Dave Langford has published a fine series of free 'Harp' ebooks collecting the writing of Walter Willis. Clicking on the relevant image above will take you to the appropriate download page. In 2020, I discovered the typescript of the speech Walt had delivered at CHICON in 1952 among Vince Clarke's papers. Not seen by anyone other than them in almost 70 years, I scanned this for fanac.org where it can now be viewed. It is now also included as an appendix in the ebook of THE HARP STATESIDE, where it belongs.
THE HARP ENCOUNTEREDWhen trawling through the fanzines at fanac.org for something else a few years ago, I made a note of all the reports on the 1952 Worldcon I came across and those on encountering Walt himself before and after the con. I did this with a view to maybe stitching together a companion ebook to THE HARP STATESIDE. The idea was that THE HARP ENCOUNTERED would give the contemporary American view of the trip. With everything else I have planned I can't see me doing this now, but having gathered all those links it seemed a good idea to present them here for anyone who wishes to read those accounts:
![]() ![]() Other Willis ebooks:
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