PAMPHLET (March 1937)

There was no issue of NOVAE TERRAE in March 1937. Instead, this two page pamphlet was published. It was printed on one side of a single sheet of foolscap, folded in half.

Copytyping by Rob Hansen from scans by Alistair Durie.


You may have noticed the irregularity that has occurred of late in the production of NOVAE TERRAE. The January 1937 number was combined with the December 1936 issue and the February number did not appear until the beginning of March. We regret such a state of affairs but circumstances are such that it is unavoidable. The amount of time and work that are put into one issue is exceedingly great and if we are unable to devote that amount of time the issue is unavoidably delayed.

For this reason there will be no March issue of NOVAE TERRAE. We must apologise to the authors of material which dates quickly -- other material we have in hand will be included in future issues. Members of the Science Fiction Association will be disappointed, we suppose, at the non-appearance of the official organ of the society. For this reason we are sending this along with a resume of the SFA material we had intended to include in the March issue of NOVAE TERRAE.

You may wonder when you may hope to see our next issue. We are unable to say for there will be many new developments to be encountered in production of a printed journal. The next issue of NOVAE TERRAE dated April, and appearing sometime during the month, we presume, will be printed. We hope that a month's delay is not too dear a price to pay for the very great improvement a printed journal will represent. Prominent in the issue will be "The Man of the Future" by Festus Pragnell, "Weapons of War" by D. R. Smith, "Karol Kapek" by Douglas W. F. Mayer as well as Edward J. Carnell's column and regular features.

March 27th, 1937.THE EDITORS

Dennis A. Jacques, 89, Long Shoot, Nuneaton,
Maurice K. Hanson, 95, Mere Road, Leicester.

page 2:

The Science Fiction Association

The Science Fiction Association has now had an active life of just over a month and we find ourselves with much to report. First, let us announce the inauguration on January 22nd, of the Nuneaton Branch with five Association members. Secondly we wish to thank all new membes for the support they are giving. At the time of writing we have thirty-one members, the last ten to join being as follows: P.W. Buckerfield (Nuneaton), G. K. Chapman (London), F. Coueslent (London), M. T. Crowley (Nuneaton), W. A.. Gibson (Bathgate) M. K. Hanson (Leicester), D. A Jacques (Nuneaton) G. H. Miles (London), D. Nash (Bury), and D. R. Smith (Nuneaton).

We are now in a position to commence on the first of our schemes to further science fiction in this country - the publishing of as complete a list as possible of science fiction stories contained in books or magazines printed, since 1900, in the British Isles. It is our express wish that all members should collaborate, and all are requested to search through their collection of British science fiction to let us know:

  • The name of each story
  • The name of the author
  • A short, one sentence outline of the plot
  • The name of the publishers of the book -- or if the story is in a magazine --
  • The name, and date of issue, of the magazine.
Do not delay in the sending of your first lists as we wish to commence compiling and classifying at once. Members are also requested to send further lists should they come across more science fiction later on. The bibliography will be published about midsummer. Supplementary lists will be published from time to time to bring it up to date.

We are now open to receive contributions to the quarterly bulletin --- articles on aspects of science fiction, on the progress of science, or short science fiction stories. All members are asked to collaborate.

Mr. E. C. Williams of London has suggested that the Association should publish in duplicated form at regular intervals amateur science fiction stories that many fans are in the habit of writing.