCE- FICTION FAN (O. F. Wiggins); THE SCIENCE-FICTION CRITIC (Futile Press) and SCIENTIFICTION (Walter H. Gillings). Christmas: The members of the Executive Committee extend to all science-fiction enthusiasts throughout the world their sincerest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Branch Reports: Leeds Branch: The first meeting of the Branch in its new Club Room took place on Saturday November 20th. The following officers wore elected: Chairman - H.Warnes; Secretary-Librarian –
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D.W.F. Mayer; Treasurer F.V. Gillard;
Club Room Steward - G. A. Airey. On Saturday December 4th
Mr. A. Griffiths grave a talk entitled. "The Development of
Science-Fiction", in which the whole growth of science-fiction from
the introduction of Gernsback magazines to its modern sociological
aspect, was traced. A week later Mr. F.W.F. Dobby designer of "Novae
Terrae" covers gave a talk entitled "The Growth of Modern Art". He
discussed the religious, impressionist, neo-impressionist, cubist
and surrealist types of art, and gave some details of the lives of
prominent artists of the later types. A Christmas "Bring and Eat"
party will be held in the Club Room on December 26th. Chairman
– H.Warnes, 62 Thorn Grove, Gipton, Leeds 8. London Branch: The third meeting of the Branch, at which were 15 members and 4 visitors was held on December 5th. Prominent among the visitors was Leslie J. Johnson, of Liverpool, Vice-President of the British Interplanetary Society and a member of the SFA Council. He gave a short talk of the propaganda value of the remainder magazine. This was followed by a discussion on the projected story written by the Branch. Owing to pressure of work W.F.Temple has temporarily relinquished Chairmanship of the Amateur Author's Circle in favour of S.L.Birchby. The first of the Branch's Science Circle Lectures was then given by Arthur C. Clarke upon "Astronomy and Astronautics". His lecture was illustrated by several graphs and charts. The next meeting will be held on January 8th. Chairman: K.G. Chapman, 50A Tremaine Road, Anerley, S.E. 20. Los Angeles Branch: Meetings were held on Oct. 21st and Nov.4th. At the former F.J. Ackerman resigned Secretaryship due to pressure of work on the Branch publication IMAGINATION. P.L. Lewis was appointed in his place. The proofs of the November issue were examined. An interesting extemporaneous account of his recent visits to the homes of E.Hoffman Price and Clark Ashton
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Smith was then delivered by Henry Kuttner. At the
second meeting a long discussion was held on the November issue of
IMAGINATION. It was decided that the use of simplified spelling
would be restricted to material written by advocators of this
practice. Chairman: R.J.Hodgkins, 1903 W. 84th Place, Los Angeles, California, USA.
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Questionnaire No.2. - December 1937
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Report on Questionnaire No. 1: A consensus of the opinions expressed by those who returned first questionnaire will appear with or within the next issue of "Novae Terrae". At the moment completed questionnaires are still arriving and no fixed results can yet be given, though Eric Williams' "Are You a True Science-Fictionist" and "The Paragon's "Criteria of the Fan" lead in the matter of articles and about 80% of readers prefer a surrealistic type of cover. Panel of Critics: This is your last chance to become a member of this body; you are invited to answer this questionnaire and return it to: Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard St. Russell Square, London WC1, England.