From internal evidence - urging people that it's still not to late to join - this appears to have been published and distributed before the convention, presumably with a Science Fantasy Society mailing.

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The room that has been booked for the Loncon is of ample size, and fans who missed the leaflets circulated earlier in the year, or who failed to book by the given dates, can still attend.

We would still like a few days notice, if possible, though, so that sufficient catering can be arranged. Please pass the word around to everyone you know who would like to come!

The Loncon Committee are thinking of asking for some commission from British Railways, owing to the increased rail traffic due to the Convention! SFS Area Secretary Peter Hall and a friend of his will probably be the furthest travelled visitors ... they are coming from Glasgow!

Arthur Hillman And Terry Overton are travelling from Newport; Ken Johnson from Stoke-on-Trent; Norman Weedall from Liverpool; Derek Pickles from Bradford; Adrian Wilson and friend from Chandlersford, Hants; T. Scoles from Portsmouth, A/c Cawthorn from the RAF in Norfolk....'London Circle' fans should consider themselves very lucky--- they have only a ten-minute walk from their usual meeting place at the 'White Horse'!

We are fixing up some of the non-London fans with accomodation on Saturday night. If any other long-distance visitors would like us to arrange this for them, will they write in to the Secretary as soon as possible. We can't promise anything in luxury- hotel style, but we'll do our best!

And we'll still be glad to hear from other kindly London fans with a bed to spare at Easter.....

Unless asked for, no definite arrangements are being made for a meeting on the Sunday until the actual Convention.

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The Committee have hired a large room for the Convention at the 'Lord Raglan', 61, St. Martin Le Grand, and the 'Loncon' will be held there on Easter Saturday, April the 16th. Any enquiries should be addressed to Vincent Clarke at 16,Wendover Way, Welling, Kent.


3.00 - 3.30 Informal discussions and introductions.

3.30 - 4.00 The Chairman, Mr. Gillings, will open the meeting and review the field of fantasy and science fiction.

Frank Fears, Secretary of the S.F.S. will give a short report on the Society and its future. A statement of the Society's funds will also be made. Vincent Clarke, Editor of the 'S.F.N.' will give a brief account of progress made with British fanmags.

Ted Carnell, Editor of 'New Worlds', is to give a talk on 'New Worlds' and his coming trip to the States to attend their Conventiun this September.

4.00 - 4.30 A general discussion on the above items will then take place. Comments, constructive criticisms and suggestions are wanted from all fans.

4.30 - 5.00 'Sandy' Sandfield will act as Question Master in a game of Twenty Questions. Volunteers are needed for the team. Prizes will be awarded for correct solutions, the prize winner then allowing another fan to take his place.

5.00 - 5.30 A bar will be available in the Convention room from 5.00 onwards.

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5.30 - 6.00 A motion will be moved that "It is the opinion of this Convention that adherence to rigid editorial policies is detrimental to the proper development of fantasy fiction and it recommends that magazine editors should allow more scope for the free expression of ideas irrespective of their deviations from traditional taboos." The motion will be debated and a majority vote taken.

Alternate or additional propositions of a constructive character, preferably appertaining to the activities of fandom, are invited. Those prepared to put forward such motions should notify the Convention Secretary Vincent Clarke before April the 9th.

6.30 - 7.00 We are still waiting for a bright idea. Can you let us have one before April the 9th?

7.00 - 8.00 The running buffet will be available from 7.00 onwards. Coffee will follow.

8.00 - 10.00 The Auction. Charles Duncombe is to act as auctioneer-in-chief.

The auction is the traditional way of ending the Convention and of paying incidental expenses. We hope that you will all assist us by bringing along or sending us a couple of magazines or books that you no longer require. How about that old set of Astoundings you'd forgotten? That copy of 'The Outsider and Others'?


The Lord Raglan is near St. Paul's Cathedral and St. Paul's station on the Central Line. See map on the back page. If you get lost ring up the pub and we will send a search party out for you. The Lord Raglan is open at 11.30 and on Saturdays a cold lunch counter is open. Members of the Convention committee will be in the Lord Raglan from 12.00 in case you wish to be along early and buy them a beer.

Don't forget the auction......

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Convention visitors who would like to go sight-seeing, book-hunting, etc. on Saturday before the Convention should write in to the Secretary, and if enough London Circle fans can be found to act as guides, details will be sent around in the week before Easter.

Re bookhunting: Tottenham Court Rd Underground Station is at the end of the book-hunter's Mecca, Charing Cross Rd, and is on the same line, (Central) as St Pauls, Chancery Lane station, for the 'White Horse', is between the two.

Aldersgate Underground station, also conveniently near the 'Lord Raglan', is on the Metropolitan Line.

Bus Routes. The No 4 Finsbury Park/Clapham Common bus is the only one that goes through St, Martin Le Grand, but a number stop in the vicinity of St Pauls station. These include No 7, serving Paddington and Liverpool St. stations, No 7a, Paddington and London Bridge, 17,London Bridge, and No's 8, 22, 23 and 25b.

Trolley buses Nos 543, 555, 665 find 677 pass the top end of Aldersgate St.

Photographer fans should note that we hope to run a picture-section in the 'LONCONZINE', the souvenir booklet of the Loncon. Besides the fans there are plenty of other interesing ruins in the vicinity, as well as St Pauls, Guildhall and other photogenic objects.


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1) Aldersgate station on the Metropolitan Line of the London Underground was later renamed 'Aldersgate and Barbican', and is now 'Barbican'.

2) Scans of the programme book were provided by Peter Weston.