NOVAE TERRAE #16 - Vol 2. No. 4 (Aug-Sept 1937)


Other SFA publications this month:

Copytyping this issue by Rob Hansen.
..................Volume 2, Number 4
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Organ of the Science-Fiction

August-September 1937 Volume 2, Number 4


Reviews .........................................................................
(October 1937 "Thrilling Wonder Stories"
October 1937 "Amazing Stories"
August 1937 "Astounding Stories"
September 1937 "Astounding Stories"
compiled by D. R. Smith and M.K.Hanson
Are Fans "Star-Begotten"?..............................................
by Albert Griffiths
Fan Gyrations.................................................................
by Ted Carnell
My Science-Fictional Heaven.........................................
by Eric C. Williams
Advertisment Section.....................................................
by Claire P. Beck
The Passing of a Literary Star.........................................
by Ken G. Chapman
Science-Fiction Association Secretarial Report...............







Editor: Maurice K Hanson, 25 Bernard Street, Russell Square, London W.C.1. England
Associates: Maurice T Crowley, Dennis A Jacques

Subscription Rates: 2d per copy; 12 issues 1/9
5 cents per copy; 45 cents for 12 issues

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(compiled by D. R. Smith and M. K. Hanson)

(It is regretted that lack of space has curtailed the current reviews to mere ratings.)

Ratings: Very good, good, fairly good, very fair, fair, readable, poor.


The Hothouse Planet, by Arthur K. Barnes - Very Fair
The Space-Time-Size Machine by R. Cummings - Fair
The Immortality Seekers by J.W. Campbell - Good
Holmes` Folly by Edmond Hamilton - Readable
The Cavern of the Shining Pool by A. L. Zagat - Fair.
Via Etherline by Gordon A. Giles - Very fair
A Comet Passes by Eando Binder - Readable

AMAZING STORIES : October 1937

The Last Ice by George A. Scheer, B.Sc., E.E.- Fair
On the Planet Fragment by Neil R. Jones - Very fair
(All other fiction in the issue is in serial form)


Specialization by R. R. Winterbotham - Readable
Temporary Warp by F. B. Long, Jr. - Readable
Jupiter Trap by Ross Rocklynne Fair
The Time Bender by Oliver Saari - Readable
Crystallized Thought by Nat Schachner- Fair
Space Blister by John D. Clark, Ph.D.- Fairly Good
Frontier of the Unknown by Norman L. Knight - Good


Past, Present and Future by Nat Schachner - Very Fair
When the Sun Went Out by Eando Binder - Fair
Gravity, Unaffected by Stanton A. Coblentz - Fair
Air Space by K. Raymond - Readable
Tho Isolinguals by L. S. de Camp - Readable

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Are Fans "Star-Begotten"?
by Albert Griffiths

After reading Mr Wells` latest opus I was struck, as I suppose many other fans were, by the similarity of the persons whom Mr. Wells terms "Star Begotten" to fans and readers of science-fiction in general. Mr. Wells says "I wonder if perhaps types -- types like this youngster may be something more than merely obstinate. Whether by some instinctive necessity, by some difference in themselves, some lack of clearness, in various distinctions we assume, distinctions we have assumed and which we make by habit....." and again, earlier, he says "All that they had in common was that they were 'different' and that this difference involved a certain detachment from common reactions. They lived apart. They thought after their own fashion. He was not sure whether they were actually in-susceptible to mass-emotions......"

Looking at these two definitions it is easy to see what Mr. Wells is driving at. Now without being unduly foolish, I say that, to a certain extent, many fans and readers of scientific fiction fulfil these conditions. I do not for one moment, however, suggest that all fans are "Star-Begotten" or that all persons whom Mr. Wells describes as such are science-fiction fans or readers. Any such statement would be a sweeping and ridiculous generalization that is quite untrue, but I really think -- and I am certain that others will agree -- that many of the more thoughtful fans are, adopting Mr Wells word, "Star-Begotten", and I can show that there is a definite basis for what I say.

I believe I am right when I state that there is little or no dissension about the fact that there is just such a type as Mr Wells describes, and so let us examine science-fiction fans. Firstly, fans definitely are a race apart. To those readers of "Novae Terrae" who reside, in remote parts and who have never

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met other fans in the mass, I can say that when they do, they are due for a shock. When fans congregate, enough really good ideas about the world, its peoples, governments, politics, religions, and all its multitudinous vices. and virtues are bandied about with a carefree abandon that would astonish highbrow professors into a glazed silence. Each fan has his own personal ideas as to what is wrong with this mouldy old "homo sapiens", and, believe me, not all of them are content to rake these ideas from books.

Then, again, these fans are singularly free from hidebround convention and sentimental slush, they have clear-cut and emphatic ideas about things that count, and are not afraid to voice them. They are aware of the stranglehold of selfishness and senseless stupidity that is slowly but surely making a universal madhouse of a planet.

They are not content to be led by the nose, and are not deluded by the beatings of big drums into believing that war is 'Nature`s pruning-hook', or that such and such a race is to be exterminated. They realise that in this modern world the whole human race, white or black, yellow or brown must ultimately sink or swim togother, and they prefer to swim. The bellowings of politicians whose sole claims to distinction are wind-power and abysmal senselessness, leave them aloof. With cold and analytical minds they see things as they really are and not as some press-lord or some squawking squealer would have them believe.

They believe, with a sublime confidence, that by the use of science, and by science alone, can Mankind become anything like it should be, and indeed shall be.

They have no patience with the old order, are unimpressed by mere repetative ritual, and believe whole-heartedly that the order changes, and that quickly. Sympathetic towards the teachings of Marx

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and his followers, whether they term themselves Socialists, Communists or hybrids, they see that the old stupid system is breaking down and will ultimately vanish. And they are convinced that we must tackle the stupendous but by no means insuperable difficulties that older generations, following the dictum of "laissez-faire", have allowed to accumulate.

In other words they are truly STAR- BEGOTTEN!

A Travelogue by Ted Carnell

GOSSIP NETWORK: British fans, threatened with lyric "love bug'll get ya if ya don't watch out..." switched it to "Science bug'll get ya... " and promptly began wholesale crawl all round country offering glad hand to those suffering from same brain fever (or is it fervour).

Early in summer, several Leeds fans visited Liverpool fans, during one visit Harold Gottliffe took the pic of Eric Russell now gracing the current "scientifiction". Harold later visited Manchester where he spent some time with the Manchester Interplanetary Society. Meanwhile Doug Mayer and Albert Griffiths Visited Leicester fans. Eric Williams, London Executive of SFA Central Library, and I, met on Isle of Wight.... Les Johnson from Liverpool, vacationing at Brighton, met William Temple, vacationing at Eastbourne and later myself when visiting there for a day........ Northern authors received friendly dig when Wally Gillings and family visited Eric Russell at Liverpool for two weeks. Both Fearn and Dickenson were visited and a BIS science-fiction debate was held by a score of Liverpool enthusiasts.

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Maurice Hanson and Denny Jacques (brains and brawn (?) of this mag) visited London for annual visit on .August 5th - Arthur Clarke, due to meet them, lost in temporary space warp, arrived twenty-fours after they went back. Maurice enamoured with London, came back for good two weeks later, wrangling Civil Service position. NT will now be edited by long-distance telephone -- at the Government's expense! To round off the season, I spent several days in Liverpool with Les Johnson at the end of August --- once again, Arthur Clarke due to make the trip, failed to put in appearance .......

How did YOU spend the summer?

AMERICAN MERRY-GO-ROUND: Meanwhile USA fans have also been going and coming among themselves, though details have not reached hare with such prsecision. Donald A. Wollhoim and friend Johhny Michel, both of New York City, made a round trip as far as Washington, D.C., meeting en route Willis Conover at Maryland, and a bunch of "Weird Tales" fans who call themselves "The Necronomists" (they are planning a WT play). Philadelphian fans have also visited New York frequently during summer.

From Olon Wiggins' "Science Fiction Fan" August issue, we learnt that his Associate Editor Mervyn Evans was due to arrive in England shortly. Wiggins himself informs me that Evans is already in England and that he is visiting various relations scattered about the country. As soon as his vacation is finished, Mervyn will settle down somewhere in our midst and we shall then have another fan to compare notes with, and perhaps get a few ideas upon the inscrutable American angle. This is the second British fan we know of who has lived in USA. Oswald Train of Philadelphia who hailed from Durham in 1920 is the other.

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Also from the "SFFan" comes the knowledge that Eric Russell has another acceptance with "Astounding" -- entitled "Mana" from an idea given him by Les Johnson.

Among the newcomer fan mags is "Fantasy Mirror" just issued by Harry Dockweiler of NYC. A new venture in fan mags -- this time confined to gossip only. Hektographed in one colour, but probably see print shortly. Jack Baltadonis of Philadelphia sends "The New Science Fiction Collector" which he took over from Morris Dollens. Still in hektographed colours, the mag is extremely interesting in contents, and makes a decided improvement over previous mags put out by the Philly fans.

GHOST GONE WEST: Just arrived -- latest and last "International Observer" of the ISA. Gives full details of reasons for discontinuing ISA. Report also just received states that Will Sykora (who resigned owing to the club being too interested in science-fiction and not science) has started a counter ISA with HQ in Philadelphia in an endeavour to build the club into a science-fiction association. If that isn't screwy, what is?

"Observer" cover depicts in gold paint an open book with hand signing 'Finis'. Done on black paper it looks a fitting memorial to a worthy Society. Britain's regrets over its passing unless there's a resurrection shortly.

N.B. The "War" should be raging briskly by November.

ASTOUNDING NEWS: September issue of "Astounding" has opening bars of Dr. E. E. Smith's 100,000 worder "Galactic Patrol". Serial will run for six issues. Snappy cover painting by Wesso, who will now alternate with Howard Brown for the privilege of the fans adulations.

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Editor Tremaine devotes Editorial to denying certain rumours about his mag going on the rocks. A number of rumours have been rife recently, hailing from USA that it won't be long before all the science-fiction mags are no longer in existence. No apparent reason is given -- it's just one of those things. But it evidently upset F. Orlin Tremaine sufficiently for him to devote his page denying same.

LETTER LAMENT: Have you noticed since "Science Discussions" took the place of "Brass Tacks" that the old regular letter writers have dropped out? They have -- an entirely new bunch of names now make the grade with interesting ideas, Haven't seen Jack Darrow's name in ages, or Ackerman's much either. Maybe they're growing up. Bob Tucker dropped out after he was married, and "Wild Bill" Hoskins of "Amazing" fame quieted down right after Fearn labelled him "Wild Bull".

SCHACHNER THE PROLIFIC: Another story by Nat Schachner is announced for the October "Astounding" -- "Lost In the Dimensions". This makes the sixth issue in succession he has appeared in -- and the sixteenth out of the last twenty-two issues, having had five covers in that time! What a backbone for Editor Tremaine! Despite D.R. Smith's antipathy to Nat, there is much to be said in appreciation of him AND he has quite a large fan following. Fans who don't like him are the very mathematical conscious, who forget there are a large number of ordinary readers who say "To hell with science!"

I haven't heard any result of Glasgow fans nation-wide petition for more science and less fiction, but would imagine that such a movement would quickly decrease magazine sales and see the end of science-fiction as we know it today. After all, there is always the local reference library for browsing.

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ALAS THESE PROPHETS: October "Astounding" to hand (September 11th) does not contain the yarn by Eric Russell as mentioned in Olon Wiggins' "Science Fiction Fan". However, it will probably appear in the Novemeber issue.

A Brown cover painting this time, again from a "Galactic Patrol" scene, done in the striking yellow of the August issue. Two novels, "Out of the Night" by Don A. Stuart and "Stardust Gods" by Dow Elstar and Robert MacCready. Four shorts: "Mr. Ellerbee Transplanted" by Jan Farman, "Rule of the Bee" Manley Wade Wellman, "A Menace In Miniature" Raymond Z. Gallun and "Penal World" by Thornton Ayre. Science articles include Campbell's seventeenth in succession "Sleet Storm" and "Ra, the Inscrutable" by R. de Witt Miller. No Schachner yarn as abovementioned appears. Slated for November is "The Golden Horseshoe" by Arthur J. Burks.

by Eric C. Williams

I am a silly dreamer; such a poor fool. I imagine and conjure up visions which wrack my heart at times because of their very unattainable perfection. These dreams start as little flashes, then build up into intricate vistas of unsullied enjoyment. Perhaps, however, it mould be best to illustrate with a very frequent dream.

By a great amount of luck with perhaps a little skill, I win £100 in some competition. Oh what joy and astonishment as the cheque flutters in my fingers! (This is the introduction to all the marvels to come.

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You see, I leave no loop holes, it could actually happen, if). With the cheque cashed I ride out to a shop I know well, and purchase there a four-inch refracting telescope. My eye wanders round the shop dwelling here and there on the glinting of brass and steel, and my hand waves to various scientific things: a four prism spectroscope, a handsome compound microscope, an electric cinematograph, an exceedingly comprehensive collection of bottled chemicals, a huge Wimshurst static machine, and several electrical gadgets. Total, fifty pounds.

My next call is upon the local builders merchant. From him I order a large number of asbestos boards and a great quantity of floor boarding and beams. Here delivered at my door are my tools. Within the week the bleak attic atop my house has been converted into a luxurious scientific heaven.

Lighting is arranged over long benches around the walls, and those benches are divided up into different sections - Chemistry - Biology - Microscopy - Electricity - etc. A bank of batteries stands in one corner and a small ebonite control board beside it. Part of the roofing has been removed and upon a circular platform is raised the gleaming barrel of the telescope. Various star maps of large scale dot the walls, all the literature on this subject is to be found in a long set of bookcases along one whole wall. Here is a veritable museum of old and up-to-date scientific information. Nor is this all. Two whole shelves are packed with the familiar backs of science-fiction magazines. The inquisitive eye may note here the first to the last of every quarterly and the rare volumes of "Miracle". and like short-lived efforts. His astonished eye would sweep whole yards of brand new magazines, their white paper exuding a faint tang of naphtha.

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Then from one side of the room to the other shoots the beam of the cinomatograph, and on the silver screen dance again the figures from "The Girl in the Moon", "Metropolis", "Deluge", etc. Comfortable armchairs stand in a small half circle around the screen, and they are peopled with a select company of argumentative science-fictionists. Each has his fad in science, and every week they collect to smash the secrets of the Universe. Already they have penetrated deeply into the mysteries of catalysis, electricity and gravitation, and now they sit in a circle arguing out the points of the latest science-fiction.

Far and wide the fame of this club spreads and every now and again people drop in from the provinces and are entertained in these scenes of cosy science.

Ah me! What a dream. Is it entirely impossible? I fear so unless there are some more rabid enthusiasts about like unto myself.

Advertisement Section:

READ the latest and greatest new fan magazine from across the Atlantic*. The SCIENCE FICTION WORLD brings you news, columns, articles, reviews, biographies, and many other features of vital interest to both English and American fans. You will not want to miss this PRINTED fan magazine. Published monthly at only four pence a copy, 3 issues for a shilling, twelve issues, three shillings and twopence. Write at once to Hayward S. Kirby, Great Barrington, Mass., U.S.A. INOTICE: SCOOPS wanted; will buy or trade.

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by Claire P. Beck

Fan activities in this country have been of little interest and less importance for many months. At the time when organisation and effort on the part of British devotees of scientific fiction are bearing the buds of later fruit, America has reached again a "low" in fan interest and accomplishment. The mad influx of fan magazines which commenced somewhat over a year ago, seems at last to be in the process of ceasing. Most of the less important magazines are succumbing, or have succumbed, and now efforts in the past few months have amounted to little. Now that the erstwhile leader "Fantasy Magazine" has descended into dust, and the International Scientific Association exists only as a dying flame of internal strife, the oldest fan magazine extant can boast only a year and one half of life, and no organizations of active importance are functioning.

Out of the ruins of the little magazines, almost without number, which burst into eager, though short and fitful flame, there may rise a few of genuine worth, to continue indefinitely. If such is to be true, "fan activity" may once more become something more than a subject for scorn.

Lists of important new books over here infrequently contain any worthy interest to the reader of scientific fiction. While numerous pundits cry the beginning of a renaissance in American literature, the

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same monthly flood of indifferent and seldom worthwhile fiction and distilled, decimated "popular treatises" continue to submerge the reader. Of recent publications only the American edition of Wells' "The Croquet Player" (Viking Press, 1 dollar 25 cents) and John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" are worthy of attention. The latter is an enjoyable little fantasy concerning the brief adventures and ill-fated dreaming of a typical transient worker on the Californian cattle-ranches, and his imbecile companion. Displaying at times brilliant craftsmanship, at others, clumsy technique, this over-rated work is a current best-seller. (Covici Friede, 2 dollars.)

David Lasser, for years managing editor of "Wonder Stories" recantly achieved a measure of national fame as a result of his activities as president of the Workers Alliance of America, an organisation of several thousand unemployed. The current release of "The March of Time", a film. commentary on current affairs displayed in all cinemas throughout the country, devoted several minutes to a display of the functions of the Alliance. David Lasser and his Washington Headquarters, figured prominently in the reviews'

In future issues of NOVAE TERRAE:

D. R. SMITH'S longest and most brilliant essay:

"Cosmic Cases No. 1:- The Right of a Race to Live".

"This Science-Fiction" by Albert Griffiths.

"Fantasy" by S. Youd.

"Become an Author in Two Movements" - by E. C: Williams.

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The Passing of a Literary Star
(An Obituary Eulogy of the late Lt.-Col. C. H. McNeile)
by Ken G. Chapman

With the passing on Saturday, 7th August, of Lt.-Col. Cyril McNeile, better known to all as "Sapper", modern literature loses one of its greatest and most popular figures, the publishers lose their most reliable best-seller and the world as a whole loses a very fine man.

"Sapper's" tales have often had a 'smack' of science about them and I have always thought that he would have been a dazzling star amongst the scientifiction authors, had he taken to writing for this class of literature.

I can conjure up in my mind many incidents in his books which must have particularly thrilled science-fiction fans. His character Henry Lakington, for instance, in the first of the famous "Bulldog Drummond" books, invented a chemical solution which dissolved a human body, while the great Carl Peterson himself was a scientific crook of the first water, and all told. there was a savour of fantasy or, science about a lot of "Sapper's" tales.

"Sapper", who was only 49 whan he died, was educated at Cheltenham College and the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, and he joined the Royal Engineers, from whom he took his literary pseudonym,, in 1907. He served during the World War as a Captain,and had a very conspicuous and distinguished war record. In 1919 he retired with the rank of Lt.-Col. and commenced his literary career in real earnest.

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"Bulldog Drummond", the first of that famous series of books, was first published in 1920, and since that time every year has brought more and more "Sapper-stories" on to the bookstands to the ever-increasing and unfeigned gratification of his millions of fans.

Nor were "Sapper's" best yarns confined to the "Bulldog Drummond" series alone, but from his never-ending store of heroes came Sergeant Michael Cassidy, Ronald Standish, Tiny Carteret, Jim Maitland, John Walters and a host of others. To say that his books were translated into every language is no exaggeration at all, and his work has been seen on the stage and screen besides being heard over the air on countless occasions.

The man in his death was as he had lived a great man and an English gentleman - for during his last days of life, and although he knew he was near the end and terribly he insisted on going quietly on with the prepartion of his new "Bulldog Drummond" play. The going of "Sapper" will be a loss felt by all and the best concluding tribute one can pay him is by saying that the 'man and his work' will be for ever in our memories.

- Secretarial Report

General Secretary - D.W.F. Mayer. Headquarters: 5
Assnt. Secretary-- H. Warnes. Florist St., LEEDS 3.

Honorary Member: We have pleasure in welcoming as a third Honorary Member of the Association, Mr. F. Orlin Tremaine, Editor of "Astounding Stories". In accepting this position he wrote "I have a keen interest in the development of science-fiction as one of the finest foundations for

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developing a general interest in scientific progress. I believe that the existence of such an organization of yours is an excellent means of extending that public interest."

New Members: We are glad to welcome the following new members: R. A. Armitage (Sheffield) ; C. P. Beck (Lakeport, U.S.A.); S.E. Dench (Purley); I. 0. Evans (Tadworth); H. C. Koenig (New York); S. Peck (Liverpool); J. Speer (Comanceh, U.S.A.).

Prominent among these now members is Mr. I.O. Evans who is an author of an illustrated book on the future entitled "The World of Tomorrow", and was the producer of the set of cigarette cards of the same title issued a few months ago by Steven Mitchell and Co. Recent articles from his pen include one on rocketry in June "Meccano Magazine" and one on science-fiction in July "Armchair Science". Mr. Evans is a capable lecturer, and includes among his lectures one on interplanetary travel, and a second on life in the future. We understand that he is now turning his attention to the writing of science-fiction, and wish him every success.

"Amateur Science Stories": The first issue of this magazine will be published towards the end of September. The price will be 6d. per copy or 1/- for the Sept., Oct., and Nov. issues. Members are requested to support this experiment by subscribing. Several stories have already been received for consideration, but we would welcome many more. It appears that saveral would-be authors are refraining from submitting stories either through modesty, or because they wish to see from the first few issues what standard is required. We urge them not to delay, as we wish to have a reasonable selection to choose from, and only the best will be published. The Selection Committee so far consists of E. J. Carnell, F. Pragnell, Dr. W. A. Gibson, M. K. Hanson, and H. Warnes.

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London Branch: Members will recollect that Mr. Eric Williams has, for some time, been trying to arrange the formation of a London Branch of the SFA. An inaugural meeting of London fans, devoted to this end will be held at Mr. Williams' residence, 11 Clowders Road, Catford, London, S.E.6., on October 3rd, 1937 and it is earnestly desired that all members in the London district will make an effort to attend. Further details of the meeting may be obtained from the above address or from Mr K.G. Chapman, 59A Tremaine Road, Anerley, London S.E.20., who is acting as Joint Branch secretary with Mr. Williams. E.J. Carnell, A.C. Clarke, W.H. Gillings and M.K. Hanson are among the members who have already promised to attend the inaugural meeting. We trust that all London members will reward the enthusiasm of Messrs. Chapman and Williams eith the support it deserves.

Geology: Mr. R. Hodgson of 112 Boxley Road, Maidstone, whose hobby is geology has kindly offered to verify the accuracy of any geological statement or theory in a science-fiction story by our members, whether professional or amateur.

Emblem: The opinion of the majority of members is clearly in favour of our adopting an entirely new club emblem of our own. Several interesting designs have already been received, but further suggestions will be welcomed.

Bibliography: The British Science-Fiction Bibliography has been issued and sent to all who ordered it. It should prove a valuable reference work for science-fiction collectors, or library-patronisers. Any person, member or otherwise who still requires 'a copy should order one at once. A charge of 6d. each is being made to cover the cost of production; members may purchase three copies for 1/-.

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Stationery: We would like to inform new members, and remind existing ones, that SFA stationary may be obtained at the price of 1/- per 50 sheets, or 1/6 per 100 sheets.

Branch Reports:

Leeds Branch: Owing to members vacationing, little has been accompished at recent meetings, except in the nature of formal business and informal discussions. Meetings, however, have still been held regularly every Saturday evening at Headquarters. Apart from meetings, Branch activities have taken the form of compiling and producing the Bibliography. It is hoped that a second series of talks will be arranged for the autumn, the spring series proving very popular and informative.

Chairman: H. Warnes, 5 Florist Street, Leeds 3.

Los Angeles Branch: No report of the activities of this new Branch has as yet been received.

Chairman: R. J. Hodgkins, 1903 W.. 84th Place, Los Angeles.

Nuneaton Branch: A recent innovation has been a duplicated BULLETIN, issued to Branch members only, containing details of the current activities of the Branch. Three issues,have already appeared. Meetings were held on July 7th and July 28th, at the house of Mr. D. R. Smith. At the latter meeting, Mr. Smith continued with his paper on metals and alloys. A full list of volumes in the branch library is being prepared.

SFA Library: The new central lending library of science fiction books is now in operation, under the Librarianship of Mr. E. C. Williams, 11 Clowders Road, Catford, London, S.E.6. Members wishing to borrow books must first doposit 2/6 in cash or deposit one book not already in the Library. Should a book be lost by the member, the deposit will be forfeited. Any book may be borrowed for a period not exceeding a fortnight on payment of a fee of 6d. to cover postage, etc. Further

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rules and details appeared in the July issue of "Novae Terrae". The following books have already been donated:

Beeding, Francis.................The One Sane Man
Beverley, Barrington............The Space Raiders
Blayre, Christopher.............Tha Strange Papers of Dr. Blayre
Burroughs, Edgar Rice...........Princess of Mars, Gods of Mars, Warlord of Mars,
Chessmen of Mars, Fighting Man of Mars, Pellucidar.
Doyle, Arthur Conan.............The Lost World.
Forester, C.S..................The Peacemaker.
Haggard, H. Rider...............She, When the Earth Shook.
Hyne, Cutcliffe J................Lost Continent.
Hedges, Sid G...................Plague Panic.
Kellermann, Bernhard........The Tunnel.
Le Queux, William...........The Zeppelin Destroyer, The Green Ray.
Lincoln, Maurice..............The Man From Up There.
Llewellyn, Alan.................The Strange Invaders.
London, Jack....................The Scarlet Plague, The Iron Heel, The Jacket.
Lurgan Lester......................A Message From Mars.
Merritt , A....................Burn Witch Burn.
Poe, Edgar A....................Tales of the Grotesque.
Ridley, F......................The Green Machine.
Seymsour, Ella...............The Perfect World.
Seamark.........................The Avenging Ray.
Shiel, M.P. ..................... The Purple Cloud.
Stetenson, R.L..................Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Sullivan, Alan ................In the Beginning
Tillyard, Aelfreda..............The Approaching Storm.
Verne, Jules.................. The Moon Voyage, A Journey to the Centre of the Earth,
The Mysterious Document, Among the Cannibals.
Wells, H.G......................Food of the Gods.
Wright, S. Fowler ..............Deluge, Dawn, The Amphibians.
Pemberton...................The Impregnable City.