The Second Convention (it was never referred to at the time by any other name) was held in the Ancient Order of Druid's Memorial Hall on London's Lamb's Conduit Street, on April 10th, 1938. This was about 150 yards from 88 Gray's Inn Road aka 'The Flat', later to be the celebrated abode of Arthur C.Clarke and Bill Temple - who would move in in June - and Maurice K.Hanson. The 1939 convention would also be held at AOD Memorial Hall. It would be destroyed in a German bombing raid on 10th May 1941.

The Programme Booklet or, to give it its actual title 'The Science Fiction Association Second Annual General Meeting & Convention Official Programme & Agenda', is a four-page booklet that does what it says in that overlong name. The report is a booklet giving an account of what actually happened there.

(Note: This convention was later - much later - dubbed 'Necronomicon' in a bizarre advertisment for the 1957 Worldcon bid. It has never been called this other than in that single instance, neither before, nor since.)

Known attendees:
Ted Carnell
Ken G. Chapman
Arthur C.Clarke
Frank Dobby
John Russell Fearn (GoH)
Vic Gillard
Walter Gillings
Albert Griffiths
Maurice K. Hanson
John Beynon Harris
Benson Herbert
Ron Holmes
Arthur Janser
Les Johnson
Professor A.M.Low
Doug Mayer
Dave McIlwain
Leslie Smith
Bill Temple
Fred Tozer
Harry Turner
Bert Warnes
Eric Williams
There were 43 people present, but these are the only names we can be sure of.

Many years later, Ron Holmes recalled:

"Druids hall ... had a fine set-piece of a stone altar and lights which could simulate the dawn. The main feature was a lecture by Prof. A. M. Low. However, my most vivid memory was arriving at Euston with Dave McIlwain (Charles Eric Maine) where we were to meet Sam Youd (John Christopher) ** for the first time, where the crowd was so dense that Dave had to wave over his head the symbol of recognition - a copy of "Weird Tales" with a nude Brundage cover." - NESFIG NEWSLETTER #9 (April 1976)

(** Sam Youd wasn't at this convention so Holmes must be confusing it with another.)

Harry Turner's son Philip adds:

"The list of names for 2nd SFA Convention includes "Tozer". My father had a schoolfriend and fellow SF enthusiast called Fred Tozer -- there's a picture of them here:

It's such an uncommon name that I would suggest that he probably went to the Con with my father."

Carnell's report in NOVAE TERRAE refers to "Harry Turner and friend Tozer from Manchester", which confirms it.