Here, taken from his convention report in NEW WORLDS #54 (Dec 1956),
is Ted's account of the bidding session:
....The Biltmore Hotel, New York, Sept. 3rd.
In the palatial 19th floor ballroom of this hotel before a packed
audience of science fiction enthusiasts gathered from all parts of
the United States, plus several from Canada and England, voting
for the 1957 World Science Fiction Convention site has just been
concluded, and before the tense audience Chairman David A. Kyle
of New York City has informed them that by the overwhelming
majority of 203 votes to 65 London has outbidden Oakland, California
for the honour of having next year's Convention.
While this had been anticipated in England and a substantial
Committee formcd some months before I left London for New
York to make the bid on behalf of Great Britain, nobody until this
moment could be quite sure how the majority of Americans would
take to the idea of their own World Convention being held
outside United States territorial waters. In fact, at a business
session held earlier today there were some lively debated scenes,
held in true American style reminiscent of scenes in the Senate,
with author L. Sprague de Camp presiding.
Unlike any British Convention, I found that considerable lobbying
was being done both for and against London and as the day wore on
it became evident that an exciting fight would develop
between those who wanted the Convention to stay in their own
country and those who recognised that science fiction had become
international and that recognition should now be given to the many
countries outside the United States who had become active
in our particular field of interest.
At 3.00 p.m. this afternoon Anthony Boucher, editor of The
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, rose to make the opening
bid for Oakland and in a very fine speech explained their city's
plans for next year should they be successful. Several prominent
West Coasters then added seconding speeches,being allowed ten
minutes in which to make their tributes in favour of the
Oakland-Berkeley area of California. The opening bid for London then
followed by myself and was seconded bv Larry Shaw, editor of
Infinity Science Fiction who attended our own Kettering Convention
earlier this year. Short supporting speeches in favour of
London were then made by authors Dr. E. E. Smith of "Lensman"
series fame and Richard Wilson who had also becn at Kettering
this year. Some thirty minutes later the result in favour of London
was announced.
London can now go ahead with preparations for the first truly
World Science Fiction Convention, tentatively booked for
September 6th, 7th and 8th at the Royal Hotel in Bloomsbury. This will
be held under the auspices of the World Science Fiction Society Inc.,
a body specially formed at Cleveland last year to handle these
national meetings. At that time provision was made in the Society's
by-laws to allow a World Convention to be held outside the United
States and it is axiomatic of the democratic method used by the
Society that delegates present voted the site to Europe.
Late tonight, as I write
this, after the final official session has finished and the exhibits
dismantled and the 12ft. "World Science Fiction Society" banner
in blue and white is furled ready to send on its way to London,
there will be a continuous film show in colour of scenes from many
previous Conventions. All the major events this year have been
covered in film and the sound tape-recorded and it may be possible
for all these to be shown next year for the benefit of the many
European delegates who will be visiting London and who will no
doubt find an interesting comparison between British and American
type Conventions.
Already, as I write this, discussions have been held in the hotel
between the present Convention Committee and representatives of
Pan American Airways to charter one or two 70-seater planes to
take American delegates across the Atlantic in 1957. While London
cannot expect to compete in overall numbers they will at least
have adequate support from many American authors and fans,
and those guests will receive a "Royal" welcome.
As to who will be London's Guest of Honour next year only time
will tell, but the London Committee have already compiled a list
of possible celebrities from whom we may expect at least one more
to be present. An air letter I received this morning informs me
that author John Wyndham has accepted the position of President
of the Committee Council now at work planning the skeleton of
next year's Convention.
Already it looks as though London will be truly representative
of a "World " Science Convention.
The faction who opposed the London bid on nationalistic grounds, and whose
presence at the earlier business session he mentioned in passing, were more
determined than Ted Carnell reported, as Ted White recalls:
Ted gave out his first press release before returning to the UK. This
appeared in FANTASY TIMES, link below. In it he stated that it was planned to
hold the con in the Royal Hotel (site of conventions in 1951, 1952, and 1970),
with extra accomodation in the adjacent Tavistock Hotel for those who wanted
baths in their rooms.