KNOWN UK FAN GROUPS 1930 - 1990 (work in progress) 1930 - 31 Ilford Science Literary Circle / British Science Literary Association 1931 - ? Universal Science Circle (Liverpool) 1932 - 35 Hayes Science Fiction Club / British Science Fiction Association * 1933 - present British Interplanetary Society (suspended 1939 - 45) 1935 - 39 Leeds SFL 1935 - 37 Belfast, Nuneaton, and Glasgow SFL chapters 1936 - 37 Barnsley SFL 1937 - 39 Science Fiction Association 1939 - ? Stoke-on-Trent Science Fiction Club 1940 - 43 Paint Research Station Science Fiction Library 1942 - ? Cranwell Group 1942 - 46 British Fantasy Society * 1943 - 46 Cosmos Club (grew out of PRSSFL) 1946 - 59 London Circle 1946 - 50 British Fantasy Library 1947 - 75 Irish Fandom (Belfast) 1948 - 51 Science Fantasy Society 1949 - 54 Birmingham Science Fiction Club (see notes below) 1951 - 54 Nor'west Science Fantasy Club (Manchester) 1951 - 53 The Junior Fanatics 1951 - 60 Liverpool Science Fiction Society (LaSFaS/LSFS) 1951 - 52 British Science Fiction Association * 1951 - 53 Bradford Science Fiction Association 1952 - 55 Birmingham Science Fiction Circle (see notes below) 1952 - 60 Medway Science Fiction Fan Club 1952 - ? New Lands Science Fiction Fan Club (Glasgow) 1952 - 54 The Cymrades (Cardiff) 1952 - 55 Fantasy Art Society 1952 - 54 West Country Science Fiction Group 1952 - 54 Lakeland Science Fiction Organisation 1953 - 59 Leeds Science Fiction Association 1953 ? British Amateur Science Fiction Foundation 1953 - 55 The Surrey Circle 1954 -(59) North East Science Fiction Society (Newcastle) 1954 -(55) Kettering Science Fiction Club 1954 - 59 The Manchester Circle 1955 - 63 Cheltenham Science Fiction Circle 1955 ? London Science Fiction Organisation 1957 - 58 Clacton-on-Sea Science Fiction Group 1958 - present British Science Fiction Association 1958 -(63/4) Stourbridge & District Science Fiction Circle (SADO) 1959 - ? Newcastle Science Fiction Circle 1959 - 67 Science Fiction Club of London 1960 - Irlam SF Society (... Alan Rispin) 1960 - Newcastle SF Circle (... Jim Cawthorn) 1960 - ? Liverpool Group (LiG - formerly LaSFaS) 1960 - 61 Young Science Fiction Reader's Group 1960 - 62 The NotFans (Nottingham) 1961 -(64) Sheffield University Union Science Fiction & Fantasy Assoc. 1961 - 66 Birmingham Science Fiction Group (later reborn) 1962 - present Oxford University Speculative Fiction Group (OUSFiG) 1962 - 64 Forest Fields Science Fiction Society (Nottingham) 1963 - present Cambridge University Science Fiction Society (CUSFS) 1963 -(74) Delta Group (Salford nr. Manchester) 1964 - 65 Caledonian Science Fiction Group (Glasgow) 1964 - ? Rugby School Science Fiction Society 1965 - 73 Bristol and District (BaD) Science Fiction Group 1965 -(68) University College Science Fiction Circle (London) 1965 - 67 Leeds University Science Fiction Group 1966 - ? Lincoln SF Group (... Peter Hammerton) 1966 -(68) Clifton College Science Fiction Society (...Peter Roberts) 1967 - ? Aston University Science Fiction Society 1967 -(70) Nottingham University Science Fiction Group 1967 -(70) Faculty of Technology SF Society (TechSFSoc) (Manchester) 1967 - 68 Leeds and District Science Fiction Group 1969 - ? Herts Science Fiction and Fantasy Fan Group 1969 - ? New Irish Fandom 1970 - 85 Gannetfandom (Newcastle) 1970 - ? New Irish Fandom 1970 - present The City Illiterates (London) 1970 - 79 Ratfandom (London) 1971 - present British (Weird) Fantasy Society 1971 - present Birmingham Science Fiction Group 1971 - ? Manchester and District (MaD) Group 1971 - ? Kingston Science Fiction Group (Kittenfandom) 1972, 1974 - ? Cheltenham Science Fiction Group 1972 - ? Stafford Science Fiction group 1973 - present Leeds University Union Science Fiction Group (LUUSFG) 1973 - ? Glasgow Science Fiction Circle 1974 - 82 Norwich Science Fiction Group (Discovery/Breakaway) 1474 - ? Reading Science Fiction Club/ICL Club/Glomerule 1974 - ? The Friends of Kilgore Trout (FOKT) (Glasgow) 1974 - 78 North East Science Fiction Group (NESFiG) 1975 - ? Northern Ireland Science Fiction Association (NISFA)/North Down Science Fiction Group (NDSFG) 1975 - ? Woking Science Fiction Group 1975 - ? Science Fiction Society of Great Britain (SFS) 1975 - ? Stockport and District (SaD) Science Fiction Group 1976 - ? St. Albans Science Fiction Fan Group (STAFFEN) 1976 - ? Peterborough Science Fiction Club 1976 - ? De La Salle Science Fiction Circle 1976 - ? Keele University Science Fiction Society 1976 - ? Stoke-on-Trent Science Fiction Society (SoTSFS) 1977 - ? The Leeds Group (grew out of LUUSFG, sort of) 1977 -(84) South Wales Science Fiction Group/The Newport Group 1977 - 78 Edinburgh Friends of Fandom (EFofF) 1977 - ? Birkenhead Science Fiction Group 1977 - ? Harrogate Science Fiction Group 1977 - ? University of Warwick Science Fiction & Fantasy Society 1977 - ? Cidereal Science Fiction Society (Taunton) 1977 - ? Leicester Science Fiction Group 1977 - ? Matlock Science Fiction Group (Derby) 1978 - ? Ribble Valley Science Fiction Group 1978 - ? Bolton Science Fiction Group 1978 - ? Hatfield Polytechnic Group/ PSIFA (Polytechnic Science Fiction/Fantasy Association) 1978 - ? Sheffield Science Fiction Group 1978 - ? Wandering Worlds SF Group (Brighton - see Matrix #42) 1979 - ? The Surrey Limpwrists 1979 - ? Aberdeen Science Fiction Association 1979 - ? Swansea Science Fiction Society 1979 - ? Friends Of Robert The Hack - (FORTH) (Edinburgh) 1980 - ? Sheffield SF Group 1980 - 82 West Midlands SF Group (...Geoff Bosworth) 1980 - ? South Ealing Friends In Space Society 1980 - ? Brighton SF Group 1980 - ? Stour Valley/Colchester SF Group (...Alex Stewart) 1980 - ? Salisbury SF Club (...Roger Whittington) 1980 - ? High Wycombe SF Group 1980 - ? Cardiff & District SF Group 1980 - ? East Kent (Folkestone) SF Group (...Paul Kincaid) 1980 - ? Leicester SF Group 1980 - ? Croydon Science Fiction & Fantasy Club/Speculative & Imaginative Literature Society 1980 - 83 Harrow SF Club 1980 - ? Dundee SF Society '42' 1980 - ? South Hants SF Group 1981 - ? Worthing SF Group 1981 - ? Solihull SF Group (...Steve Green) 1981 - 82 Harringay & District Sci-Fi Discussion Group 1981 - ? Shrewsbury SF Group 1982 - ? South East London SF Group (...Peter Pinto) 1983 - ? Chester & District (CAD) SF Group 1983 - ? Lancaster SF Group 1984 - ? Mercian SF Triangle (...Martin Tudor) 1984 - ? Norwich SF Group 1984 - ? Preston SF Group 1984 - ? Warrington & Local District Originals (WALDO) 198? - ? Romsey SF Society (no MATRIX mid 85 to mid 88, so no clubs column) 198? - ? Carlisle & District SF Group (...Shep Kirkbride) 198? - ? Cretinfandom/Red Army Choir (FOKT splinter group) 198? - ? Saltcoats SF Group (SOS) (...Dave Ellis) 198? - ? Bristol SF Group (TANSTAAFL) (...Christina Lake) 1988 - ? Drake Science Fiction Association (Plymouth) 1988 - ? Dartford & District SF Group/The Phoenicians (...Jonathan Cowie)
Notes: * no relation to current organisation of the same name ( ) indicates that date is an educated guess ? indicates date unknown, of course. While most groups menage to get an account of their birth into print few bother with an obituary. Any of these dates that anyone out there can fill in would be welcome. From the 1970s onwards it seemed as if every university and poly had its own SF group. Since it would be impactical to list all of them here, only those that some interaction with fandom nationally have been included. ****** TWO 1950s BIRMINGHAM GROUPS? What's known: A. Birmingham SF Club i) formed 1949 by Bert Barton ii) weekly meetings, in a pub somewhere in the Digbeth area of the city iii) between six and twenty members would be present. iv) members occasionally visited White Horse v) written up in Evening Despatch vi) ceased circa 1954 B. Birmingham SF Circle i) formed 1952 (by Denis Egan? - he's chairman in 1954) ii) Friday meetings, in the Board Vaults, Worcester Street The assumption has been made that these were the same group under two names - Rog Peyton believes this to be the case - but what if they weren't? Could they have co-existed for two years without knowing of each other's existence? I'd have to say yes. First mention of one where the other might have seen it was in VARGO STATTEN MAGAZINE, but this was in 1954, by which time the BSFClub is believed to have ceased. Could members of the former then joined the latter? I'd be surprised if they didn't. Could these individuals in later years have conflated one with the other? Given the fallibility of memory this seems highly possible. Or Roger could be right. Absent evidence corroborating one or other possibility coming to light the question will remain. |