NOVAE TERRAE #18 - Vol. 2 No. 6 (November 1937)
Copytyping this issue by Rob Hansen.
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November 1937 Editor Maurice K. Hanson Associates Edward. J. Carnell, Arthur C. Clarke Editorial Address 25 Bernard Street, Russell Sq., London WC1, England. Price 2d. (5 cents) a copy, 1/9 (45 cents) 12 issues.
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Criteria of the Fan by "The Paragon" Though the word. "fan" is perhaps not all that might be desired in the way of a dignified expression representative of the mature and responsible individuals some science-fiction enthusiasts think they are, its very common use has prompted the writer to employ it indescriminately in these lines. No one, I believe, has ever forrmulated a strictly scientific definition of the science-fiction fan on the lines of "a being who partakes of enormous quantities of pseudo-scientific literature with every indication of relish and whose enthusiasm for this reading-matter is exceeded in extent only by his critical faculties" or, for that matter on any other lines. This is possibly due, however, to the fact that no definition of less than encyclopaedic proportions could hope to cope with the majority of people upon whom the designation "fan" is 'conferred. Nevertheless, the most youthful and the most senile fans have qualities in common that are not collectively possessed by the rank and file of rich men and poor men, or even beggar-men and thieves. What little evidence there is seems to indicate that these characteristics are not inherited. How many fans have noticed marked scientific fiction- loving propensities in their parents? Few indeed, but ample opportunity for obtaining a similar generalization with regard to their offspring has been hitherto with-held since few fans are at present so blessed. It is an enigmatic point how fan-like characteristics come to arise in any particular individual, but perhaps like H. G. Wells, we may attribute it to the all-pervading cosmic ray. Not a great deal can be said about the physical qualities of fans, though the discriminating observer may note one or two points. There are tall fans and short fans, and fair fans and dark fans. They do
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not in general possess a lean and hungry
look, but there is indeed a unique expression in
their eyes. Thoughtful is perhaps too strong a word,
but there are signs that an out of the ordinary mind
belongs to their possessor; the expression may be the
result of prolonged introspection for there is no doubt
that the large majority of fans are introverts. At least nine-tenths are less than thirty years old, possibly due to the fact that the wiles of the goddess of science-fiction are effective only on callow and impetuous youth. Indications of intelligence are rather more noticeable amongst fans than amongst many other people, and there is a definitie tendency for fans to express an interest in sociology and a distaste for the present conditions of the society that Man has evolved. This is doubtless a result of the manner in which a study of science-fiction gives a view of the cosmos in its true perspective; there is, indeed, a tendency for the fan to see just a little further. than the end of his nose. Though they see nothing intrinsically funny in the Abominable Snowmen, I would suggest that fans are for the most part gifted with a better than average sense of humour. A creation like Zarnak amuses them immensely, but to make them really helpless with merriment there is nothing better than a "Staple War". Since it became fashionable to sneer at fans at every opportunity it is surprising that little use has been made of their notoriously sound knowledge of the value of money. They are extremely careful to avoid wanton squandering of wordly riches and though possessing an unbounded enthusiasm and admiration for science-fiction they can never be accused of spending more on it than they can afford. Much has been made too, of their aggressiveness and "American science- fiction organisations" and
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"quarrels" are nowadays
regarded as being practically synonymous. However, not
a tithe of the amount of criticism of the fan in this
respect has been made that one would expect when
editors, authors, and the public at large denounce
the fan in unison. There is little doubt that these three
factions realize that their criticisms have no real
foundations whatever and accordingly cannot acquit
themselves in this criticizing business with their usual
success. Fans are indeed the most peaceful and harmless
of individuals and it would be a gross libel to
suggest anything to the contrary. Ad astra, fans, ad astra!
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the territory
often overlapped. When it was found that a large
number of biological processes that were going
on inside living things like plants and the human
body could be duplicated in the laboratory, bio-
chemistry came into being, and was defined as that
branch of organic chemistry which deals with problems
connected with all biological and physiological
processes. The branches and practical applications of bio-chemistry are too numerous to be dealt with here in detail, and we must be content with the naming of the more important ones. The numerous pill and cough-mixture vendors that flood our cities would soon be bankrupt without the aid of the bio-chemist to help them in bringing out new "remedies"; likewise their partners in crime, the pharmacologists, wouldn't altogether be millionaires if left to their own devices. Agriculture, too, owes a large part of its present success to bio-chemistry due to our advanced knowledge of the soil and its accompanying bacterial inhabitants. But it is physicians and surgeons, especially those engaged in modern hospitals, who are particularly grateful to the researches of the bio-chemist, for it is to him they turn on innumerable occasions for the advice and experience that only he can give. One might quote an everyday case: An ambulance picks up a woman who has collapsed in the street and she is rushed to hospital. While an examination is being conducted by the physician a sample of her blood is sent to the chemical pathology laboratory where the chemists co-operate as one man to get the all-important report through with a minmum of delay. A human life is at stake and may depend on their speed and accuracy.
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In such a case both physician and surgeon
realise there is nothing to be done but wait until
the chemists have submitted the result of their analysis.
The mythical result in this case is obviously
of no importance, since it is the principle that
matters, but for the sake of argument it will be
supposed that the glucose content of the blood was
found to be abnormally high. The treatment in such a
case becomes obvious; a few well-calculated doses of
insulin and another victim of diabetes is given a new
lease of life, a victim who would have died probably
in the prime of her life but who now lives to be
eternally grateful to this great science. Thus we see that
bio-chemistry not only aids, but on occasion takes
precedence in the noblest of all vocations - the work
of healing the sick. When one realises the credit that is due to the men who have toiled unceasingly for years to bring to a state of practical utility the disconnected facts aud theories that were propounded years ago by the heroes of chemistry in`the nineteenth century, one can but regret that those men are not alive today to know the benefit they have conferred on humanity. The fruit of their work is a lasting tribute and memorial to those who toiled without respite, often in the face of rebuff and ridicule, upheld only by their faith, vision and undaunted courage. These are the true heroes of chivalry.
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Many fans wish with all their might for an
expansion of science-fiction into the masses. They want
to see it read by every child and parent. They hope
that one day through increased sales they will see
ten or more high-grade science-fiction magazines every
week on the stands with several brilliantly produced
quarterlies to fill up. This apparently is their aim
and dream; it may not be so luxurious, but in essence
it is so. As it stands, it is a purely selfish wish,
and to tell the truth a useless one. Why should people read science-fiction rather than detective or human stories? Is not fifty per cent of this science-fiction poorly written and utterly useless? I think that even the staunchest reader will admit this. There is, however, a reason why people should at least peruse some of the better-class science-fiction, and it is simply to force into them (for good science-fiction has a jolt in it) that there are other things - wider things - than football, the office, and friends. I doubt whether there is one solid science-fictionist who can avoid considering the world rather than his nation and an assortment of foreigners. This is only brought about by realising the true proportion of things, of his own self to the human race; of his nation to the world. In the world of newspapers and tube-trains all this ((is)) exaggerated and inflamed. How can the little man fend for himself against the blaring headlines "Child's body found mutilated" or "U.S. battleship hit". These things are the secondary things, the primary things can only be found in his brain after a careful sifting and sealing of evidence. And again, how can this be done with a mind too heavy with irrelevant tragedy and squabbles? You are a valuable science-fictionist if you want to banish this narrowness by giving the world the breadth of science-fiction; but you are certainly wrong if you want to flood the world with conventional science-fiction. Conventional science-fiction is worse than useless; it is that which is
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holding science-fiction
in its narrow circle. If there is anything worth
going all out for, it is the introduction of sociology
into science-fiction and decreasing the amount of
rough and tumble. And now to return. If you don't care much for the world as whole, CARE...YES, examine politics, get some idea of what is thought; just keep your Utopian ideas as playthings; this world of Nations is going to take more than a band of scientists to tame and put right.
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surround it. Even now, it is still experimenting,
still trying to adapt itself to fantastically new
conditions. It has hardly, as yet, been able to
think over and consider the vast, well-nigh
unmeasurable range of possibilities that lie ahead of
it. Such sporadic attempts as have been made towards a realization of these possibilities have served only to contrast our present-day mess and muddle to what might be - to a vision of a race, free and unburdened, rising ever higher. It is this mess and muddle, this all- engulfing chaos that today causes one school of thought to say "What Good is this Progress?!' To what is it leading us? Are we, as men and women, any the better for this over-marching progress? Are we happier?" To answer this question is difficult. How can I answer it who am so young and unwise? I can only say that all the wide-spread misery and degredation that are so much a part of our modern world exist, not because of Progress but in spite of it - chaallenges inviting further battle. We must wipe out these hideous blots. If we do not, or if we cannot, then we must finish as a race unfit to live. We find that there exists no obstacle to what we might be, no obstacle to an increase in our powers. We must then realise those powers; we must be what we might be; we must progress. But in what direction? Shall we build up a civilization of bigger and better bombs? Shall we prostitute our science to greed and avarice, perhaps destroying our race in the process? Or shall we try to build up a true civilization in which men and women can be happy? This is the only type of civilization that, in the long run, will endure. It is in fact a true civilization as opposed to this blundering blasphemy, this already tottering mock-civilization which we measure in terms of sky-scrapers and sex.
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I do not say that we should have a Utopia.
This is an impossibility. Even supposing that we
were able to have a "physical" Utopia, our minds would
still be in combat with outside influences. We should
still, as individuals, each have to adjust ourselves
to those conditions. We would still be animalistic
to a certain degree, and those tendencies would occur
in each generation and would have to be conquered or
sublimated. Our minds are too restless by far for
any Utopia; always shall we look ahead. Even in our
race's final defeat, the inevitable slow degeneration and
disapperance, we would still have our glorious past
to remember and sigh over. No insipid Utopia then, will our future be, but something - infinitely more beautiful, something that makes we who contemplate it catch our breaths and feel an upwelling of pride that we are humans. It will be a period when we shall, all of us, be able to carry to the limit all those ideas, emotions and spiritual values that are slowly emerging into our consciousness. We shall grasp all the fruits that science holds out to us. But we shall not become cold and inhuman because of this science, for we shall realize that great as it is, it is not an end, but a means to an end. All this we can do. All this we will do.
Trailer........ The first article in D. R. Smith's brilliant new Cosmic Case series appeared last month - "The Right of a Race to Live". It has proved to be the most acclaimed article ever published in this magazine. In the next issue Cosmic Case No. 2 will appear -- "Tha Right of a Race to Colonize" - and it will be even better than its predecessor.
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QUOTED QUOTATION By Ted Carnell This month's news must perforce be short, owing to the lack of any arriving, but the most interesting and important is that contained in Olon Wiggins December "Science Fiction Fan" which includes a quoted reference from "Astounding Stories". As this news is what we have all been waiting to hear, I am quoting his editorial completely, giving him full credit for obtaining it. "This month's editorial" he writes, "will be devoted to spiking those rumours that have been going round concerning the supposedly bad struggle that ASTOUNDING was to have been going through. Due to recent rearrangemets at 'Street and Smith's' Mr. Tremaine's duties have been so expanded as to force him to turn the editorship over to John W. Campbell, Jr. I have been informed by Editor all the latest rumours are are fairy tales and hokum. ASTOUNDING is not losing circulation, it is gaining. It already has the largest of any science-fiction magazine in the world. I hope that this straightens out the muddle, and the least said about it hereafter the better off all science- fiction will be. Any rumours you hear after this, unless it comes from Editor Campbell's own mouth, you can absolutely ignore. "Mr. Tremaine, although turning the editorship over to Campbell, will maintain a friendly advisory interest in the magazine. There will incidentally, be only very few changes in editorial policy as Mr. Tremaine's policies have been liked by the readers, which is an excellent reason to continue them. Occasionally a change will be made, and a trial period elapse while the readers - through the rejuvenated Brass Tacks - express their opinions. Brass Tacks exists for that purpose - the
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expression of opinions and the making of suggestions
and that is one department which you will see expand
during the next few months. (This paragraph was
quoted from Mr. Campbell's letter)." Thank you Mr. Wiggins. It only remains for us to wish Mr. Campbell the best of success at his new job, and the hope that we shall still read series from him under the name "Don A. Stuart".
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E. E. Smith's stories have seldom been beaten -
even Hawk Carse was no quicker on the draw than Dick
Seaton and Blackie Duquesne. Yet there is a whole
new universe of scientific thought in the "Skylark"
stories. It is universally agreed (for once) that
Weinbaum was one of the best writers ever to enter
the science-fiction field, and his stories also
contained a considerable amount of careful and accurate
science. Science and literature can go - and have gone - hand in hand. There is no necessity to sacrifice one for the other, and to do so is an admission of failure. Mr. Youd's favourite author, Campbell-Stuart, has proved this again and again in "The Mightiest Machine" and elsewhere. I think, also, that I am justified in calling that superb writer Sir James Johns to give evidence of the scientific side of the case. Perhaps the trouble lies in the word "science-fiction" itself, which is liable to antagonize artistically-minded people. For many purposes "fantasy" is a better word as it covers such splendid stories as "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The City of the Singing Flame" which one can hard1y call scientific Lovecraft's creeps and horrors are are all a lot of bunk when analysed, but his style is so good that no one cares. There is no objection, I believe to stories which ignore science or invent totally new science, as long as they are consistent with what we already know. We don't mind "thought-variants" which keep within the bounds of logic, but what cannot be tolerated are stories based on disortions of scientific laws and truths. Compare - if possible - the stories of Taine and Fearn. When Taine steps outside the bounds of present knowledge and builds up conceptions like "The TimeStream" we can watch with joy
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and admiration.
When Fearn, perhaps with a really good basic
idea, starts to embroider it with the help of the
Blackpool Free Library the result is not so good a
story. (Remember, for instance "The Blue Infinity",
wherein the immeasurably small attraction of Alpha
Centauri moved the whole earth. Unlike Snooks, Fearn
never bothered to repeal the law of inverse squares.) Many readers, the most influential and important section I might even say, enjoy science and. fine writing equally. The coldly calculating man who doesn't care a damn for style is a figment of Mr. Youd's imagination. Accurate science and good literature - we want them both, and until we get them we won't be satisfied.
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It is understood that all matter and criticisms
received will be regarded as confidential and will
be treated accordingly.
"Reviews - In a Nutshell" in its usual form has been discontinued and its place will be taken by a series of reviews, of which the one below is the first, of one magazine each month written by a prominent fan. December "Astounding Stories" will be reviewed next month by Arthur C. Clarke. |
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The Bloodless Peril by Will Garth - FAIR What fools these Scientists be! Non-fiction
Eight Days in the History of Rocketry by Willy Ley - GOOD
Scientifacts (WHAT a word!)
Science Questions and Answers Pooey to the illustrations from me.
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THE SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION Executive Committee Report Editorial Note: Any communications regarding the substance of this report should be sent to Headquarters and NOT to the Editor.
HEADQUARTERS: Once again we are obliged to change
the address of Headquarters. The reason for this
is in the Leeds Branch report. The new address to
which all official communication should be sent
(unlesss otherwise specified) is - NEW MEMBERS: We are glad to welcome the following new members: J. C. H. Drummond (Camden Town); S. J. Bounds (Kingston -on-Thames): H. T. May (Catford); E.Longley (Portsmouth); H. S. J. Chibbett (Bowes Park) ; E. W. Fits (Oak Park, Illinois, USA). COUNCIL: The Council Election closed on October 31st, 51 voting forms being returned, and the votes were divided as follows: D.W.F. Mayer (47); M.K. Hanson (45); W.H. Gillings (38); F. Pragnell (31); E.J. Carnell (30); L.J. Johnson (27); K. G. Chapman (26); H. Warnes (26): E.C. Williams (24); A.C. Clarke (21): D.R. Smith (20); W.A. Gibson (18). Mr. Warnes stood down in favour of Mr. Chapman so tho SFA Council until January 1st, 1939 will be constituted as follows: E. J. Carnell, K. G. Chapman, W.H. Gillings, M.K. Hanson, L.J. Johnson, D.W.F. Mayer and F. Pragnell. Mr. K. G. Chapman of 59A Tremaine Road, Anerley, London, S.E.20 was elected Chairman of the Council and will act as a centre of communication between the various members of the Council. All matters requiring the attention of the Council should. be addressed to Mr. Chapman.
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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Council has elected the
following members of the Executive Committee of three:
G.A. Airey, D.W.F. Mayer, and H. Warnes all of Leeds.
The Secretary of this Committee who automatically
becomes General Secretary of the SFA will be D.W.F.
Mayer of 20 Hollin Park Road, Roundhay, Leeds 8. OFFICIALS: In collaboration with the Council, the Executive Committee have appointed the following as additional Executive Officials: Treasurer: E.J. Carnell, 17 Burwash Road, Plumstead, S.E.18. Editor of "Novae Terrae": M.K. Hanson, 25 Bernard Street, W.C.1. Librarian: E.C. Williams, 11 Clowders Road, Catford, S.E.6. Please note, however, that although the finances of the Association will be controlled by Mr. Carnell in collaboration with the London members of the Council, subscriptions must still be paid to Headquarters. PUBLICATIONS: We still have a few copies of the British Science-Fiction Bibliography for sale at 6d (15 cents), containing full details of over 200 s-f books (British). There is also in stock of a few copies of the first issue of "Amateur Science Stories" at 6d. A 3-issue subscription to this is 1/- (25 cents). We repeat the request that members who've tried their hand at writing should submit their efforts for consideration. Helpful criticism is given in all cases when stories are not acceptable. TOMORROW: We would remind readers that in order that this may be printed with the Spring 1938 issue we must have more subscribers. For evey two subscribers you obtain you become entitled to a quarter of a free SFA sub. The annual subscription is 1/9 (50 cents) and persons subscribing before 1st January 1938 will receive an additional issue. There has been such a demand for copies of the summer issue that our stocks are exhausted and we intend shortly to publish a second identical edition at 6d. per copy. Orders may be placed now. BACK NUMBER SUPPLY SERVICE: We shall be glad to hear from anyone, member or otherwise, who has s-f magazines issued prior to 1935 for disposal.
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Branch Report: LEEDS BRANCH: The winter series of talks commenced on Oct. 30th with Mr. Mayer's "Some New Sources of Energy" describing some of the schemes outlined for obtaining useful power from the sun, winds, ocean currents, waves, tides, evaporation, earth's heat etc. On November 7th Messrs. Airey, Gillard, Mayer and Warnes visited London to attend a London Branch meeting enjoying a very pleasant time both at and after, the meeting. During the past few months the Branch has been greatly indebted to Mr. Warnes for the use of his house as a Branch meeting place and as SFA Headquarters. As Mr. Warnes has recently moved to 62 Thorne Grove, Gipton, Leeds 8, it was decided that the Branch should once again secure a permanent club-room of its own in which it could instal its Library, mimeograph apparatus, etc. Such a room has been sourced and is being prepared. Letters dealing with the Branch should be sent to the Chairman, Mr. Warnes, whereas all official SFA letters should be sent to 20 Hollin Park Road, Roundhay, Leeds 8. LOS ANGELES BRANCH: The Branch recently commenced the publication of its own magazine IMAGINATION! Two issues have already appeared the first hekto- and the second mimeographed. Subscription rates are 10 cents a copy or a dollar a year. At the first Sept. meeting the Branch was addressed by author J.W. Skidmore who gave a talk on "Colour Chemistry". Meetings take place regularly twice a month. Chairman: R.J. Hodgkins, 1903 West 84th Place, Los Angeles, California, USA. LONDON BRANCH: The report for this perforce appears on the enclosed "Novae Terrae" P of C questionnaire. |
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Questionnaire No. 1. - November 1937 You are invited to fill this up and return it to Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard Street, Russell Square, London W.C.1., England. Your statements will be treated as confidential.
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LONDON SFA BRANCH REPORT: The occasion of this Branch's second meeting was auspicious by reason of a speeches and Mr. Mayer in addition gave a compehensive account of the activities of the SFA - past, present and future. After the minutes had been read. Mr. Temple reported on the Amateur Author's Circle and told of the progress that had been made on a story based on the Abominable Snow- Men. The activities of the Science Circle were described by Mr. Williams who announced a lecture by A. C. Clrake at the next meeting, to be held on December 5th. Finally an informal discussion was held upon proposals in a paper given by Mr. Williams "Has Science-Fiction Declined?". The new premises of this Branch were unanimously approved.