This gallery is a companion piece to my book 'BIXELSTRASSE: The SF Fan Community of 1940s Los Angeles' - available in printed form or as a free ebook (click on cover image at bottom of page) - and shows LASFS members, visitors, and others who feature in that text. It has been assembled from the contemporary photos I have been able to locate so their quality varies quite a bit and there are a couple of notable people missing. It is hoped to gradually improve the gallery as/when more or better photos become available. At present I'm particularly looking for better *contemporary* headshots of Dal Coger, Nieson Himmel, Alva Rogers, and Jimmy Kepner. Some of the people pictured are more strongly associated with other cities and fan groups, but for a period during the 1940s they were LASFS members, hence their inclusion.
Google street view will show you what the section of Bixel Street where the Bixelstrasse was looks like now, but almost nothing from the 1940s still exists. There's no place for dwellings like that on such now valuable Downtown real estate and they've all been replaced by office buildings and expensive-looking condos..