"Keep all accounts something pretty sharp is supposed to rise
from the Ashes."


From SKYRACK 9 (November 1959) ed. Ron Bennett:


Although it had been hoped that the overnight Symposium held at the beginning of October would strengthen internal relationships, the London Circle was disbanded at its business meeting of Friday, 16th October, following the resignation of Chairman Ted Tubb. It was agreed to revert to the system of seven months ago, social meetings at the Globe and no business meetings at the White Horse. The Globe meetings will continue to take place on the first Thursday of each month. It is still intended to hold the 1960 convention in London and the provisional date has now been changed from Whitsun to Easter.

Some London fans held a meeting in a room made available at Inchmery on Friday, 23rd October, when a new Club - the Science-Fiction Club of London - was formed. Ella Parker was elected Chairwoman and Jim Groves, 29 Lathom Road, East Ham, London E6, is Hon. Secretary. Meetings will be held twice a month. The membership is already over the dozen mark and plans include the formation of the first 8mm cine film unit in the London area, and group participation in future conventions with both films and tapes.

The Science Fiction Club of London splintered from the formally organised London Circle in the dying days of 1959, precipitating the end of that brief experiment, and went on to be a significant fan group through most of the 1960s. Here are some of its official documents, including those that record its birth.

Annual General Meeting Minutes:

What follows is a Chronicle of SFCoL, incorporating "Friday Night at Ella's" and other socialising in and around the club:

  1. Search for a Clubroom (Jan 1960)
  2. The Parker Penitentiary (Feb/Mar 1960)
  3. The 1960 Eastercon (April 1960)
  4. Kettering & the End of Inchmery (June 1960)
  5. Andy Young Visit (July 1960)
  6. BSFA "Friday Night at Ella's" begins (Aug 1960)
  7. Ban the Burn (Aug/Sep 1960)
  8. London Scots (Sept 1960)
  9. Secretary's Report (VECTOR #9) (Sept 1960)
  10. Year's End (Oct - Dec 1960)
  11. London Fandom Round Up (January 1961)
  12. Farewell, Paul Enever (January 1961)
  13. SFCoL Takes Over (March 1961)
  14. First Contact (March 1961)
  15. Who's Who in SFCoL (March 1961)
  16. LXIcon (April 1961)
  17. A West Kilburn 'Microcon' (April 1961)
  18. Movements (May - July 1961)
  19. Ella Flies Out (August 1961)
  20. A Hoax and an Engagement (September 1961)
  21. Joe Patrizio Gets Married (November 1961)
  22. Home Again (January 1962)
  23. A Worldcon Bid (February 1962)
  24. The TAFFman Commeth (May 1962)
  25. Open Meetings (December 1965)
  26. The Minicon (November 1967)