FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST - Issue 8 (Vol. 1, Number 8) May. 1941

April was a bad month for British and commonwealth troops in North Africa, who were forced into retreat by the relentless advance of Rommel's Afrika Corps. Also, Yugoslavia fell to a Balkan blitzkrieg on the 17th, and British forces were pushed out of Greece later in the month.

Fearing the German threat to convoys, the US announced it had reached an agreement with Denmark to occupy Greenland, giving it a base from which to protect shipping in the North Atlantic..

On April 16th, a bombing raid on London destroyed the Flat and the Red Bull, and had the Flat's famous residents not been called up and so had to vacate it before their three-year lease on it was due to expire in June 1941 they too would have been lost in the raid. The flat was later rebuilt, though not reoccupied by fans, but the Red Bull - the first pub where London fans had held their Thursday night meetings - never was.

Distributed with this issue:

THE GENTLEST ART #6 - ed. Douglas Webster - 4 pages
HE SAID #2 - ed. Ron Holmes - 2 page
MOONSHINE #4 - ed. John F. Burke - 2 pages
TIN TACKS #3 - ed. Don Doughty - 2 pages
ZENITH #2 - ed. Harry Turner - 3 pages
STAR PARADE #2 - ed. Ken Bulmer - 4 pages

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The last two "casualties" of British fandom are a couple of famous Londoners, namely Ken Chapman and Arthur (Ego) Clarke, respectively an erstwhile Secretary of the Science Fiction Association whilst the unique 'Ego' was a shining light of both that organisation and the British Interplanetary Society; besides being an inmate of the notorious Grays Inn Rd
"flat", Chapman is now in the navy, after having been a War Reserve Policeman since the outbreak of hostilities. A.C.Clarke is now an A/C2 too, is in the RAF and at present stationed at Bridgenorth,Salop. Ego had hoped to continue his chainletter "FAN-MAIL" even when, called up, but has been unable to have his typewriter with him whilst in training besides having no time. However, he hopes to be able to resume after being finally posted. He sends his best wishes to all Fan-mailers to whom he is unable to write just now. At present he is listed as a Radio Mechanic, but he hopes eventually to go in for navigational work.
THE recent death by her own hand of Mrs Virginia Wolf reminds us that altho she herself didn't produce any stf, so far as we are aware, the publishing house, The Hogarth Press, run by her in collaboration with her husband, Leonard Woolf, was responsible for introducing Muriel Jaeger's very distinctive fantasy. The first two Muriel Jaeger novels, both of a stfical nature. "The Question Mark" and "The Man with Six Senses" appeared under the Hogarth Press imprint in 1926 & 1927 respectively. RGM.
The only fantasy organisation still functioning in Britain today is the Stoke-on-Trent Science Fiction Club. Whilst not an ambitious organisation, the Club is quietly but successfully carrying on its activities. A quarterly report dated April 1941 has just been issued and gives details of the society's membership, finances and library; besides film and book reviews and general gossip.
L o n d o n l e t t e r

First thing to record, with illuminated lettering, is the resumption of SFA meetings. Three have been held so far. Attendance is naturally limited; at the last there were nine present but several veteran fans remain to be roped in besides the drive for the new fans that I want to get started sometime.

Present last were the Chibbetts, the Chapmans, Ericopkins, F.Arnold, Denise and self. Meeting, held in HQ of Anthrosophical Society, N.W.1, opened with introduction of newcomer John Bould, home on leave from Bedford, who at one time tried Kuda Bux's fire-walking feats. He was at once commandeered by Harry Probett.

Ken Chapman came to say goodbye; he was to join the navy the following Wednesday. Although we were all very sorry to have him go, we were glad to know that he hopes to be trained within easy reach of London and expects to get home frequently.

That's the second fan we've lost recently whom we looked upon as a fixture. The other, of course is the one, & only (praise be!) Ego who should by now have joined the RAF. Heaven help any Spitfire he has to overhaul! He'll probably install a new drive and fly it to the moon.

S i d n e y L B i r c h b y.

A sixpenny book recently published which somehow or another managed to slip past unnoticed is "When William Came" by Saki (Penguin), a tale of Britain occupied by Kaiser William and his army. A little out -of-date perhaps, but reprinted now as a "warning" book, it comes under the category of the Might-have-been,

page 3:

The May issue of COMIC' STORIES includes the following yarns; "Phoenix Planet" J. Blish, "Dimension of Darkness" S.D. Gottesman, "Power" Hugh Raymond, "The Riddle of Time" W.P.Cockroft,"No Place to Go" E.J.Bellin, "Time Inc" J.L. Chapman,"The Improbable" C.R.Tanner, "New Moon" Basil Wells, "What Sorgum Says" Cecil Corwin & "Transitory Island" Richard Wilson. Also an assortment of features and an article on spaceflying. In connection with the magazine "The Cosmian League" has been formed and is open to all actively working for the future.

June issue of STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES will feature about 12 yarns; "The Pioneer" Arthur J.Burke, "Jitterbug" R.R.Winterbotham, "Human Mice of Kordar" Basil Wells, "Martian Fantasy" Henry Andrew Ackerman, "Trails End" Walter Kubilus "Forgotten Tongue" W. Davies,"Spokesman for Terra" Hugh Raymond,"Mr Packer Goes To Hell" Cecil Corwin, "The Silence" Venard McLaughlin, "Kazam Collects" S.D.Gottesman, "The Moon Artist" Dr Keller, "The Grey One" R.W.Lowndes, & "The Words of Guru" by Kenneth Falconer.

Futurians here all getting along fine. Lowndes making out nicely with his FUTURE FICTION and. SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY. Pohl coming on o.k... Daniel Burford has placed illustrations now in 4 magazines, including WEIRD TALES. John Michel writing away and very successfully. Leslie Perri doing nicely on an editorial job unconnected with fantasy. Kornbluth writing like fury and making himself one of the big name writers.
..................D. A. Wollheim

AN article in the first number of SUN TRAILS - a miscellaneous publication issued at the editor's (Arthur Louis Joquel II) whimsy - analyses the cost of science fiction. Dealing only with US promags on the newsstand on February 1st, they find that the 22 fantasy magazines available cost $24.60 a year or $2.05 per month.


"COMET" is offering a substantial PRIZE consisting of a silver medal suitably inscribed and $25 in cash, to the person who overcomes the greatest obstacle to attend the Denver Convention. The prize will be delivered at the last session by a committee of 3, consisting of the Chairman of the executive committee of the Denvention, the editor of COMET and a prominent s-f writer chosen by these two.

There are also rumours of a "T. O'Connor Sloane Prize" to the person doing most to advance science or science fiction during the year

WEIRD TALES is blossoming out with a poetry page again - the first is by Clark Ashton Smith, illustrated by Hannes Bok. The May issue of W.T. contains a 20,000 word instalment of a new Lovecraft novel to be completed in the next issue. Titled "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" the tale is written in the well known Lovecraft manner and brings back the Necronomicon and the Cthulhu tribe.

"LE ZOMBIE", Bob Tuckers Ghouls' Gazette and humourmag extraordinary, is not after all to be suspended. During the period Tucker will be unable to get it out, the Los Angeles group will combine to stencil, duplicate and mail it working from Tucker's dummy. We forget how many fanmags this makes, that are being issued from the "Shangri-LA" of Fandom, but 'tis a goodly number.

The "Boskone" or Boston tea-party was held successfully in late Feb. when some score of well-known fans crowded into the home of R.D.Swisher of Boston, Mass, USA. They consisted mainly of the New York Futurians and the Stranger club and included Kornbluth, Lowndes, Pohl, Michel, wollheim, Trudy Kuslan, Widner, Tiger, Bell, Feldman, Unger, Kyle, & Studley. Main activities were discussion re the newly formed National Fantasy Fan Federation, investigation of the Swisher collection and discussion.

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GLEANINGS.......... ........................................................... ..................................garnered by RON HOLMES

Remember the "Fan Record" I mentioned a few "G's" back?? The recorded fanmag by Sully Roberds. Well, it flopped. The recording outfit was not as good as he thot. So he folded up after wasting time, energy, money and blank records on it. It's a pity really, the idea was colossal.

BIZARRE, the only remaining printed fanmag, now that STARDUST has collapsed, has folded up. Editors Marchonnette and Miske had a loss of about $50 (£15) due to the lack of co-operation from the fans. There used to be three printed fanmags in U.S. now none remains - as I mentioned when STARLOST commenced, a printed fanmag is impracticable in the present time with the present conditions.

I regret to announce the death of Erle Singelton, prominent U.S. fan and member of the FAPA. He committed suicide on the 9th of Feb. 1941. His death is the last of a series of unusual events. I wish to convey my sincere sympathies to his friends and relatives.

The S.F.L. are again issuing badges to members. 25 cents per. from T.W.S. offices.

Astounding has recently accepted two stories and one article from E.F.-Russell. The article is Fortean, entitled "Astral Artillery". The two shorts are "Seat of Oblivion" which should be in the May issue, and "Jay Score", an interplanetary yarn of which we will hear more of if it's popular.

Garrett Smith's "Between Worlds" is published in book form at 50 cents per, from THS (It was published years ago but some more copies were recently discovered; Editor)

My heartiest congratulations to John W. Campbell and L. Sprague de Camp - who have recently become fathers. I don't know the weight or sex of the offspring as yet, but I'll spill the beans when I get it. Nice going fellers !!


"COMET" Vol.1, No. 3. March 1941.

This is the new magazine edited by Orlin Tremaine, & actually the 1st number of it I have seen. Quite good, an air of unsophisticated freshness about it. Contents are, varied - from novels to a couple of short shorts, in a special department; a good idea but rather reminiscent of fanzine fiction. Two feature stories are "The Immortal" - Ross Rocklynne, & "Star of Dreams" - Jack Williamson; the former about a never-aging woman marooned in a spaceship seems almost a new plot. I enjoyed the two novelets "The Psychological Regulator" - Arthur Cooke & "Dark Reality" - Robert Moore Williams. Three short stories "Headhunters of Nuamerica" - Stanton A Coblentz, "Healing Rays in Space" - J Harvey Haggard, & "Lie on the Beam" - John Victor Peterson, are merely mediocre. A special feature "The Spacean" tries to give an idea of the newspaper of the future but it doesn't click; - too much of the Yankee Tabloid about it.

"FUTURE FICTION" Vol.1 No 5. April 1941

First issue edited by "Doc" Lowndes, tho we don't know how responsible he is for it. None so good. Best tale by far is "The Genius Bureau" by Helen Weinbaum, where the problem is what to do with some specially bred, super-mentalities, who have, solved all existing and possible problems and are therefore bored. 2 novels "30th Century Duel" - Manly Wade Wellman & "Martian Guns" - Stanley. D Bell are beautifully blood-and-thundery. 3 novelets "Radiant Avenger" E A Grosser, "Prince of Pluto" - P D Lavond, & "Status Quo" - R.R.Winterbotham, complete the issue.
page 5:

This page being stencilled three days after the opposite one, we now know that Clarke's FAN-MAIL will be continued for the time being by C. S. Youd of Eastleigh; editor of FANTAST. By the way, another issue of this magazine is about half completed and should be out later this month.

We had intended to convey the sad news of the suicide of Earl Singleton of Cambridge, Mass., one of the most promising of the newer American fans, but both Ron Holmes and Doug Webster beat us to it. We can only add our sincere sympathy to all bereaved by this sorrowful loss. "All Aboard For The Skylark" is the unusual title of an article by Eric Frank Russell, on research for interplanetary travel, published in the April issue of "TOMORROW" - a journal for the would-be citizen of a new age; no connection with the obsolete fanzine of the same name. Incidentally the same issue contains an article on agriculture and the future by E. Maurice Wood, our former farmer employer. Don Doughty reports that he has had his medical exam for military service, passed Grade 1, & been accepted for the navy as a telegraphist. Ah me, that's another. Also on the 'condemned' list are Harry Turner & David McIlwain. The latter wishes to announce that all issues of GARGOYLE after the next (No:6) & various supplementary PAN publications which he hoped to put out (including the Esperanto fanmag JEN) will be sent free to a limited mailing list, consisting only of those who expressly write & ask to be included. First come, first served.


WE are absolutely overjoyed to be able to include a column on

GARGOYLE Vol,2 No.2, April 1941, a 40 page PAN Publication from D. McIlwain, 14 Cotswold St., Liverpool 7, Nice to see it again. Up to standard - a good one, Specially enjoyed was DRSmith's "Glossary of Stf." and a terrific narrative poem "As Youd Likes It" by E.C.Hopkins.

The SCIENCE FANTASY FAN duly brought out its first issue, April 41. Contents were as given in the last issue of FIDO. Scheduled for the next no. are; "A Spherinal Spaceship D-Nordquist, "Browsinq"- 'Meiklejohn;' "Bank to Front"-J.F.Burke, "Presenting No.2 - Harry Turner, "Scientist Creates Life"-special article."The Man Behind Your Futurian War Digest" etc. etc.

JEN No.2 also published by McIlwain. Esperanto fanmag, we wish we could understand it, especially as sundry references to FIDO are scattered throughout. We must learn Esperanto.

THREE NEW REMAINDERS now available at 1/6 each are
The "Z" Ray by Edmund Snell - a death ray and secret service!
The Wrecking Ray by G.E.C.Wedlake - another ray, that melts steel & its use for sinking ships.
Lycanthia by Frances Layland Barratt - a female werewolf yarn.

You are reading FUTURIAN WAR DIGEST, an amateur magazine devoted to fantasy 4 Grange Terrace, Chapeltown, Leeds 7, by J.Michael Rosenblum. Rates are 3d. a copy 2/9 per year. Americans 75 cents or promags to that value. Various other sheets are mailed with due to the kindness of fellow fans for which we are truly grateful. A specia1 Australian edition of FIDO proper is published also, on, thin paper o Cover this time by A. Williams stencilled by H. Turner

page 6:
Can You Answer These ???????????????????

Here is a new feature. Some science fictional queries for you to try and answer, half are fairly simple; half not quite so simple. Answers will be given next month. If you like them, quizzes can be regularly given, Would other people like to try their hand at compiling some?

  1. Who are: Polton Cross, Gawain Edwards, Don A. Stuart?
  2. Do you know the creators of: Adam Link, Taine of San Francisco?
  3. Who were the first editors of: Tales of Wonder, Amazing, Wonder?
  4. What are the sequels to; Skylark of Space, The Blind Spot, She?
  5. Which "superman" story is written round an actual happening?
  6. Do you know which was the first Thought Variant story & when it appeared?
  7. Which was the first "fan-mag" in Britain, in U.S.A.?
  8. What classic stf. tale has been reprinted several times including twice by Amazing Stories and also in a cheap reprint series over here
  9. Under what names have the following actual people published fantasy: Roger Sherman Hoar, Charles H. Dodgson, Neil Bell?
  10. And are you aware who masqueraded under the fictitional names of: John, A. Bristol, Weaver Wright, Hoy Ping Pong?
There's a nice little lot, write out your answers and next month see if you were right. No prizes offered.

Received Recently

There has only been one post for me from USA during the, month and none at all from Australia. So it is a poor bag indeed that there is to report. Naturally the most exciting item is a mailing of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association, containing over a dozen separate pieces. As you might know, these are produced for the sheer sake of doing them and deal with the thoughts of most of the, prominent Yank personalities. All aspects of the fan field are met with in the various publications.

Another welcome visitor is the March issue of as Spaceways, as good as ever. Notable for the loss of the Star- Treader, and his replacement as a columnist by "S F Cynic", I believe that the best item in the issue is a glorious satire by Bob Tucker in which he would have us believe that JWCampbell shoots craps with the other Street & Smith editors to decide who prints which story, Mort Weisinger runs contests because he
.........(continued next column)


Abe Bloom, 44 Avondale Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire; has sfn. books, for sale or exchange. Also fans interested in stamps are asked to get in touch with him, he will exchange sfn books for stamps.
Dave McIlwain, 14 Cotswold St., Liverpool 7, will sell the complete set of Wonder's containing "Man Who Awoke" for 3/- post free, also Amazing 1/4ly - "Paradise and Iron"; for 1/- post free.
Anybody want some 95 issues of "Meccano Magazine" from 1928 to '35 Apply to JMRosenblum.
We must apologise this time for the nice mix-up of page number; & hope you can work them out successfully.
collects stamps, postmarks, envelopes, etc., and Editor Gnaedinger of Famous Fantastic, plays darts to decide which stories to reprint.
Other arrivals at the same time were a batch of "Fantasy Fiction Field", issue no. 4 of The Damn Thing, and Sun Trails.

page 7:


This scheme, originally suggested by Julian Parr, has now been in operation for some two months, during which time some 30 letters have been dealt with. It seems to be reasonably successful and worthy of continuance. I am therefore devoting this otherwise spare page to giving an up-to-date list of possible participators.

The rules are simple; letters to any of the undermentioned can be sent to me at 4 Grange Terrace, enclosed with correspondence to me if you wish; and enclosing a penny stamp for each such letter. These will be mailed out at the end of the month with FIDO, except those to editors of accompanying sheets who will be dealt with each fortnight. Please be careful as regards weight - don't overrun two ounces per letter, or one ounce for foreign ones.

J. W. Banks (Eastbourne)
Sidney L. Birchby (London)
Sidney Bounds (London)
John Briston (Morden)
H. Kenneth Bulmer (London)
John F. Burke (Liverpool)
H. S. W. Chibbett (London)
Arthur C. Clarke (Forces)
A. Vincent Clarke (Welling)
Bernard H. Cohen (Leeds)
John C. Craig (London')
Don J.Doughty (Downham Market)
Marion Eadie (Glasgow)
H. J. Ellis (Barrow)
Ronald Fishwick (Forces)
R. E. Folkes (Gloucester)
C. Roland Forster (Forces)
Derek Gardiner (Worthing)
Jack Gibson (Parkstone)
Walter H, Gillings (Ilford)
John Goldsmid (Leeds)
Harold Gottliffe (Forces)
Maurice K. Hanson (Forces)
Ron Holmes (Liverpool)
Eric C. Hopkins (London)
Donald Houston (Northampton)
Leslie J. Johnson (Forces)
Ronald Lane (Manchester)
Bert Lewis (Preston)
Eric Lloyd (Cragley Heath)
Edwin MacDonald (Inverness)
David McIlwain (Liverpool)
R. George Medhurst (Cambridge)
J. Horgan (Johnstone)
Eric Moss (Forces)
Eric Needham (Manchester)
R. E. Orme (Coventry)
Terrence Overton (Cardiff)
Julian Parr (Stoke-on-Trent)
R. B. Pope, (London)
Anton Ragatsky (Stoke)
Rita Pittman (Oxford)
James P. Rathbone (Forces)
J. E. Rennison (Blackburn)
Osmond Robb (Edinburgh)
Eric Frank Russell (Liverpool)
Andrew Salmond (Glasgow)
W. Shelton (Forces)
A. G. Skeel (London)
D. R. Smith (Nuneaton)
William F. Temple (Forces)
E. A. Thompson (Pinner Hill)
Dennis Tucker (High Wycombe)
Harry Turner (Manchester)
Arthur F. Williams (London)
F. D. Wilson (Southport)
C. S. Youd (Eastleigh)
A. Bloom (Hoylake)

The following foreigners can also be included from now on:

Leslie Croutch
* (Parry Sound, Canada)
Bert Castellari,
* (Sydney, Australia)
Julius Unger
* (New York, U.S.A.)
Harry Warner
* (Hagerstown, Md, USA)
Milton Rothman
* (Washington, DC, USA)