FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST - Issue 26 (Vol. 3, Number 4) Feb 1943
On January 23rd, allied troops captured Tripoli, the last remaining city of Mussolini's African empire still in Italian hands. On the 31st, the Siege of Stalingrad ended with the German surrender. That same day, RAF Mosquitos launched the first daytime raids on the German capital. Distributed with this issue: DELERIUM TREMENS #8 - ed. Dennis Tucker - 2 pagesOCRing and copyediting this issue done by Greg Pickersgill.
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![]() THE NEWEST PROZINE | |||||
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... on with the medley, the dope and the slander .......................................................... in the February 43 ish![]()
WHAT FANS ARE DOING The "Paint Research Station Science Fiction Library" have an extremely interesting activity in the production of their "organ" "The BEYOND". This is no mere fanzine as the name might imply, but to our knowledge, an absolutely unique effort. Fantasy fiction written by the members themselves is incorporated, together with original illustrations, into a one-copy publication of a very high standard indeed. As there are no problems of duplicating, stencilling and paper-supply, the size can be prodigious and thus allow for full development of authors ideas. The second (and current) issue contains no less than 104 closely typed 4to pages, almost all devoted to seven stories; for the nonce anonymously written; two of which are quite up to pro-mag standard. As you might expect, full opportunity for criticism and comment is given in a real readers section - the "back of Beyond", wherein readers actually write their letters to the editor - this section and an editorial comprising the department. The illustrations are interesting, not as high a standard as the stories, on the whole, yet withal commendable indeed, and the format of the whole production is practically excellent. Plans are being worked out to make "BEYOND" available to members of the British Fantasy Society; and also - if there is sufficient interest - to create a BFS edition in which the epics of other BFS members can similarly see the light of day and receive their mead of criticism. AND WHERE THEY ARE (first installment) This months call-up is Ken Johnson, of Stoke-on-Trent. In regard to the S-on-T SF Club, Ken says; Poor SOT club, it has two members not in the forces now, because as from Thursday I shall be wearing khaki myself, and our youngest and incidentally only female member joins the land army. Ken reports to Chester and hopes to manage the Midcon. From Dave McIlwain "Just a line to let you know that I am still alive, - but only just. Far from arriving triumphantly in New York harbour, or even contacting Canada, I find myself sitting dejected on a petrol can in a very muddy field somewhere in N Africa." Address Cpl D McIlwain 1534584, HQ 382 Wing, RAF, APO 4330. Les Johnson too is out of the country and we mustn't say where he is, but his address is 1014661 Cpl L.J. Johnson, A.9689, c/o APO 4330. S'funny isn't it? Another RAFer overseas is Alan Miles, but he has reached Canada. Americans, Milty Rothman writes from Camp Santa Anita, Arcadia, California. As he says he had to join the army to get to Los Angeles, which Mecca he has visited many times already, being stationed only 13 miles away. He is to be a teacher of optical instrument repair and likely to be Lieut. Milty soon. More famous people in the forces are Weisinger, Wellman, Ruppert and Jack Williamson. Forry writes to say he intended to send a letter to Anglofandom on the occasion of his drafting, but circs forbade. S'pity. Incidentally Forry also says that he hasn't had any copies of Stapledon's "Darkness and the Light", so if anybody has or finds one it would be a nice gesture to send it across. Doesn't seem to have been so much moving around among our own forces fans - Eric Yorrick Hopkins is in Devon, Ken Bulmer has another address at Whetstone N.20. James Rathbone now lives at '"Sunrays" lower Broadheath, Worcs. BENSON HERBERT REPORTS about Mssrs Lloyd Cole's publications; The first five of our science-fiction series have been sent to the printers, and they are mainly reprints of my American and British s-f. Also a book in reply to H.G. Wells' "Conquest of Time" entitled "Time, gentlemen, Please". |
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Via Arthur Williams comes a message from T. STANHOPE SPRIGG, now a Wing Commander
in the RAF. He says LOSS OF TRIPOLI but it should be spelt Triple-E ! Of all the American fans, the one least expected to be disturbed by current events was E. Everett Evans. EEE has spent ten years in the US navy, part of it during the last war, and is nearing the age of 50. But the perversity of fate has shown its usual hand, and amidst volleys of hush-hush EEE has temporarily withdrawn from fandom. Nor can he be communicated with whilst this enforced absence continues, which is likely to be for a year or more. During the brief while he has been active "Ol' Man Evans" has certainly made things hum, and it is sad indeed that the sorely stricken National Fantasy Fan Federation is now minus its President. MORE HERE AND THERE just received, first letter from John M. Cunningham since his induction into the US army. Present address is Pte. 616th T.S.S., Flight 67, A.A.F.T.T.C., S.T.C. No 5, Kearns, Utah, USA Bks 2125. More US call-ups are Norman Wilmorth and Charles Hidley, the "staff" of Fantasy Fiction Field. Deferred are Morrie Dollens of Minneapolis, Walt Liebscher of Chicago and John B. Michel (Hugh Raymond) of New York. Our own Ted Carnell is just recovering from a bout of tonsillitis and looking forward to a sick-leave resultant thereto. Art Williams (11 Kenbury St, Camberwell, SE5) wants particularly Astoundings for April 36 & 37, 39 Sep, Nov Dec; 40 Aug to Dec; 41 all but March, May (US only). Edwin Macdonald recently registered for the RAF - shape of things to come? Recent visitor to London was Sid Beach of Aberystwyth, who managed to say hello to RGMedhurst and Art Williams. Incidentally, the second issue of LENS the fanzine put out by Beach and RJSilburn, should be out in the near future. Anyone interested in a Bibliophiles Section of the British Fantasy Society, to circulate a chain-letter anent books, books and more books? BIRTH OF A SON "On Tuesday Feb. 9th Alys Rita had a son weighting seven and a half pounds, and with a taste for the mysterious ... at the moment John Parkhill Rathbone is a weird-looking thing, being only two and a half days old - like a future man, with a colossal head compared with his body, but when he obtains his University degree in about two weeks, he may look more normal. Meanwhile he will be cutting his teeth on "Principia Mathematica" and Hegel's "Principles of Logic" with a little Euclid on the side." This was the first bulletin anent our new superman received from its proud progenitor James Parkhill Rathbone to whom and Alys our heartiest congratulations go. Am I the Godfather, James? "FUTURIAN LAW" From Chief Futurian Attorney Vol Molesworth of the Futurian Society of Sydney; "I am preparing a standard Futurian Law text-book. To do this I need a copy of the rules and constitution of every fan club in the world, past and present. It is a big long task, but I intend to tackle it, for if all fan clubs adopted a standardised law it would make Futurian intercourse easier. Briefly, I want a complete set of data on a Society - copy of its policy, constitution and rules in toto, full list of decisions and precedents that are within the scope of the word "jurisdiction". When I get this from all fan-clubs, and after comparison, sift out the common parts, I intend to roneo it off, bind it, and send a copy to each fan club." |
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I n t r o d u c i n g
WE HAVE BEEN FOOLED yes, the neatest hoax in fandom has been gradually built up by Julius Unger with all the wealth of circumstantial details, and has all fandom fooled. And yet clues have been given, and it was possible for people on the spot to confirm his statements. Briefly, there is no ODD TALES and never was either - twas a version of Julie's own ideal prozine - and he kept the deception up right to the announced publication date. Julie says that he waited till Yankeefandom had, in his opinion, reached its lowest ebb, and then he held up this vision as something worth looking forward to. SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPIRING with this issue include those of Jack Gibson, Edwin Macdonald, J.E.Gillot, R. Chittock and Alan Miles. New subscribers recently are F.C. Brown (Birmingham), I.M. Vinter (St Albans), K. Johnson (Stoke-on-T), J.T. Miller (London), R. Diggins (Manchester), G.I. Holbrow and A. J. Ridgeway (Teddington). Notices; has anybody a copy of Step-by-step in Esp-o, Butler, to spare? write JMR. Henry Ackermann of 5200 Maple Ave, "Pimlico", Baltimore, Maryland, USA wants to say that his publication "Imagi-Music" now accepts verse in the weird-fantastic field, and will pay 1 to 2 cents per line for same. In regard to overseas contributors Henry will remit in current prozines paying postage himself. Here is a chance for our poetasters. There are a few people, in USA, Australia etc, to whom I am quite willing to keep on sending FIDO, but naturally I don't want to waste copies so suggest that such person should just acknowledge the receipt of the mag. A pc will do. Otherwise this will be the last copy they get. eh Molesworth, Russell, Hockley, Wright, Mrs Beasley, Beling, Goldstone, Fortier, Watson, Elder. And may I express deep apologies to Mrs Jessie Walker that I simply haven't had the time to answer her last interesting letter. COLOSSAL Yes the new Houston-Overton publication COLOSSUS certainly lives up to its moniker for the first issue which appeared in mid-January contains no less than 36 quarto pages. Good going for a wartime fanzine. The format and duplicating are well up to standard and though the fiction and articles are open to quite a bit of improvement, this is only to be expected in a first issue. Its up to fandom at large to see a good standard is reached in future. Special mention for the "Fantasy Index" feature which commences by giving details of the first ten issues of SCOOPS in the exhaustive Farsaci manner. Next issue is due out about the end of February. Oh, details? Price 6d from 107 Thomas Street, Abertridwr, Cardiff, Glam. 'The Readers Always Write" readers section of the late lamented SPACEWAYS will have a final edition published in a one issue revival of GOLDEN ATOM, a super US fanzine of a couple of years ago. |