FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST - Issue 9 (Vol. 1, Number 9) June 1941
By May the Blitz was winding down, but the Luftwaffe still had one nasty surprise for London. On the night of the 10th, in brilliant moonlight, a force of 550 planes dropped hundreds of high explosive bombs and 100,000 incendiaries on the heart of the city. The chamber of the House of Commons was reduced to rubble and the Lords chamber was also hit, though it remained usable. Big Ben was scarred - though the clock continued to keep perfect time - the roof of 12th century Westminster Hall was set ablaze, the square tower of Westminster Abbey was destroyed, and St. Paul's Cathedral was hit. None of the capital's main railway stations escaped damage and there was another building lost, too: Druid's Hall, site of the 1938 and 1939 SF conventions. Also on the 10th the Germans also launched an airborne invasion of Crete, and Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess - in one of the odder events of the war - flew to Scotland where he was taken into custody. On the 15th, the first British jet made a successful first flight at RAF Cranwell, and on the 27th the Royal Navy succeeded in sinking the Bismark, pride of the German fleet. Distributed with this issue: THE GENTLEST ART #7 - ed. Douglas Webster - 4 pages
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![]() SCIENCE FICTION EXCHANGE Bulletin No.1 A number of fans are concerned over the safety of the Exchange, well they needn't be, this :is a fairly safe locality, indeed it is (or I should say "was") an "Official Evacuation area", and although recently we have had a few bombs near, it is still reasonably safe. Another point which also arises is whether or not yours truly is likely to be called up in the near future; I would like to set their fears at rest, yours truly did not pass the Medical Examination, and is permanently exempt from all Military Service. I have decided to throw open certain parts of the SFX. to all who desire to borrow mags. There will be no charge at all; of course, borrowers will have to pay all postage. Thanks are especially due to the following for their kind help and for contributing books to the main pool;- Don J. Doughty, Art Williams, John Morgan, Derek Gardiner, A.W.Busby and Dennis Tucker, (I must ask the forgiveness of any and all missed out). 233 mags are now available through SFX as well as 16 novels including Wells "Time Machine" & "Tales of Mystery & Imagination" - Poe, for both of which I am indebted to Edwin Macdonald.
J.T.Gibson 2222"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2222 Jack Chipman Miske, alias The Startreader, and noted as the most egotistic of U.S. fans makes another "final" appearance in the April issue of FANFARE, organ of the Boston Strangers Club. Unfortunately a large proportion of the issue deals with analyses of this gentleman's behaviour. But of special interest is the fact that he offers copies of his 1 issue "super" fanzine - BIZARRE absolutely free to all & any Britishers who request same (except contempible Pacifists). Address is 5000 Train Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. We are very pleased that this gentleman has at long last offered something to British fans for so far he has been conspicuous by his absence from the gallant band to whom we owe a debt of gratitude - Warner, Tucker, Wright Searles, Rothman etc., and of course 4e Ackerman. We feel sure that Miske will be grateful that we give his offer publicity where it will be most useful, and he will be pleased to do something for those who are fighting for the cause for which he believes every Britisher ought to lay down his life. |
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POTPOURRI by 4e: Burroughs' first novel was written on the backs of envelopes & spare sheets of paper. Lovecraft, too, it would seem from Derleth's revelation re the "Ward" ms., rote all over the place. So, hoping to emulate these 2 acknowledged masters of fantastic fiction, & become famous, I am composing this column from odd scraps of paper accumulated from hither, thither & yither: notes from all the pockets of my coats & in my pants & from my adres bk & (a la ERB) on the backs of envelopes, & (in the manner of HPL) on the reverse side of letters (circulars: Rosicrucian, Subscribe to Esquire, Is There Life After Marriage? etc). All sorts of items intended for Fantasy Fiction Field's Spotlite and/or The Calif Mercury which I just never got around to submitting. This pg this time will serve for editorial & to introduce what is to be a regular feature: Latest News--the happenings of the Los Angeles-Hollywood set in the several wks prior to publishing Vom. Vom is very late this ish because this baby has been burning the neon tube at cathode & anode.. For the sake of the records, will say our job required us to work the equivalent of 6 wks during Jan, while Feb saw in the naborhood of 90 overtime hrs put in. Now this, chums, is not our idea of living; so we had no alternative but to resign. This may mean the end of the Litho Era of the Voice; & we have no choice but to suspend, 'angeling' The Damn Thing. My English & Aussy pals will understand, I trust, if I go bust, that no more mags arrive for awhile. But, in thend, I bliev it will be betr. ' ' Another Voice, alredy underway, ought to be in your hands within a month. After that--depends. Primarily, of corse, it is of first importance to me to attend the Denvention, & this I am determined to do at all costs. ' ' Fandom First! is my motto... Am trying out a little thing with Teddy Emsheimer (our Vomultilither, who also resignd from the Academy, to have more time for his interests, several of which are learning Esperanto & fixing to attend the Denvention. Myt even publish his own fm.)--am trying out a little idea with TE & his wife, which myt turn into a Big Idea (a la Cummings). 'S'Called... Assorted Services, so if U noe anybody who wants some stenciling done or a party pland or to borrow a bk or be reminded when it's their favorite Aunt's birthday-- just send 'em out to Calif & we'll fix ;em up; Now to give U the news: First off, some real super-stuff we shoud like to've run in giantype, lithoed in red; have to stencil it instead but our hearts are behind it. EARTHMAN TO MARRY MARS- PRINCESS! BOY GETS BARSOOM GIRL! WALT DAUGHERTY TO WED ELEANOR 'DEJAH THORIS' 0'BRIEN! DIRECTOR OF LASFS & BRIDE-TO-BE PLAN DENVENTION HONEYMOON! Now ain't that sumpin?! ' ' Hitchike to Shangri-LA: William Dewey, stfan from Everett, Wn, was in LA one, day recently, thumbing his way down to Mexico, Spent an afternoon with Bradbury, talkt with 4e on the fone, Contest Winner: Latest imagi- native to join the LASFS is J. Arlo K. Richards, 3d prize-copper in AmS' recent "Planet of Errors" contest. Watch for work by Richards (fiction, fact articles) in Astra Pubs & others. ' ' Spectra to be hekto'd! First of its kind from LA since first IMAGINATION!. ' ' Specula #2 will feature a piece of Northern Cal fan fiction in "Me & the Mite", emanating from the vicinity of Berkeley, North Meets South! ' ' 4some Sees Fearsome Film. Walt Daugherty & fiancee, Virginia Laney & Forry recently took in together a local revival of the old Chaney opus, "Fantom of the Opera", by Gaston` Leroux. (Gad! What won't Ackerman call news next?)' After fan-working at 4e's flat one recent Sunday, Walt, 'LN-or' & Morojo went out & rustled up some vitamins & the 2 gals prepared suppers for the 2 guys & themselves, Work done primarily was on dummying of the Denvention tion Shangri-LA, which will he dedicated to an overseat fan. References were made to 4e's pro & art collection for a novel type of illustrating for Carnell's sequel to "Art! I Choke!". ' ' Insiders' letter in latest Weird has brot in 2 inquirys about L1ASFS & 4 visitors, one fellow from Iowa & a lady from Detroit. ' ' Incidently, it no longer'll be the Brown Rm at Clifton's. Was all set to start a Club Column called "It Hapnd in Monterey" when we moved to rm of same name; but we have left Clifton's & may go out to Exposition Pk for our meetings. Calling to your attn. "Cashing in on Fantasy" on pg 568 of Pop Mechanix for Apr. Fan pictured is LA's own Ray Harryhausen (Hon Mem LASFS) who came to our notice when he attended, a revival of "King Kong" at a theater where imagi-native Roy Test Jr was working at the time. Stills loand by me to the theater attracted Ray to me & hence to the Club. I'm proud to be the owner, by the way, of that original of the Jupiterian Monster pic on 569, ' ' Art Joquel new Club Librarian. In this Connexion, our Library needs the following mags, on which we have the fo1lowing quotations, & if any fan can better them, for ppd copys in good condition, contact Art at once at 1426 W 38 St, LA: AmS #1, $2.50; #2 $2; #3, $1.50; #l, Ast, $1.50. ``Not one mad-scientist but 3 Were seen in a school play concocted by T, Bruce Yerke, with cast including Yerke, Welles, Brown ,& Gershon. ' ' C U2 8 DENVER! 4e | |||||
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ABOUT THIS ISSUE Most of you will be wondering somewhat, by now; so here is a little explanation. Firstly, the issue is dedicated to that truly "top" American fan Forrest J (4e) Ackerman; who, not being satisfied with sending British fandom parcels of pro mags and copies of the Los Angeles fanzines, has sent us no less than four parcels of paper in the last month. So we decided to use most of the aforesaid paper for this particular issue of FIDO and thus conserve our own stocks, especially as the size of these sheets prevents them from "mixing in" with ordinary issues. Pages 2 & 4 contain adverts for "VoM", page 5 consists of gossip from a recent edition of that magazine which will be of great interest to most people, and page 8 is also from VoM. We thank you, Forry. Now as to other items. As we go to press we are aware that there will be no "Zenith" or "He Said" this month, due to the preoccupation of their respective editors. Neither will there be a "Gleanings" as Ron Holmes has been fully occupied this last month as a member of a Pacifist Service Unit in much-bombed Liverpool. They all ought to be back next month, in fact we are promised a double- size "Zenith". And we conclude this almost-an-editorial by stating what you all ought to know, namely that this is the June 1941 issue of FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST (nicknamed FIDO) published by J. Michael Rosenblum from 4 Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds 7, England. Rates are 3d per copy, 3/- a year; Americans 75 cents cash or promags to that value. Reciprocal exchange welcome. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WANDERINGS by Wayfarer II Here we are again! And this time, for a change, I am going to devote the whole of my space to fantasy novels published by Messrs Hodder & Stoughton in their "Yellowjacket" series at 2/- each, and which do not seen to be as well known as they ought to be. Firstly, "DARK FRONTIER" by Eric Ambler; a beautifully ironical tale of a physics professor who identifies himself, after a motor accident, as a fictional wonder-detective, and acting under that impression foils a nasty scientific plot and leads a democratic revolt. Highly recommended. Another good yarn is "THE ONE SANE MAN" by Francis Beeding. Alleged to be a thriller, it deals with an attempt to forcibly solve the problems of Europe (pre this war) by threatening obstreperous nations by means of a weather-controlling machine. "BY THE GODS BELOVED" is, I believe, Baroness, Orczy's only real Venture into fantasy. A lost city in the Sahara - forerunner of Egypt - visited by modern-day adventurers. Original when written but now fairly hackneyed. And to conclude, here are a couple of roaring blood-and-thundery, yet very enjoyable stories by "Ganpat", namely "MIRROR OF DREAMS" - almost a Shangri-La tale, about a hidden monastery in the Himalayas in which initiates train and meditate so as to be able to bring culture to a purged humanity after a coming ice-age - and "FAIRY SILVER" - adventure, chivalry & romance in a lost land somewhere near Tibet inhabited by an ancient race, ruled over by the descendants of a medieval French expedition to Tartary.
So if you are feeling the pinch of the lack of American magazines, there
are five first-rate yarns to tackle - try your local library for them! We wish to thank the following for extra copies of their fanzines, which will go the rounds of fellow-FIDOers; F.J.Ackerman (VoM), P.Bronson (Fantasite), A.L. Joquel (FMZ Digest), W.Hockley (AustraFantasy & Melbourne Bulletin) and D. Tuck, (Profan). Other fanzines received this month include Zeus (2 issues), Fanfare, Alchemist, Futurian Review, Le Zombie, Fan-Atic, Sunspots, Fantasy News &, FFF. |
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THIS CHAIN GANG BUSINESS, or notes on contemporary phenomena!! Probably a rather unexpected result of the wartime situation of British fandom has been the rise of a system of chain-letters. That is to say, letters are sent out from a central source with an attached list of people, each of whom passes the package on to the next on the list, thus enabling intercommunication to be kept up with a minimum of trouble and expense. Actually the first to appear was not an stf. one proper but an emergency continuation of the psychic research organisation THE PROBE. But this and the S.F.A. had many common members, including the secretary H.S.W.(Hal) Chibbett. So inevitably, the Probe Newsletter percolated through fandom. Next on the field was Arthur C.(Ego) Clarke's FAN-MAIL, originally an attempt to keep in touch the various members of the London S.F.A. but soon engulfing others to the total of some 24. Now that Ego is in the RAF, C.S. Youd is continuing the series for the nonce. This month a third "chain gang" made its bow when Eric Frank Russell sent his "American Malange" wandering round Britain. The idea of this is to supplement FAN-MAIL by containing news from the States plus one or two recent fanzines. Not quite "pukka" chain gangs are the associate editors of the FIDO mailing to whom second copies of exchanges circulate, and we have yet to see if Jack Gibson's "S F Exchange" develops as such. All-in-all, we seem to have something new and potentially very useful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's happened at last, we just knew it had to happen! A true "digest" of fanzine articles and pictures has appeared in "FMZ" (pronounced 'Femmes') Digest. Apart from a brief letter section the whole of the contents of the issue consist of reprinted matter; and very good it all is too. And that's not entirely due to the fact that the back page consists of the March FIDO cover - poem by Harold Gottliffe illustrated by Harry Turner - and a condensed "They" by D. J. Doughty from "Cosmos" No 2. Enterprising publisher is Arthur Louis Joquel II and the high quality tells us it's Los Angeles pub. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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SOME P.S.s together with assorted late news....................................................................June 29th
Saturday morning, just 8 hours after the last of FIDO's stencilling
was completed, several interesting letters, were received.
As this is stencilled "HE SAID" and "Zenith" (Whoops, that should
have been in capitals as well) have not put in an appearance though both were promised
a while ago. I hope they arrive tomorrow (Monday)
but even then they will throw the mailing a little late. It may even
have be despatched without one or both of them. |
Notes- 1) The issues of VoM (VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION) the pages were from that appear in this issue have now been identified, courtesy of Robert Lichtman, who comments below: