NOVAE TERRAE #21 - Vol. 2 No. 9 (March 1938)


  • QUESTIONNAIRE #4 (missing)
Also published by the SFA this month:
Copytyping this issue by Joe Patrizio, from scans supplied by John Davey.

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Volume 2
Number 9


by Maurice K. Hanson
Cosmic Case No. 3...................
by D. R. Smith
When Space Turned Green.................
by Reg Stevens
AUSTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION - March 1938......................
reviewed by George Stephen Palmer
Ideas and Ideals............................................
by Albert Griffiths
The Science Fiction Association Report...................
by the Executive Committee
Advertisement Section..................
Britain's Second *Convention..............







Editor: Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard Street, Russell Sq., London WC1, England.
Associates: Edward. J. Carnell, Arthur C. Clarke

Subscription Rates: 2d. a copy, 12 issues 1/9d.
5 cents a copy, 12 issues for 45 cents.

Advertisement Rates:2 words a penny.
5/- a page.
3/- half a page.

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As visualized, the Editorial for this issue of "Novae Terrae" was to have occupied a full page but more and more material accumulated which could not be left out -- details of Britain's Second Convention, full details of the change in the Executive Committee of the SFA, etc. -- that unbalanced the normal composition of the issue. An increasing number of advertisements added to the trouble, but they were gladly received. Incidentally, please mention "Novae Terrae" when replying to advertisements, there's scarcely anyone it doesn't help.

Advertising Section

Will EXCHANGE the following magazines viz: Complete sets of AIR WONDER, SCIENCE WONDER, WONDER STORIES - monthly and quarterly - also have Gernsback AMAZING STORIES (1926 to 1929) monthly and quarterly, MIRACLE STORIES (2 issues in the set) MARVEL TALES etc. All are in perfect condition.

WANT Gernsback SCIENCE AND INVENTIONS all issues containing science-fiction excerpts, years 1920 to Aug. 1928. Would like to trade with any British or American readers who have same for disposal. Also want, very badly, issues of the fabulous ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER and MODERN ELECTRICS containing science-fiction: please write to J. Stephenson, 9 Oxford Terrace, Oxford St., Hull, England.

V.H.Johnson announces current issues still available -- April THRILLING WONDER STORIES and April AMAZING STORIES, February and March ASTOUNDING STORIES. TALES OF WONDER No. 2, March 1938. Make sure of your copies by ordering now 1/2 per copy, post free (English postage stamps of small denomination accepted). Order all current American magazines from 17 Burwash Road, London S.E.18.


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Cosmic Case No 3
by D. R. Smith

Is Humour an Anticultural Influence?

(Rielavech, system 397-1149 v. Homo Sapiens 397-5756)

Heard at the Hall of Justice on Planet Nedirem. Case 131 Session 10. Epoch 3175. Before the President of the Court of Racial Rights and the Adjudication Committee.

Reungeis Neaj Pofaillet in stating the case for the prosecution said:

"I am conscious of a certain incorrectitude in stating a case before this Court that is apparently based on the acts of a few individuals, but, as will appear later, these acts were expressions of a Racial failing and the case may thus be brought against the entire Race.

"I will commence with the landing of an interstellar transport bearing the Renthyl identification marks on our planet Ecanfe at the Intelligence Centre of the System. Although austere, we are a hospitable race, and were fully prepared to conceal our nausea at the external characteristics of our visitors and greet them with our customary good manners. The disembarkation of some fifty members of the Race Homo Sapiens was so surprising that we might have been excused appearing confused, although those deputized to greet our guests carried on exactly as planned.

"The leader of this band was a man differing widely from our cultuaral ideal, being exceptionally massive in build even for a member of a race naturally of a coarser physical type to ours. His voice was of such power that it was agonizing for a Rielavech to converse with him, and he refused to attempt telepathise communication. When asked to give his name he first said, with peculiar

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inflections, that they called him Mimi, and when asked if that was his entire identification admitted that his name was actually Jolly Joe Jenkins. The only other information the deafened officials were in any imperative need of was as to how it chanced that a party of Homo Sapiens were in possession of a Renthyl space-ship, and all questions on this subject were insolently ignored. We could only assume that undesirable events had occurred and did the only possible thing in requesting Jolly Joe Jenkins to leave as soon as possible, pointing out as additional reasons the havoc done to our aesthetic feelings by uncouth physical pastimes of him and his companions. No notice being taken of this we ceased, as soon as custom permitted, to provide food for those objectionable guests.

That these Rielavech-like creatures decided to stay on, catering for themselves was incredibly impolite of itself, but the nauseating means they employed can hardly be stated with calmness and dignified restraint. These sub-anthropoidal beasts caught, killed, and cooked and ate animals of air, land and sea. The stench of frizzling flesh fouled the pure air of our greatest city, prostrating with retching sickness the entire adult population within a considerable radius. Our protests were treated with contempt and in self defence we were compelled to evacuate a large area of our largest city around the space field where the invaders had camped. It was a great sacrifice, but we would have evacuated the whole planet without hesitation had we had any means of estimating the depravity of these malignant minds, and the horror they would bring on our peaceful existence.

The closest link between the Rielavech and the Homo Sapiens Races is that both inherit that rarest of qualities, a sense of humour. We, the Rielavech, are the most highly cultured race to be so hampered,

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and our height of attainment is due only to the fact that from the earliest days of our childhood that sense is resolutely crushed. Scientists and thinkers of genius could never produse a worthwhile idea for the advancement of their race if the lesser members of the race spent their leisure hours hurling missiles at them, and a laugh is a mental missile more hateful and dangerous than any physical one. Since my race has protected all its members from all such murderous bombardment we have advanced culturally and scientifically with immense speed. Laughter and all its corollaries such as gaiety and merry music are, or were, unknown in our system.

Naturally it is the primitive, thoughtless minds of the children of the Race that have to be most carefully governed and taught, and perhaps it is true that our schools are not entirely pleasing to a self-willed child. In some way this Jenkins discovered the disaffection and saw in it a means of causing us annoyance. Shortly after the evacuation he and almost his entire company entered the still habitated portions of the city and took up a position by the entrance of our largest junior educational building a little before the children were due to return to their sleeping quarters. As soon as the children started to march out in their orderly files some twelve of his men opened certain cases they had brought with them and, producing popular instruments, began to play frivolous music. Like insects round a light the children gathered round the alien band, and Jenkins, flinging aside his cloak to reveal himself clad in motley apparel, made a speech inviting every child there to come to an 'entertainment', as he described it, at his encampment. With his glib tongue and gay appearance and antics, aided by the

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music, he easily conquered the shallowly planted discipline in the children's minds and over a thousand followed, brushed aside the confused officials who attempted to restrain them. The children returned in the middle of the night and the lingering joy on their faces was horrible to see for that laughter foretold the end of a civilization. Like the virus of a plague too insidious to be isolated laughter spread through our worlds, carried when all other means were blocked by the maniacal Jenkins and his crew in their space-ship. Today our entire younger generation are poisoned by it and many sober adults have been driven insane by the horror. No longer can reason govern, every great institution laboriously developed in the brief period of our sanity has been blown away by the gale of senseless laughter and scientific rulers are helpless, unable to hold their positions before the merciless mockery incurred by all officials. Coarse foods are already being adopted an additional sign of the degeneracy of our Race. A few generations hence the Rielavech will have been forgotten, justly so, by the Races of the Universal Combine.

This is, perhaps, the last chance we shall have to contribute to the advancement of Universal culture, and it is correct that our very death should further this aim. The Race Homo Sapiens has always been a menace to culture ever since its entry into the Combine, and now the barbarity of a few of its members has killed a far higher culture than it can ever hope to attain. While it exists it is a constant menace to every civilization of the Universe. It must not be allowed to continue its murderous career. In the name of peace and universal friendship I ask that the worlds of system of 397-5756 be cleaned of life."

(Part 2 of this greatest Cosmic Case -- the defence of Homo Sapiens -- will appear in our next issue.).

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Note: As originally planned this storyette was strictly true. As written here it is "founded on fact". Rodney Condon has no objective existence.

When Space Turned Green
by Reg Stevens

Rodney Condon blinked, adjusted his glasses, and looked through them again. Distinct, in the field of the special lenses they floated; a large -- very large -- space ship and several small ones.

"Fight!" decided Mr. Condon. "Like Jap torpedo boats and a Russian battleship. Or an Indiaman and pirate jinks". He was well informed on matters maritime. Yet somehow it didn't seem like a battle. The "attackers" were so small, by comparison. More like lighters around a steamer, or -- "Lifeboats, by Gosh" mused the observer. "That's it. One end of the big fellow is smashed to rags. Rocket tubes blown up, shouldn't wonder. Or meteors. Are they meteors?"

Even at this distance a drift of fiery particles seemed dimly visible athwart the scene. Condon had other things to attend to, but needless to say he turned his glasses again to that section of space at the earliest opportunity. The meteor stream was no longer in evidence, but the space-liner and its satellites were unaltered. But were they? There was a curious lack of definition about the big ship. It was not out of focus, but the lines of it seemed indistinct and less clear-cut than they had been. Rodney fussed with his optical equipment, but the blurring persisted.

"Wonder if the sun's melting it?" he ruminated. "Must be pretty hot in the full glare, and besides the heat there'll be ultra-violets, cosmics and all the other rays you read about." Further observations

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established the surprising fact that the space around the derelict was not black, but green. And the greenness grew more pronounced as time passed. Then Mr. Condon's summer holiday fell due. As he packed his bags he wondered what the condition of the space ship would be when he returned. If, indeed, she was visible at all. Some three weeks later, Rodney Condon, walking along the High Street, was overtaken by a friend of his.

"Lo Roddy," hailed this personage, falling into step with the scientist, "Had a good trip? I expect you found cycling warm work. Say, you've caught the sun all right."

"Yes, we've had a real summer for once" agreed Roddy gingerly adjusting his glasses upon a badly skinned nose. Then he glanced aside into a shop window and exclaimed with a chuckle "Oh, look! That old 'Wonder' is still there. The cover was getting pretty faded and off colour before I left town, and I'm hanged if it looks like anything in particular now."

And indeed, after a month's exposure to the sunshine, Paul's drawing for "Castaways on Deimos" had faded to little more than a monochrome smudge.

Reviewed by George Stephen Palmer

Cover First thing that will strike you is - new title - "Astounding Science Fiction", A great improvement on its previous ugly-sounding name. Nice work, Mr. Campbell, and if you'll only chop off the "Astounding" part of the title you'll get a medal from me.

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Cover Painting By Wesso -- artistic but inaccurate.

"In Times to Come" Good news. McClary, Doc. Smith and Jack Williamson all coming back, the last-named with the first of the new concept 'MUTANT' stories. Will this be a re-hash of the thought-variant idea of a year or so back? We'll know in times to come.

Once you get over the fantastic basic idea of "metabolic transformation", details of which are carefully avoided, you will find this story quite good reading. It is quite a novel idea in a way and this, if nothing else, induces me to rate the story GOOD.

FLIGHT OF THE DAWN STAR by Robert Moore Williams
To begin with this looked like being a very ordinary sort of hack-yarn -- "space-warps" and "positron-guns" -- but it later develops into an interesting story with a surprise ending. GOOD

Positively the best story in the issue. This will be one of the year's hits, with its wealth of human interest and feeling, its easy style and its clever but straight-forward conclusion. A really tip-top effort. EXCELLENT

DUEL OF THE SPACE LANES by William C. Beckett
Just a very ordinary space-adventure story with no new ideas. Pleasant light reading, though. FAIRLY GOOD

WINGS OF THE STORM by Manley Wade Wellman
A weird tale, pure and simple. I don't know how this got into "Astounding Science-Fiction". FAIR

MARTYRS DON'T MIND DYING by John Victor Peterson
Quite a promising start for a new author, this time story is full of paradoxes, but it pulls a bit of a surprise out of the bag towards the finish. FAIRLY GOOD

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VIBRATORY by Warner Van Lorne
Mr. Van Lorne is a master of words; just look at this effort extracted from the story under review:
"On the back side there were several small cone-like amplifiers which could send forth an unbelievable volume of sound." Yeh! Man. This is a story of a man and his science, and just one alien being - AND they don't scrap. GOOD

FLAREBACK by Kent Casey
You'll all like this refreshing interplanetary story, written as it is in a witty almost cynical style. GOOD

EYE OF THE PAST by Eando Binder
The usual Binder story -- shoddily written, stereotyped characters, and big, bad, nasty, aliens. A clever plot, but 'hack'-ish. FAIRLY GOOD

ILLUSTRATIONS: Striking improvement shown in Schneeman's work in this issue, his drawing for 'Dawn Star' being really fine work. Wesso and Dold - no better, but no worse than usual, and Binder's pictures not quite up to the high standard he has been setting himself in the two previous issues. (Brass Tacks and Science Discussions you'll find in the middle of the magazine -- a new idea that'll give you a bit of a jolt if, as I do, you look at the back of the magazine for Brass Tacks before anything else.)

Note This issue of "NOVAE TERRAE", though dated March 1938, is the first to appear since the January 1938 issue.

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Ideas and Ideals
by Albert Griffiths

In the true Smith manner to which a long succrssion of articles has accustomed us, Mr. Smith states "The association of scientific fiction with the loftier ideals of sociologists is a fantasy for which we may blame the many creators of Utopias..." Such a statement cannot be allowed to pass unheeded. Is it a fantasy, Mr. Smith? Perhaps in the scholarly delving into the mountains of documents dealing with Cosmic Cases, you have neglected to read such trivialities as Wells' "Star Begotten", or more especially, that outburst of sanity "Last and First Men" by Olaf Stapledon? True, I concede that the vast encroachment on your time occasioned by your study of mankind and of course, Cosmic Cases, leaves little for the study of contemporary science-fiction. However, in such a state you should confine yourself to the things upon which you are an authority and not try to dogmatize upon such weighty matters as science-fiction.

I challenge your right to state that this "association with the loftier ideals" is the outcome of the works of the "many creators of Utopias". It seems far more logical to me that it is the outcome of a growing consciousness on the part of readers of science-fiction that the world is ill, very ill, and that those of us who wish to help it regain its health must use every means within our power. Science-fiction is just one of those means, and as such must be utilized.

If "advanced scientific fiction" is not to be sociological in outlook, what is it to be then? A type of sophisticated fairy story? Or perhaps it will reach the heights of innocuous "dream fulfillment".

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But I cannot conceive that so balanced a mind, so poised an intellect as that of Mr. Smith will accept such an ignominious climax to so marvellous a creation as "scientific fiction".

No, Mr. Smith has a far more fitting end in view, something more in keeping with the loftier ideals of scientific fiction. In short, it is to serve as a means of spreading scientific enlightenment among the masses. Sugar-coated science a la Gernsback, via such muddlers of science as (see below) or through Schachner shadowgraphs of pseudo-science.

Exponents of so naive an idea forget, in their righteous zeal, that anyone wishing to take copious draughts of science without the usual hangover, can do so quite easily without consulting scientific fiction. In fact they would be well advised to leave "scientific fiction" very much alone, if they wish to accumulate weighty masses of scientific erudition.

I am well aware that this argument can be wielded with equal force against the exponents of the "sociological aspects". I realize fully that the usual science-fiction story found in the "Big Three" contains about as much sociology as it does literary fluency -- both are of negligible quantity.

My imagination quails at the thought of Mr. Smith waxing eloquent over the subject of magazine science-fiction, for I believe that he is under no illusion regarding its peculiar quality of blah -- as his recent criticism of ASTOUNDING shows. I will join with him in the denunciation either from a scientific or a sociological standpoint, of much that is labelled "Science-Fiction".

However, even among this mawkish effluvium

(Editors' Note: You will all know what name to fill in here.)

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there can be found occasional glimpses of true science-fiction. "Rebirth", "The Man Who Awoke" and "The Revolt of the Scientists" are examples taken at random. Even in a current issue of ASTOUNDING we find an example -- perhaps not a perfect one, it is true -- in "Dead Knowledge". This treats the suicide of a whole planet, a whole race and culture ending itself.

Whilst not wishing to dogmatize to an undue extent, it seems to me that true science-fiction should attempt to portray the impact upon society and civilization of new scientific ideas and ideals. Adopting this wide classification, many of science-fiction's fundamental plots and ideas can thus be understood, analysed, studied and correlated. The ubiquitous interplanetary story, for example, can be shown to be in many cases an attempt to portray the effect upon mankind of interplanetary travel. That is just one example of many.

Advanced thinking and high ideals are not the monopoly of fans, states Mr. Smith with refreshing candour and a really remarkable insight. To such logic I must bow my head. But because of this must we abandon our hight ideals, or at least cease applying them to science-fiction?

Hardly. We seek to make science-fiction not merely the vehicle for such ideas, but an actual force which will help to make them facts.

By so doing we are, in my humble opinion, raising science-fiction from the level of bedtime stories and fatuous fantasy to something more in keeping not only with the "loftier ideals of the sociologists", but with the aims of literature as a whole.

Is such a laudable ambition, then, to be termed a "drift away from scientific fiction"?

I think not.

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Executive Committee Report

Headquarters: 20 Hollin Park Road, Leeds 8, England.

Back Number Supply Service: This has recently been reorganized, and members wishing to use the service, whether they have done so in the past or not, should send to HQ a list of the magazines they wish to buy or sell, and will be notified when a suitable transaction can be effected. All previous lists must be regarded as cancelled.

Subscriptions: It is regretted that several members' subscriptions are in arrears. The active life of the society depends upon a steady income being maintained and all members are asked to renew their subscriptions when due, as promptly as possible.

TALES OF WONDER: One of the main objects of the SFA and its British members being to secure regular publication of a British s-f magazine we need scarcely remind members to give their full support to the forthcoming second issue of "Tales of Wonder". The issue will contain a reprint of Dr. Keller's - "Stenographer's Hands", John Beynon's sequel to "Stowaway to Mars" and stories by Benson Herbert, W.F.Temple, M. Hugi etc.

American Fantasy Association: There has been lacking in the U.S.A. in the past a national non-commercial s-f organization on the lines of the SFA. The SFA, of course, has a large percentage of U.S. members but cannot exert so strong an influence in the American field as it does in Britain. We were interested, therefore, to learn of a new U.S. society, modelled on the SFA and supported by many leading fans -- The American Fantasy Association. When the new body has become organised with several hundred members the two organizations working in close co-operation should be able to exert a strong influence on the destiny of s-f. All British members will join with us in wishing the promoters of the scheme every success. The provisional Secretary/Treasurer (himself an SFA member) is Mr. L. Kuslan, 170 Washinton Avenue, West Haven, Conn., USA.

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Science-Fiction Conference Please turn to page 20 for details regarding this important event.

Executive Committee: On January 3rd 1937 the SFA came into being. It was first proposed that London area members -- including most of Britain's leading fans -- should assume control, but the objection was raised that there was no local group to link them, and the organising of such a group would take some time. The Executive Committee was therefore chosen from members of the Leeds group, this choice being later confirmed by the Council.

In October 1937, however, the London Branch came into being and has since made a reputation for active and enthusiastic work. Containing 4 of the 7 members of the Council and 15 other members (in contrast to Leeds' 9) it was natural to suggest that control of the society should pass to London. Further, the association had grown so rapidly that executive work has assumed such proportions that it cannot be carried out completely by the Leeds Branch.

Accordingly Mr. Mayer proposed to the Council "that the Headquarters of the Science-Fiction Association be moved from Leeds to London, the new Executive Committee consisting of Mr. Kenneth G. Chapman as General Executive Secretary, and Messrs. Eric C. Williams and Sidney L. Birchby as Assistant Executive Secretaries." The proposal has been unanimously passed by the Council and the following are the arrangements for the change-over, which should be noted carefully.

Until the day of the Convention, April 10th 1938, the society will run as at present from 20 Hollin Park Rd., Leeds 8. After the Convention the headquarters will be 59A Tremaine Rd., Anerley, S.E.20. Members should take great care to send communications to the correct address. In

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particular, all members owing subscriptions are asked, as far as possible, to assist the executives by paying their subscriptions before April 10th to existing Headquarters.

Mr. Carnell will continue as Hon. Treasurer and Mr. Hanson as Editor of "NOVAE TERRAE". All other Association publications -- with the exception of "The Science-Fiction Gazette" will be issued as at present from Leeds. And, until further notice the Back Number Supply Service will continue to run from Leeds.

New Members: We are glad to welcome the following new members: M. L. Neale (Sidcup); W. A. Devereaux (Tadworth).

This report will probably be the last to be issued by the present Executive Committee, and we can only conclude by wishing the new executive the best of success, by thanking all members of the Association for the valuable support they have given us in the past, and by assuring everyone that we shall continue to ((support)) the Association to the best of our ability.

Branch Reports:

Leeds Branch: Two new members were recently welcomed -- Messrs. Colin H. Macklin and William G. Stone. Following the meeting on Jan. 29th, Mr. D.W.F.Mayer gave a lantern lecture entitled "Can We Reach the Moon?" Two days later the lecture was repeated before the Leeds Astronomical Society. On Feb. 12th the first of a series of talks by guest speakers was given, when Mr. M.E.Rosenberg discussed Religion. At the same meeting Mr. F.W.F.Dobby was elected to the new Branch position of Asst. Librarian. The Branch awaits with pleasure the visit of Council Chairman, Mr. K.G.Chapman, and Mr. M.K.Hanson on March 20th.

Brch. Chairman: H. Warnes, 61 Thorne Grove, Gipton, Leeds 8.

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London Branch: Meeting of February 13th 1938. 13 members and 1 visitor.

After the usual Branch business Mr. Carnell was called upon to deliver the dope on U.S. fans -- their activities, love lives, jail sentences etc. Unfortunately Mr. Carnell announced that he found it impossible to trace the life of any one fan in detail as Americans are so intensely active as to offer world-lines of extra-ordinary complexity; he therefore gave a reading from one of the current U.S. fan mags. In the middle of an important passage Mr. W.H.Gillings staggered in looking like an Abominable Snowman. Amidst vague mutterings between Mr. Carnell and the new arrival Mr. Sid Birchby opened his talk on "The Next War". He so horrified us with the possibilities of nasty death to come that when he at length concluded on a note of hopeful despair, he netted not one appreciative hand-clap. We all sat round feeling rather miserable until after one or two desultory questions, Mr. Gillings, now thawed out by the creeping glow of nourishing stout, was called upon to read the afternoon's classic story, Lovecraft's "The Colour Out of Space". Mr. Gillings moved to a more convenient spot away from the beer and commensed reading. His audience sat enthralled, then interested, then passive, then replete, then a little fidgety. After 1 1/2 hours heroic reading without a stop Mr. Gillings drew his story to a finish. Grunts and deep sighs sounded from about the table, of ecstasy or relief.

The big moment then arrived -- a programme of s-f music offered by Arthur Clarke. Several faces became stonily resigned as the handle was wound, and as the first notes of "Things to Come" thundered out, eyes wandered to papers and magazines. And then as the maddening rhythm of Mossolov's "Steel Foundry" slammed and roared across the frosty air eyes became expressive once more, but alas, only with amusement and disgust...

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Los Angeles Branch: January meetings took place on the 6th and the 20th. At the former the controversy over the use of abbreviated spelling in the branch publication IMAGINATION! was continued, the only decision being to leave things as they are at present. At the latter a talk was given by Mr. Maurice Duclos, author of "The Spawn of the Ray". Later in the month a branch visit was paid to the re-showing of the film "The Invisible Man".

Branch Chairman: Mr. R.J.Hodgkins, 1903 W. 94th Place, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Advertisement Section (Cont. from page 3.)

WANTED: "Popol VUH" by Lewis Spence -- Published by Nuttall, 1908.
K.G.Chapman, 59A Tremaine Road, Anerley, London, S.E.20, England.

IMAGINATION! -- have you got it? Organ of the 1st Overseas Chapter of the SFA, "The Fanmag of the Future with a Future!". Director Hodgkins writes detailed reports of activities of the Chapter. Feature articles by FJAckerman on the fantascience field -- films, radio reviews etc. Contributions from Henry Kuttner, Jim Mooney, Bob Olsen, Robert Bloch, Emil Petaja, Herbert Haussler, Morojo, and many more. 20 large size pages monthly, 10 cents a copy, 1 dollar a year. A provocative publication! 6th issue now available. 1st exhausted; for prices on preceding numbers address our Back Number Bureau. Box 6475, Metropolitan Sta., Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

page 20:

Will Take Place At


On April 10th, 1938, Commencing at 4 p.m.

(Organized by Edward J. Carnell and Ken G. Chapman)
Under the auspices of the London S.F.A.

The undermentioned are a few of the distinguished s-f personalities who have promised to attend:-

Mr. JOHN RUSSELL FEARN, Author of "Mathematica" etc.
Professor A.M.LOW, Author, and editor of "Armchair Science".
Mr. BENSON HERBERT, Author of "The Perfect World" etc.
Mr. LESLIE J. JOHNSON, Author of "Seeker of Tomorrow", etc.
Mr. DOUGLAS W. F. MAYER, Editor of "Amateur Science Stories".
Mr. I.O.EVANS, Author of "The World Tomorrow", etc.
Mr. H.S.W.CHIBBETT, Secretary of "The Probe".
Mr. MAURICE K. HANSON, Editor of "Novae Terrae".
Mr. ARTHUR C. CLARKE, Author of "Travel by Wire", etc.
Mr. WALTER H. GILLINGS, Editor of "Tales of Wonder" etc.
Mr. WILLIAM F. TEMPLE, Author of "Lunar Lilliput" etc.
Mr. H.M.TURNER, Sec'y of the Manchester Interpl. Socy.
Mr. A. JANSER, Librarian of the Brit. Interpl. Socy.
Mr. HERBERT WARNES, Chairman of the Leeds SFA.
Mr. ERIC C. WILLIAMS, Author of "The Venus Vein" etc.
Mr. LESLIE SMITH, Mr. GEORGE A. FINAL etc. etc. etc. All SFA members and friends are especially requested to attend this important convocation.

The SFA condially invites any and every author, editor, reader, publisher or enthusiast of science-fiction. Be sure you take advantage of this unique opportunity of meeting Britain's science-fiction personalities. Full particulars from: Ken G. Chapman, 59A Tremaine Rd.