NOVAE TERRAE #10 (February 1937)
At the recent convention, held only a few weeks earlier in Leeds (official
souvenir booklet here)
it was decided that NOVAE TERRAE would henceforth be the official organ of the
Science Fiction Association, a national fan organisation formed at that same
convention. It was further decided that all UK chapters of the Science Fiction League would
become branches of the SFA. Since the cover of this issue still proclaims it as
"produced by Chapter 22 of the Science Fiction League", the Nuneaton group had clearly
not gotten around to making this change. When they did they would also change their city
of allegiance, becoming Leicester SFA.
Other SFA publications this month:
Copytyping this issue by Joe Patrizio.
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February 1937
Volume 1 --- No. 10
Produced by Chapter 22 of the Science Fiction League
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FEBRUARY 1937------------ Vol. 1. No. 10
Editorial for February
Petition for Science
by Donald G. MacRae
The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said
by Paul Buckerfield
Rays(Part 2) by D.R.Smith
Conferring in Leeds by Maurice K. Hanson
Science Fiction Association
Reviews in a Nutshell by D.R. Smith, M.T. Crowley, and the Eds.
Shirt-Cuff Jottings by Edward J. Carnell
Answers To--- by J.B.Jepson
This Side of the Atlantic by Maurice K. Hanson
Wits Or Half-Wits
Subscription Rates
2d a copy, 1/9 for 12 issues.
5 cents a copy, 45 cents for 12 issues.
Advertising Rates
1/2d (or one cent) per word.
Maurice K. Hanson, 95, Mere Road, Leicester, England.
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Dennis A. Jacques, 89, Long Shoot, Nuneaton, Warwicks, England.
| page 3: | |
Editorial for February
With this issue NOVAE TERRAE becomes the official organ of the Science Fiction
Assocation. As you will read elsewhere in the issue the Association was a direct
outcome of the Science Fiction Conference held at Leeds on January 3rd; it fulfils
a need that has been increasingly felt since the dissolution of the B.S.F.A.
---a primarily British science fiction organization with headquarters in this
The legibility of this magazine is well-assured to-day-- a fact which no one will
dispute. We admit however, that there was a time when the reading of the journal
amounted to a game of skill. Due to the extreme popularity of NOVAE TERRAE we wish
to ensure that future issues will, in the matter of duplication, be much ahead of
any issue that has yet appeared. In this connection, any suggestions would be
welcomed; e.g. anyone who has, or any knowledge of, a duplicator that wishes to
change hands -- will be pleased to hear that the Editors are willing to consider
any reasonable terms.
There are to be developments also in the matter of covers; the merits of the
illustrated cover -- see the October, or more particularly the November 1936 cover
-- may or may not be manifold. This issue and the December-January issue appeared,
on the other hand, without artistic embellishment, and the simple composition may
be considered preferable to anything that can be produced in any other way. Apart
from the comment in the SCIENCE FICTION NEWS, there has been little regular criticism
of covers in the past. Unless apathy abounds on this particular question we shall
endevour to feature a cover every issue that will suit the majority.
devoutly believes that science fiction will shortly spread through the world in a
craze that might be compared to ((unreadable & missing, possibly "Yoyo")) the greatest
achievement when fans meet?
| page 4: | |
by Donald G. MacRae
In the past there have been many science fiction petitions for various aims, but as far as I know,
[not] one has had any real success. This has been due to one main reason-- the torpor
of average fan. Do I hear someone protesting? I hope not, for all the evidence to date
shows a vast laziness among the fans-- myself included. Whether such laziness is a thing
to be condemned or not, does not enter into the present case, but it exists.
Petitions in the past have died - mainly from inertia - but this one for logical science
in the average run of stories is beieng sponsored in a new and different way - we, having
diligently combed the various Magazines for the past few years, are going to send our
petition plus a stamped addressed envelope to a hand-picked bunch of fans in various
parts of the world and, of course, to the many clubs and chapters throughout the world.
Those who aren't among our band but who are in agreement with the views as expressed in
the petition which follows might send in their names to us in the usual manner of petitions.
It is for the reason of attracting those who approve that this article has been written, and,
if all goes well, other notices that may appear in other Fan magazines.
Briefly the petition tries to point out to the Editors that there is a lack of really
original science in the average story and that, unless a story is exceptionally well
written - Lovecraft, C.A.Smith, etc. - it should be grounded on either a good basis of
factual science from which logical theories are drawn, or, it should build up a logical
science of its own - John Taine and others are good examples of this - from a basis that
is not generally accepted.
Here is a draft of the petition:
36 Moray Place,
Glasgow S.1.,
| page 5: | |
The Editors,
'Amazing Stories',
'Thrilling Wonder Stories',
'Astounding Stories'.
Dear Sirs,
The Science Fiction readers who have signed this letter are united on one main principle
- that if their favourite form of reading is to make any progress in the world of
literature all the stories that are to be produced must, except a few stories of unusual
merit but erroneous science, be founded on a base of proven science and logical theory
instead of the all too prevalent type that contains neither accurate science nor good
It is our deep desire that this petition shall have some favourable effect on you, the
magazine Editors.
We are,
The Editors have pleasure in introducing another new writer and he believes in echoing
that immortal-
It is with considerable grief that we reflect that, apart from Messrs. Smith, Barnes,
Crowley, and the Editors, no member of our scientific group has yet had one of his
efforts placed in our mag.
We have come to regard ourself, after having been talked down by Dennis A. as a more or
less typical English "'man' in the street". For that reason we will tell you why we do
not read an excess of science fiction.
In the first place, should one reasonably expect *any* logical person to buy a magazine
with a name like 'Astounding', 'Amazing', '*Thrilling* Wonder'? And to look inside, to
see pulp paper, bad printing and poor illustrations. To find as often as not, the stories
are badly written, with glaring scientific errors. And the advertisements! "Clean out
your kidneys!!" "Read about Doc Savage"
(Continued on Page 19)
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This is the second of a series dealing comprehensively with the majority of rays known to
science fiction.
by D.R. Smith.
When an author is writing a scientific thriller without worrying much about the science
"disintegration ray" comes tripping off his pen. Often these rays are merely mentioned as
in "Invisible Ships" by Harl Vincent, " The Exile of the Skies" by Richard Vaughan, and
several of the lesser stories by John W. Campbell. A large number of authors have given
what they hope was an extra touch of realism by colouring their disintegration vividly;
Harl Vincent in "Before the Asteriods" used orange rays, blue was the colour in "The
Emperor of the Stars" by Schachner-Zagat, green in "The Doom from Planet 4" by Jack
Williamson, and black, red, and other colours have also served to brighten stories.
Sometimes the annihilation is complete, but frequently dust is left as a residue as in
the Commander John Hanson series, by S.P. Wright.
A story gains in merit when the author can satisfy the reader that his disintegration ray
is more or less theoretically possible, but the ruinous effects of an explanation that fails
have spoilt a number of stories. Disintegration however, has already been achieved
artificially in the laboratory by bombardment of matter with high velocity particles, and
such weapons as the "electronic blasts" of Ray Cumming's "Brigands of the Moon", Campbell's
two thousand million volt protons in the "Contest of the Planets" and the alpha particle ray
witnessed by "The Green Man of Grapec" by Festus Pragnell are soothing to the mind of the
reader, at any rate until he remembers that action is equal to reaction. Rather surprisingly
Jack Williamson is the only author to tackle this difficulty; "The Prince of Space" used
"canal rays" for rocket propulsion and also for disintegration by turning the stream of
high velocity ions from the rocket motors on the object of attack. A Cathode type ray in
"When Caverns Yawned" by S.P.Meek caused the matter to collapse to heavy dust, half way to
| page 7: | |
and this too is soothing compared with D.M.Speaker's "Disintegration Ray", a stream of
electrons *vibrating* at a high frequency.
Cosmic rays, whatever they are, certainly have a disintegrating effect on any unfortunate
atoms in their path, and Mr. Campbell in "Invaders from the Infinite" was well within his
rights in the effects he described to immense concentrations of them. On the other hand
Morrison Colladay made a poor comparison when he compared the action of his cosmic gun
("The Return of the Cosmic Gun") on rock to a knife cutting butter.
Super sonic waves would hardly affect atoms as described by P.B.Marson in "The Waltz of
Death" since sound is a vibration of the molecules themselves. High frequency vibrations
in matter would more probably have the effect described by Campbell in "The Mightiest
Machine" powdering matter and [in?] particular inducing "fatigue" in steel with great
rapidity. A "fatigue" ray was also used by Charles Cloukey in "The Swordsman of Sarvon".
The versatile Saranoff of B.P. Meek's creation used disintegration rays frequently, as
in "Vanishing Gold", where radium rays were directed considerable distances on to bullion
deposits, causing the gold to shrink through induced disintegration. Prominent amongst
them is the novel time ray used by his mole-men allies of "The Port of Missing Planes",
the ray causing object to vanish into a different time from the present.
Perhaps the most lamentable creations are to be found in "The Triple Ray" by R.V.Happel,
for here are two rays setting off round and round the universe to completely destroy all
matter, at a speed equal to the fourth of that of light, which were formed by *combining*
ultra violet and infra red waves in the first case, and in the latter adding cosmic
radiation to the mixture. These ideas stand out even in scientific fiction for being in
absolute opposition to the simplest known facts of radiation. After such an effort one
turns in relief to an author who makes no attempt at explanation.
(Continued on Page 18)
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by Maurice K. Hanson.
Little of importance could be said about the business transacted at the first British
Science Fiction Conference held in Leeds on January 3rd. this year, that has not already
been admirably epitomized in the booklet compiled by the Leeds branch of the newly formed
Science Fiction Association. Most readers will know of Prof. Low's motto and message,
Daniel McPhail's encouraging words, John Russel Fearn's opinion that science fiction is
better in 1936 than in 1930 and that he enjoys writing science fiction especially stories
as "Mathmatica", Festus Pragnell's comprehensive message and H.G.Wells' succint remarks.
Walter Gillings' account of the apparently unequal struggle he has been for science fiction
in this country, Ted Carnell's account of the struggle of fandom in the U.S.A. Arthur Clarke's
remarks on the finances of interplanetary societies in general and the London branch of the
British Interplanetary Society in particular, the writer's remarks on the Nuneaton group and
NOVAE TERRAE, and in the afternoon Leslie Johnson's most detailed account of the development
of the British Interplanetary Society, and Eric Russel's pleasant if provocative distinction
between fan and reader-----all these will probably be familiar to the reader.
The decisions embarked on with respect to the Science Fiction Association appears elsewhere
in this issue though tribute should be paid to Mr. Meyer's indefatigable manner of proposal
in the numerous factors dealt with.
There are, of course, numerous matters of minor importance: the not inapropropriate notice
festooning the walls of the Theosophical Hall wherein the Conference was held-- "There is
no religion higher than truth", the coming to light of such facts as remaindered science
fiction magazines are shipped here as waste paper and that the British Interplanetary
Society held its first meeting on a Friday 13th., the hour or so devoted to the art of the
raconteur after
| page 9: | |
the conference proper, the sombre aspect of Leeds at 6a.m. on a Sunday morning----but these
are, after all, of small import.
It would be hard to close, however, without reference to the achievement of the Leeds group
in the establishment of their permanent headquarters which must be a scientifictional landmark
of the country and without being grateful for their organisation of the conference and their
hospitality. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
At the British Science Fiction Conference, held in Leeds on January 3rd. 1937, it was
resolved that a non-commercial organization should be inaugurated to develop science fiction
in the British Isles. This being passed, the following points were settled.
NAME. The organization will be known as THE SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION.
- To develop science fiction in the British Isles.
- To constitute a definite connection, and to stimulate co-operation, between British
science fiction groups, fans, and authors.
- To encourage publishers to pay more attention to science fiction.
- To stimulate public interest in contemporary scientific ideas and to assist, where
possible, in the furtherence of these ideas.
Any group of three or more members may, with permission, form itself into a branch
of the Association, with a chairman at its head. All groups will be given a free hand in
internal affairs, but should send a short report each month to the Secretary.
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All members will receive copies of NOVAE TERRAE, the official monthly
journal of the society. Furthermore all members will receive copies of a printed bulletin,
which will be published quarterly. Both journals will contain full reports of the activities
of members, branches, and the society as a whole. The bulletin, the first issue of which
will be published in about two month's time, will contain a quarterly balance sheet, issued
by the Treasurer, and a list of new members.
If there is any demand for them, note-paper and badges, etc, will be issued
In all correspondence connected with the society, between members of the
society, or between and Headquarters, etc, all questions requiring answers should contain
stamped-addressed envelopes.
The Headquarters of the society will be at 9, Brunswick Terrace, Leeds 2.
There are, at present.
SECRETARY.......D.W.F.Mayer, 20, Hollin Park Road, Leeds8.
ASSISTANT TREASURER......H.Warnes, 5, Florist St, Leeds3.
TREASURER..........G.A.Airey, 9, Gledhow Park Road, Leeds8.
A President will be elected later.
The subscription to the society, to cover expenses of publications, leaflets,
membership cards, etc, etc, is 5/- per member per year. It may however, be paid quarterly,
at the rate of 1/6 per quarter.
All readers of this journal are urged to join other
| page 11: | |
fans in an effort to develop science fiction in this country. Send your subscription at
once to the Association's Headquarters, and a membership card will be sent by return post.
On Sunday, January 3rd. at the first British Science Fiction Conference the Science [Fiction]
Association came into being. At the time of writing although the official "membership drive"
has not commenced, we have fourteen members, and one branch has been formed.
In accordance with regulations regarding branches, on Sunday January 10th, 1937, the Leeds
Chapter of the Science Fiction League formally dissolved, and in its place the Leeds branch
of the Science Fiction Association was inaugurated, with nine Association members.
We now feel that other groups should follow this example in the near future. The groups
represented at the Conference expressed themselves agreeable and it is up to them to become
branches at once, and give the lead to others. We particularly think besides the existing
science fiction groups in Barnsley, Belfast, Glasgow, Nuneaton, and Leeds, branches of the
association could be formed in the cities of Liverpool, London, and Manchester.
It was decided at the Conference that the President should be elected later. It is our
intention that, as soon as the membership of the Association reaches thirty a list of
eligible persons should be printed in the Journal, and the members will be requested to
To conclude this first, necessarily short, report of the Association's activities to date,
we wish to appeal to all members to support science fiction by joining without delay, and
to those who
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have already joined the society, we suggest they should endeavour to persuade their friends
to become members and form a group or branch in their own towns. In our next report we hope
to be able to publish a few hints and suggestions which will be of value in the formation of
Meanwhile we will welcomely receive letters of suggestion or comment, from any interested
fan whether member or not.
All letters will be answered.
LEEDS BRANCH Report, January 1937.
The branch possess eleven members the Committee being as follows:-
Chairman......H. Warnes
Treasurer.....H. Gottliffe
Librarian.....G. A. Airey
Two meetings have been held this month, one on January 10th, the other on January 24th. At
the beginning of the month members were actively engaged in producing the official Souvenir
Report of the Conference. We are all now settling down to what we hope will be a year of
developments. A scheme is on foot for the formation of a practical science section, and a
campaign for new members is shortly to be commenced. Recent additions to the club Library
include "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. "Strange Papers of Mr. Blayre" by C. Blayre.
"The Peace Maker" by C.S.Forester. "Red Snow" by F.W. Hoxley. "When Worlds Collide" and
"After Worlds Collide" by Balmer and Wylie, etc. In addition, of course, we have secured
the current issues of numerous scientific and science fiction periodicals.
The Editors of NOVAE TERRAE are grateful for any criticism-----it is for you we produce
this magazine, not for ourselves---so please tell us what you require.
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Reviews --In a Nutshell
(Compiled by D.R.Smith, M.T.Crowley, and the Editors).
(Ratings: Very Good, Good, Fairly Good, Very Fair, Fair, Readable, Poor.)
Protoplasmic Station by Paul Ernst FAIRLY GOOD
FAIRLY good only compared with the rest of the issue. Science?
Black Fog by Donald Wandrei VERY FAIR
Wandrei pursues his usual world-destroying course aided by a conveniently vague
hyper-spacial explanation.
Brain of Venus by John Russell Fearn READABLE
The writing is no better than the science. What one might expect from a magazine
named "Thrilling Wonder Stories".
He Who Masters Time by J. Harvey Haggard FAIR
Point? Just one weak idea?
Invaders From The Outer Suns by Frank Belknap Long, Jr. FAIR
The writer's style is far better suited to the completely fantastic type of story.
The Ice Entity by Jack Williamson FAIR
The general atmosphere is not particularly remarkable: the idea behind the story is
commendable but needs Taine to handle it.
(Continued on Page 17)
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This month Edward J. Carnell brings you
What the well-dressed gentleman should know.
REAL news in the science fiction field is rare. It is seldom that anything of breath-taking
importance occurs that, for the time being at least, is the sole topic of conversation
wherever fans congregate. Instances such as when Clayton's ASTOUNDING was taken over by
Street and Smith, when WONDER and AMAZING went bi-monthly, when the former was sold to
Standard Magazines and reappeared under the now familiar title of THRILLING WONDER STORIES
are some of the items which have stirred a little more than the usual surprise.
Still more rarely does anything happen in the fan or fan mag. sphere which is remembered
for years afterwards, although various disputes between fan factions have left their mark
somewhere in some shape or form. To pick any particular instances of REAL fan news is a
hard task, for what is remembered vividly by some perhaps has never been known by others,
or what is still more likely that no interest was aroused by the news at that time.
This month however, there are two outstanding items of fan news, which, although they may
not be treated as sensational items at the moment, will quite likely be referred to in the
future with keen interest, or vice versa, as the case may be.
It is a coincidence that, within a short time of each other, America's premier fan mag has
amalgamated with another one (for several reasons), and England's first printed fan mag has
arrived. Although the two are no way connected, it will be interesting to watch the progress
of the new as compared with the high standard of the old.
Dealing with the home product first. You should have read and digested the first issue of
Walter Gilling's SCIENTIFICTION by now, and, especially in England, it should have found
universal favour. Just how American fans will react to it
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remains to be seen, as they have so many fan mags to compare it with, while in this
country I venture to suggest that apart from reading NOVAE TERRAE very few fans have
seen any of the varied products of our enthusiastic friends across the Atlantic. A point
to bear in mind, especially to you American readers of this column, is the important fact
that SCIENTIFICTION is catering for a British public which is practically uninitiated in
the many branches of fandom, to a public which are nearly all READERS as yet, and,
consequently have to be taken back to the beginning and coached along in easy stages.
Obviously for Walter to have issued a fan mag on the lines of any of the present American
ones, would have seemed like Greek to most of the British readers who have expressed an
interest in this project, and I feel sure that you will all remember this when you see
the advancement of the magazine from its present first issue and, say, the first anniversary
issue in 1938.
I can almost feel the smiles at that boast of mine, but, as a first class printed product
there has not been any fan mag yet to compare with this British one, which is a fan mag
without a single typographical error. Being in the printing industry it takes a lot to
please me in quality of production, but, I am more than satisfied now.
However, I did not intend this article to be a free advert for SCIENTIFICTION, so will
turn to the American item I mentioned.
On December 7th 1936 Julius Schwartz of New York City sold (or amalgamated) his FANTASY
MAGAZINE to Willis Conover of Cambridge, Maryland, editor of the SCIENCE-FANTASY
CORRESPONDENT. FANTASY has long held the title of America's Number One Fan mag and has
seen many changes since its inception in 1932, when it was called the TIME TRAVELLER. In
1933 Conrad Ruppert of Jamaica, N.Y. was editing the mag, which was then called the
SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW. January, 1934 saw the
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name changed to its present one and Julius bacame Editor in June of the same year, since
when he has issued some exceptionally fine numbers.
I understand that for some time now Julius has experienced difficulties in obtaining a
suitable printer, and his latest move of combining with Willis Conover may be the right
solution. I recently saw a copy of the CORRESPONDENT, which I was disappointed in
perceiving it to be of such a small size. That is no criterion [criticism?] of the
contents and their quality, however, but, it is reported that FANTASY will be reduced
in size. Whether it will affect FANTASY'S circulation or not remains to be seen. The
new mag will still retain its well-know title, but, will be numbered Vol1. No 1. the
first issue containing material by Gallun, Fearn, Lovecraft, Merritt and others, and will
be illustrated by Virgil Finlay of Weird Tales, who has done the cover cuts for the
I very much hope to see a super-FANTASY emerge from this amalgamation, for between these
two fellows they have practically cornered all the fantasy authors in America to write
for them.
NEWS IN A NUTSHELL....Dan McPhail has definitely had to abandon his well produced fan mag
....Last September still another new science fiction group was formed entitled the
PHANTASY LEGION. An American group with some extremely good ideas.
....December saw Claire P. Beck's CRITIC out and about again. This time better produced,
more likeable and more critical than ever.
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The World In A Box by Carl Jacobi FAIR
Rather featureless and anaemic.
The Seeing Ear by John Scott Campbell VERY FAIR
A surprise to see John *S.* Campbell again. The story is neat and the basic idea
once plausible.
Cover The artist's latent talents have little chance when he must pander to the whims
of a juvenile policy.
Illustrations Generally improved.
Zarnak Puerile, Mercurians----Virol advertisement.
Departments S.F.L., science facts, science questions and answers much as usual.
Beyond Infinity by Chan Corbett FAIRLY GOOD
The battle scenes have interest, though the worth of the ending is questionable.
The Destruction of Amul by M.F.James READABLE
A story with a point.....but little else.
Linked Worlds by R.R.Winterbotham VERY FAIR
Not without merit. At times the author displays something approaching a sense of humour,
so often entirely deficient.
S.O.S. In Space by Eando Binder FAIRLY GOOD
Constructed in a snappy manner, and possessing a surprise ending handles reasonably well.
(Continued on Page 21)
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Something that is rarely attempted
is an explanation of how the disintegration is kept to the right end of the ray. In fact
it is doubtful whether it has ever been explicitly stated, though in certain of the better
described rays one can furnish one's own explanation. However, none of us are such deep
thinkers as to be perturbed to any serious extent by this, and so we can look forward to
a plentiful supply of disintegration rays in future stories without qualm.
Who amongst the fans has heard of his activities? Publisher of THE
PHANTAGRAPH, FANCIFUL TALES, etc., and the season's most original greetings card.
A for ALLEN.
Formerly Capt. in the U.S.A. and now Major and author of "The Osmotic Theorem",
"The Drums of Tapajos", and manipulator of Dr. Bird and Saranoff.
There is little we do not know about him, but his second Christian
name is causing no small trouble. We are however, credibly informed that it is NOT
This section of INITIAL INFORMATION is being attempted without the
owner's permission, being the work of his better half. That half is therefore not going
to reveal anything of importance. He is a Director (the right kind, of course), and delights
in playing around with '2's. Well known in the U.S.A.
| page 19: | |
The Time has Come, the Walrus said. (Cont)
We see that for an English Science Fiction
magazine to be successful, we must have decent paper,
printing and illustrations. The stories must be
plausible. The general 'tone' of the magazine must
be far, far higher than the present Yankee pulp. And
the title must not be 'Scientifiction'.
Mention of that hateful word leads us on
at the risk of a shot in the by the Editors, to that
article of Ackerman's. We should like to remind that
estimable gentleman that, in the U.K. if not in the U.S.
such things as cadence and beauty of expression are
appreciated and valued. Your jokes, abbrieviations and
portmanteaux were merely puns, feeble puns, disgraceful
puns. We, as a respecting (self) cad, were brought up
from our cradle to groan at puns.
We trust that Mr. Gillings will refrain
from filling his new magazine with words like
'Scientificinematografilm',, or there will be short shift for it.
Why didn't you write 'thort'? Because its
too ugly. (If we c!era an 'Ackerfan', this article
would doubtless bc called 'Becauserie!' But we got
the title from 'Alice In WONDERland' That's one
Ackermanoeuvring Ackerman. But 'thort' is but one
degree less ugly, and needs looking at twice to recognise
it. It jars.
And finally me observe with great grief
that dues have been imposed upon we members of 22.
Touching!! But perhaps its all for the best. It's
useful to have to have plenty in reserve if the
infuriated mob storms the offices and works of our
Paul Buckerfield.
Join the Science Fiction Association
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We have great pleasure in introducing a new writer, who is also a member of the Chapter.
At one and the same time we would like to add that this is assuredly the last of any work
dealing with synthetic languages to appear in NOVAE TERRAE.
ANSWERS TO --------
by J.B.Jepson.
Mr. Ackerman sems to have a great failing for Esperanto. Half of his adverts in FANTASY
MAGAZINE and half his articles are about Esperanto. But why ESPERANTO? (Forrest:- "Because
it is a Universal Language!). Yes! it is, but surely a South Sea Islander or an Eskimo does
not want to spend his days learning one language of "50,000 all different words and phrases".
Not he (or she)! He wants a language that is universal, that is short and that is easy to
learn, speak, read and write. The language that does all these things is *BASIC ENGLISH*.
In this language, thought out by two English professors, there are only eight hundred
different words with idioms or sayings. Three hundred nouns (cat, ball etc.), a hundred
verbs (to run, to call etc.), one hundred and fifty adjectives and adverbs (big, small,
quickly etc.), and a hundred [??] (to, by, during, etc.), comprise this language. Words
with other meanings, such as 'manipulate, substantial and microscopic' are left out. The
BASIC ENGLISH words are used to make compound words ("moving pictures" indicate the films,
"star looking" indicates astronomy, etc.). Won't Forrest J. love this - this film review
will be headed "Sciencestorymovingpicturetalk". The spelling is revised a little but most
of the grammar rules of ordinary English apply to BASIC ENGLISH.
Come on Forrest J. Ackerman burn all your Esperanto books, scrap your articles and learn
Page Four is an entirely new idea....It concerns an appeal [?] logical theories drawn from
a good scientific basis in the best science fiction stories. The Editors ask *you* to
consider it very carefully, not only for its desirability, but because it calls for the
minimum of trouble on the part of the reader.
| page 21: | |
Reviews -- In a Nutshell.(Cont.)
Luminous Mine by R.Z.Gallun VERY FAIR
Exudes an atmosphere of dependable mediocrity, though a Merrit's touch might have produced
a great story.
Metamorphosis by John Russell Fearn FAIR
It was a mistake to include this in the same issue as "Beyond Infinity", or perhaps in any
issue at all. The basic idea is reasonably good, but the author overreaches himself by far.
Denizens of Zaron by J.Harvey Haggard FAIR
Unscientific; unsatisfactory.
Infra-universe by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Not quite as interesting as usual, that however, does not mean the article falls from the
usual category of GOOD.
Brass Tacks did not scintillate, though it is risng, phoenix-like, we hope.
Cover Artistic licence doubtless accounts for infidelity to the story illustrated.
(Chesterfield are not quite up to standard, but for all that the magazine looks better at
the back than at the front.)
*Illustrations* Wesso reminds one of other days.
The Editors and their associated welcome criticism of the above reviews.
| page 22: | |
Maurice K. Hanson who is
AGAIN brings you his very popular feature.
Perhaps the most important of the fantasy publications is "War With the Newts" by Karel Capek,
dealing with the development of a 'race' of a new kind of intelligent newts which eventually
threatens to displace homo sapiens from his present position. Though Mr. Capek's sympathies
seem with the Left, he distributes his satire freely in all directions. A vigorous attempt
is made to satirise every modern tendency......published by Allen and Unwin 7/6......
In place of the books of the more rigid science fiction type that were published at about this
time in 1936 ("They Found Atlantis", "World D", and the rest) there seems to be a general
publication of weird tales. These, I imagine, are not entirely without interest to those
enthusiasts who read "Weird Tales" when they run it to earth. There is for instance "Satan's
Drome" by William Reeves which the publishers (Hall) credibly inform us is "a terrific and
terrifying novel--product of an ingenious and prolific imagination----nearly as good as
"Dracula", nearly as creepy, horrifying thrilling"....
Herbert Jenkins are equally ready to impart information on "A Devil In Downing Street" by
Robert Ladline. "The night sky of London riven by a sheet of flame: giant buildings crashing
like houses of cards: scores of people---dying in the streets: Rhodi, devil man of India was
at work.---- For 7/6 *you* can read of "Satan's Drome"; for a further similar sum you too,
can read of Rhodi, devil man of India..............
Those who are enthralled by elementals, psychic and telepathic battles, secrets of Egypt and
Atlantis should be thrilled by "Tomb of the Dark Ones" by J.M.A.Mills, Hutchinson
7/6.................A volume containing four of Broth Tarkington's stories is published by
Heinemann at 6/---"Mr. White", "The World in the Red Barn", "Hell", and "Bridewater's Dollar"
| page 23: | |
all dealing with various aspects of immortality and eternal evil.........
A rubber stamp of the statement that another story dealing with the infernal machines of the
next war has appeared, would be particularly useful. The lastest is "The 7th Lightship" by
Sea-Wrack (the pseudonym of a well-known naval officer) in February "Windsor Magazine"......
A novel that has appeared in reviews coupled frequently with the name "Wells", is "Men Are
Like Animals" by Donald MacPherson, Faber 7/6. It is centred about a machine that is capable
of imposing whatever thought patterns are desired on other peoples' minds, and the natural
disturbances that arise when it is used in domestic circles. The science has been, for the
most part, especially commended....
The youth of England will, perhaps, thrill to "When the Viking Awoke" by Geoffrey Trease in
the February "Boys Own Paper"----the viking, of course, having been incarcerated for several
centuries in a block of ice....
A British film company has recently completed "King Solomon's Mines". The cast includes Paul
Robeson and C. Aubrey Smith---the director being Robert Stevenson....
The select few who viewing the television programmes from Alexandria Palace (England's
Television Station) on January 6th probably were unaware that an important precedent was
being established. This is the first occasion on which a member of the American Rocket
Society has been televised in Britain. Sir Hubert Wilkins explorer anad scientist, was the
person in question his support having been given to the American Rocket Society for some
time now. He was heard in "The World Goes By" feature of the British Broadcasting Corporation
a few hours earlier, but this was not his debut in British radio.....
A commentary on the Eighth annual Exhibition of books and manuscripts held at Cardiff will
be given on February 22nd. This year the Exhibition deals with Wales' contribution to
science and will reveal the work of Welshmen in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, nature
study and invention.....
From February 15th-26th is held the British Industries Fair, always containing a wealth of
interest for the science enthusiast........
| page 24: | |
by "Space Ray"
A phenomenon which has thus far received little attention throws an interesting light on
the psychology of the British science fiction enthusiast --and few will deny that the
psychology of the British science fiction enthusiast is a diverting topic on which to
speculate. For the most part we take this phenomenon ---the general spirit of hilarity
at any conclave of enthusiasts--as a matter of course. At any regular meeting at which it
is hoped to settle a certain amount of business there is a great tendency for conversation
to stray into entirely humorous channels. At a casual conference the spirit of levity is
even more marked. Puns are received as though not entirely excrescences, wisecracks are
treated uproariously, cynicisms tolerantly, and an occasional epigram is welcome.
Several theories to account for this undue levity---who would suspect science fiction
enthusiasts of being light-hearted? Their critical faculties are well known---suggest
themselves. The ability to laugh, it has been observed, distinguishes man from animal.
Does this mean that a superfluity of hilarity raises the fans far above the level of
their fellow men? And is this hilarity a manifestation of the conviction in their
subconscious (or conscious) minds that they are indeed at this level?
Alternatively it may be suggested that the uncommon sight of seeing a number of
enthusiasts congregated together is so unusual, and so cheering, that all life seems
trivial and inconsequential in compraison. It may even be that the actual occurence of
a number of enthusiasts getting together is regarded as indicative of the progress that
is made hourly by science fiction itself. This, of course, is a valuable aid in the
process of self-hypnosis as a result of which every enthusiast
(Continued on Page 3)
Note: On page 19 "shot in the by the Editors" is all strictly sic. Yes, there appears to
be a word missing but it's missing in the original too.