SUPPLEMENT (December-January 1936-37)


Copytyping this issue by Rob Hansen from scans by Alistair Durie.

page A:


December-January 1936-37--------------Supplement

It was unfortunately not found possible to bring out an issue of NOVAE TERRAE at the beginning of December. There was also less chance of producing the magazine during the first few weeks of the New Year. It was decided therefore to bring out one issue for both December and January during the last week or so of December, and further, lest any reader be disappointed at missing various of the pearls of wisdom entailed in an issue, it was decided to include a supplement of eight or ten extra pages.

Certain of the material had been prepared for publication in early December and accordingly at the moment, is several weeks old. Any anomalies that appear in the issue are thus accounted for.

We cannot refrain from adding that these lines are being written on the 25th of December, and contain, for those who care to read closely enough, a solemn reminder that time can be spent better in the pursuit of Science Fiction than in a torpor of over-indulgence!

The Editors.

Philip Allan have recently published "Horror of the Asteroid" a collection of short stories by Edmond Hamilton, in addition to Festus Pragnell's "The Green Man of Killsona". "The Space Raiders" and "The Air Devil", both by Barrington Beverley, also figure in their lists.

page B:

The list of characters beneath have been selected from available scientific romances, the full name being given wherever possible, but in a few instances the name by which the character is referred to in the story is given. They are the material for a competition that is largely a test of scientific fiction knowledge, open to all, with the essay to give those with less copious experience a fighting chance. The following instuctions must be careflly read:

  1. Group the characters from the same story or series together. (2 points for each correctly grouped)
  2. Name the story, author, and magazine it appeared in (or book) for each character. In the case of a series one story only need be mentioned. (3 points each character)
  3. Use combinations of the following categories to describe the characters as fully as possible: Scientist, Hero, Heroine, Villain, Alien, Adventurer, Narrator, Warrior, Member of a Space Patrol, Holder of a ruling position (which?) Inventor (of what?). (5 points)

    Example 1 Aronnax, Professor. No Group.
    "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea",
    Jules Verne, Book. Scientist, Hero, Narrator.
    Example 2 Spofforth, Charles. No Group.
    "The Green Man of Graypec", Festus Pragnell, WONDER STORIES
    Inventor of an ultra. microscope to view life on electrons.

  4. Write a brief aessay (150 to 500 words) on your favourite character in scientific fiction (not necessarily in the list.)

page C:
List of Characters

Alicia; Arcot, Richard; Ardan, Michael; Atkill, James; Bedford, Mr.; Bird, Dr.; Bullard, Chet; Burlingame, Pat; Carse, Hawk; Cavor, Mr.; Carter, John; Chilton, Lee; Crane, Martin; Dunark; DuQuesne, Mark; Fredersen, Joh; Gulliver, Black Lem; Habibula Giles; Haljan, Gregg; Hammond, Hamilton; Hanson, John; Harkness, Walter; Hunt, Walter; Jarvis, Richard; Jameson, Professor; Kahm l; Ku Sui; Van Manderpootz; Marlin, Herbert; Morey, William; Munro, Arn; Nankivell, Frank; Nicholl, Captain; Pfall, Hans; Pfeffler, Hermay Ludwig; Riis, Peter; Rovall; Saranoff, Ivan; Savary, Knute; Seaton, Richard; Skeptsky, "Little"; De Soto, Miguel; Taine (of San Francisco); Tars Tarkas; Torlos; Tumithak; Vane, Dorothy; Walpole, Sergeant; Wells, Dixon: Meriden;

To the competitor who gains the largest number of points the prize will be awarded. This consists of a copy of the recently published science fiction novel "The Green Man of Killsona" by Festus Pragnell contributor to WONDER STORIES, etc., autographed by and with a personal message from the author himself.

The second prize, to be awarded to the competitor with the next greatest number of points, is a copy of Susan Ertz's novel of the last woman alive on the earth "Woman Alive".

Two subsidiary prizes of six months subscription to NOVAE TERRAE will be awarded to the third and fourth competitors.

Entries should be posted to NOVAE TERRAE, 95, Mere Road, Leicester, England, on or before January 23rd, 1937. The contest is open to. all, but entries posted after this date will not be considered. Mr. D.R.Smith will be sole judge of the entries.

page D:
Significance or Coincidence?
(a new series by A.J. Dennis)

It is rather interesting to note the mark that scientific fantasy has left on those great contributors to English literature -- writers of "lyrics".

Robin (of Robin and Ranger fame) seems to echo the thoughts of a science fiction author vainly searching for a plot in 'I wished on the moon' while with 'June in January` he achieves the dual miracle of weather-control and time- travel. Mack Gordon. the more ample half of Gordon and Revel, seems to be stricken with the disease, whether he is seeing a dream walking or lunching with a rocketeer and feeling 'like a feather in the breeze', he is adept at explaining celestial phenomena with 'a star fell out of heaven'.

This is but one of an epidemic of astral events in which stars fall on Alabama (of all places) and miscellaneous persons feel impelled to utter cryptic remarks of the 'I saw stars' genus, with equal impartiality. Hoagy Carmichael steps into the night and into a shower of 'Star-dust'. Ray Noble expounds his views on 'why stars come out at night'. Schwartz, (not Julius) for some reason best known to himself links a star and a rose together, while someone unknown in a more stickily sentimental moment wrote of a 'star-dusst covered bundle'. 'Stars over Devon', is of course, a nationally recognized astronomical phenomenon.

Al Dubin is more level-headed than most lyricists, but even he must relax on occasion, one of his wilder pursuits consisting or 'riding to heaven on a mule'. Truly a feat worthy of the imagination

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of a science fiction writer. Moreover, naturally enough, he feels he ought to ask 'where am I?' or is this the plea of some (whisper it) dimensionavigator after his machine has run amok? Sam Coslow, too, has the malady in a rather active form, for why else would he announce an intention to `dance his way to heaven`? Perhaps though, after all, this heavenly angle would hardly come within the scope of science fiction so that it would be better to quit it thus confounding Whiting his 'why did you leave heaven'? query.

How many astronomers scanning space have been as blessed as Kennedy and Carr and like them have yelled "There's a new world!" Lou Handman feeling rather social and chatty talks modestly of 'me and the moon'. 'If the moon turns green' (few people could think of any more logical development of this than the stars turning blue) seems a blood-brother to 'When the Moon Turned Green" in the Clayton ASTOUNDING. And it would be futile to doubt that the writer of 'South Island Magic' was familiar with "Utopia Island" and "Odd John".

So it goes on --- there are many more, but these few are ample evidence of the influence of all-encroaching SCIENCE FICTION!

She (in 1970): I wish you'd look at the robot, Jo he's been acting queerly all day.

He (in 1970): Strange, he must have a screw loose.

page F:
Reviews -- In a Nutshell
(Compiled by D.R.Smith, M.T. Crowley, and the Editors)


(Ratings: Very Good, Good, Fairly Good, Fair, Readable, Poor.)

World of Purple Light by Warner Van Lorne FAIRLY GOOD (and then some)
A fitting sequel to Van Lorne's best story, in fact his only other good story. A lost civilisation story that is new!

Tryst in Time by C.L. Moore FAIRLY GOOD
Well written snd interesting, though the plot is inceredible, and more. insane inertia ideas are presented.

The Flame Midget by Frank Belnap Long, Jr. READABLE.
The basic idea is worthy of better treatment.

Frankenstein - Unlimited by H.A. Highstone FAIRLY GOOD
Burlesque of "The Brain"" type of story; really enjoyable, and Dold's illustrations are admirably suitable (though Mr. Smith remarked that on seeing them an engiineer would roll on the floor screaming in horror.)

The Fourth Dynasty by R.R. Winterbotham FAIRLY GOOD
Very interesting in parts, would have been better done at greater length.

The Expedition from Kytlm by M.F. James FAIR
An interesting idea which could have been better exploited. As it is, it doesn't get the reader very far.

(Continued on H)

page G:
This Side of the Atlantic

If you're seeking a novel with a plot set between 1940 and 1960 in which the world is split by an earthquake and which recounts the diasters thereby befalling society "Sever the Earth" by Jacques Spitz (Bodley Head 6/-) is no doubt the one.................. Those who remember Mort Weisinger's "Pigments Is Pigments" and looked in vain for the much-publicised pun in the title may be interested to hear that Ellis Parker Butler's story "Pigs Is Pigs" is being read over the air on january 2nd............. H.G. Wells' "The Truth About Pyecraft" suffered a similar destiny a few weeks ago. It is interesting to note that the maestro's new book "The Croquet- Player" is something of a return to his original fantasy type of work, though doubtless it will not be accepted as science fiction............... Lord Dunsany's radio play "Mr. Faithful"- the story of a man who took a job as a dog - was heard here recently the production being in the extremely capable hands of Lance Sieveking. Sieveking, it seems is the only exponent here of the new art-form of radio-drama; in the past he has written and produced numerous fantasies and science fiction radio plays, as for example "The Wings of the Morning" - in 1934 - an excellent time-travel drama. I quote a passage from a recent book by him: "In 1923 I published a book called STAMPEDE...illustrated splendidly by G.K. Chesterton....packed full of inventions....a ray which killed anything on which it rested....a sound which drove everyone mad....I invented a thought machine....thoughts were recorded for future reference. There were graphs for thoughts which could not be formulated in words....The book is out of print, but I have some copies left. If you want one write to me at 15 Tite St., Chelsea, London S.W.3, enclosing ten shillings, autographed copies fifteen shillings. And that is simply giving them away!" There, collectors, is your chance........

(Continued on H)

page H:
Reviews -- In a Nutshell (Cont.)

The Incredible Invasion by Murray Leinster GOOD,
There are few enough stories of this calibre that have qualities in common with this particular one. Agreeable characters move rapidly through exhilarating aventures with a minimum of digressions for scientific or any other reasons.

The Single Clue by John W. Campbell, Jr. GOOD
We can add little to what we have already said on Campbell's series.

4th Dimensional Possibilities by Harry D. Parker FAIR.
Badly put together, the new points made not being sufficiently stressed.

Brass Tacks and Editor's Page
Both contain welcome changes of subject matter if not of principes.

Cover Has a sense of sweep and movement not often found.

Illustrations. These have fallen consderably in standard with the exception of Dold's (the first of "World of Purple Light", for example.

This Side of the Atlantic (Cont.)

"The Menace of Terribore" by John Hackworth, (Hart 5/-) ...a strange tank-like burrowing machine attacks the vaults of the Bank of England and defies the Govt. attempts to capture or destroy it (Suitable for readers of 10-15. Will the sales go up among the fans?)..............

Between this issue and the next, NOVAE TERRAE #10, the first SF convention takes place in Leeds. This has an important consequence for the fanzine, which thereafter becomes the official organ of the newly formed Science Fiction Association. A report on the convention, including photos and the official report on the proceedings an be found here.