Only those pages containing editorial material have been included here. Those
given over to advertisments, fraternal greetings and the like have been omitted.
There was also a:
page 2.
| page 3: | |
For those of you who don't have to return home immediately the
Convention in over, I have been scouring round London for interesting things you
might like to see and that will cost you nothing but the fare to get there.
First and foremost, of course, is the Changing of the Guard
at Buckingham Palace. This is not held every day, but it can easily
be checked in the daily papers which days it will be. Usually it is
announced for 11-30 a.m. but we would advise you to be there early:
especially if you want to get a good spot from which to take pics.
Visits can be made to the Public Records Office in Chancery
Lane. This is the centre of the legal district - Inns of Court and
the like which have very beautiful and peaceful gardens - iffen we
should be lucky and have good weather! In the P.R.O. Museum can be
seen the Domesday Book and other interesting historical documents.
Hours are from Mon. thru Fri., 9-30a.m. - 5p.m. The Museum which is
the most interesting part is only open 1p.m. - 4p.m.
Normally one has to have a Reader's ticket
in order to handle the rarer exhibits
but a free temporary one can be had on
application to the enquiry Desk.
Tours through the Houses of
Parliament are made regularly, and
we will be pleased to help you to get
tickets for these.
There are also the Abbeys and
Cathedrals for those of you interested in architecture. You may
have heard of the Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral,
where if you stand in one spot and whisper it can be heard clearly
all round the gallery. In Westminster Abbey are the memorials
in Poet's Corner and elsewhere, which commemorate many of the
famous of Britain.
These are just a few of the things which may catch your
interest and will certainly pass a pleasant couple of hours for
you. I can't give you the Freedom of the City, but I can
express the hope that you will find it as fascinating as
I do . . . and I live here. Ella Parker.
Sponsored by Arthur C. Clarke
| page 4: | |
The steep hills of Mali Losinj enclose a circular bay with
a single, narrow entrance from the sea. On all sides woods come
down to the shore and the water is wonderfully transparent. This
is Yugoslavia at its very best. As you swim out from the rocky
beach you can see that the same down-swooping angle of the hills
is carried out underwater, and that the bay must be shaped like
an inverted cone, terribly deep in the middle. Brian and I swam
past an anchored sailboat and then dived to follow the anchor
rope that went down and down and vanished in the green-dark
depths below us. I surfaced, but Brian went deeper, coming up
a good half-minute after me.
"The rope just keeps going on," he said, "you can't see the
end of it. There's a whole other world there, a cathedral turned
upside down."
And that's just what it was. I had dived and seen it, and
now I had a description, the right words, to make it stick in my
memory. Thanks to Brian who, though at various times, is a mighty
swimmer, a hearty eater, an heroic drinker, a meat pie salesman,
an editor, a reviewer, a critic and many other things besides, is
first, last and always an artist. He is a richly creative writer
in a field not too greatly endowed with this rare trait.
| page 5: | |
I was more than pleased when I heard that be was to be
Guest of Honour (Guest of Honor for the Americans) at the 23rd
World Science Fiction Convention 1n London; I felt this choice a
most appropriate and correct one. If this convention is to be truly
hands-across-the-sea, Brian W. Aldiss is the man for the job. He
is as well traveled and cosmopolitan as any author should be, but
remains pure English to the solid core. This, however, does not
blind him in the slightest to either the strengths or weaknesses
of the British character - as a reading of the short stories in
THE AIRS OF EARTH will quickly reveal. Yet is was American fandom,
at an American convention who awarded him a much-deserved Hugo for the
stories that were later brought together as HOTHOUSE. His books
have been translated into at least a half-dozen languages so that it
can truthfully be said his reputation is worldwide.
By his works you shall know him. If we consult ITEM FORTY-THREE
we will see many familiar titles that evoke sharp memories. (This
booklet is a collector's item, a bibliography of Aldiss works
from 1954 to 1962 - hopefully Ken Slater may still have a few left
in stock.) It is impossible to forget stories like OLD HUNDREDTH or
POOR LITTLE WARRIOR! THE PRIMAL URGE is as exciting - and certainly
more entertaining - than any fold-out centerspread from PLAYBOY.
I recall fondly a story like SHARDS that I thought was going nowhere -
and I thought so wrongly that I had to turn back and read the entire
story over again, mumbling with appreciation. Others, far wiser
than I, share these feelings, and it has become impossible to open
an anthology these days without stumbling across an Aldiss story.
There is a temptation at this point to indulge in an orgy
of plot-outline and analysis and to work my way through the Aldiss
novels at great length. I will control myself to just two succinct
statements. THE DARK LIGHT YEARS is a classic-to-come, a book that
is going to stay in print and will eventually be recognized as one
of the great works of our time. GRAYBEARD Is a classic of the here
and now, a giant of a book that puts paid to the destruction-of-Earth
theme once and for all. All of the earlier novels of this type
become copybook exercises done to prepare the readership for this
book. Big words? Big books. I'm not normally that free with
my praise as anyone who knows me will quickly agree. I'm just
impressed, very impressed.
| page 6: | |
The members of this convention are in luck: Aldiss in person
is as interesting as Aldiss in print. He is accessible and has
never been known to refuse a drink. If you don't know quite what
to say when you first met him - try sayings "Isn't this my round?"
He will instantly answer yes and greet you by name, as long as your
name is prominently displayed on your person and spelled out in
Roman or Cyrillic letters. You must say round instead of asking
him what he would like to drink because the chances are that I will
be there as well and wish to enjoy some of the largess. I will
be there because I grow taller in Brian's company. I visit him
as often as I can so that some of his pleasure in life will rub off
on me. I value his friendship as I do few others: I value his
literary and critical abilities as I do no others.
But this is your convention and he is your Guest of Honour.
It was a wise choice and one that cannot help but make for a better
convention. I Intend to enjoy myself here wallowing in the
pleasures of International fanac, and I know Brian will the doing
the same. Won't you join us?
Harry Harrison
The World Science Fiction Conventions
Year | Name | City | Guests of Honor | Chairman |
1939 | Nycon | New York | Frank R. Paul | Moskowitz |
1940 | Chicon | Chicago | E. E. "Doc" Smith | Korshak |
1941 | Denvention | Denver | Robert A. Heinlein | Wiggins |
1946 | Pacificon | Los Angeles | A. E. van Vogt
E. Mayne Hull | Daugherty |
1947 | Philcon | Philadelphia | John W. Campbell, Jr. | Rothman |
1948 | Torcon | Toronto | Robert Bloch | McKeown |
1949 | Cinvention | Cincinnati | Lloyd A. Eshbach | Ford |
1950 | Norwescon | Portland | Anthony Boucher | Day |
1951 | Nolacon | New Orleans | Fritz Leiber | Moore |
1952 | Chicon II | Chicago | Hugo Gernsback | May |
1953 | Philcon II | Philadelphia | Willy Ley | Rothman |
1954 | SFCon | San Francisco | John W. Campbell, Jr. | Cole |
1955 | Clevention | Cleveland | Isaac Asimov | Falasca |
1956 | NyCon II | New York | Arthur C. Clarke | Kyle |
1957 | Loncon | London | John W. Campbell, Jr. | Carnell |
1958 | Solacon | Los Angeles | Richard Matheson | Moffatt |
1959 | Detention | Detroit | Poul Anderson | Sims & Prophet |
1960 | Pittcon | Pittsburgh | James Blish | Archer |
1961 | Seacon | Seattle | Robert A. Heinlein | Weber |
1962 | Chicon III | Chicago | Theodore Sturgeon | Kemp |
1963 | Discon | Washington | Murray Leinster | Scithers |
1964 | Pacificon II | Oakland | Leigh Brackett
Edmond Hamilton
Forrest J Ackerman | HaLevy & Stark |
1965 | Loncon II | London | Brian W. Aldiss | Parker |
| page 7: | |
. . . .. is the Compleat Fan: in the sixteen years
he has been in fandom, Terry has published over 250
issues of fanzines, including Lighthouse, Innuendo,
Fanac (with Ron Ellik), and co-published Void, the
Incompleat Burbee etc.; also he has written in many
other fanzines, and in a member of FAPA, SAPS & OMPA.
Terry is interested in all aspects of fan writing
publishing and history, and also has lately succeeded
in selling stories in the professional SF market - he
is now associate editor of Ace Books.
He is a keen convention-goer, having already
attended four U.S. Worldcons, and six Westercons,
and likes to get around and meet people at parties.
Terry is here - he wants to meet, be with, and
talk to British fans - so just introduce yourself
and enjoy his company.
| page 9: | |
Rules operating and categories open this year in
the above, are as follows:-
(1) Most Monstrous
(2) Most Beautiful (Male or Female)
(3) Most Authentic S.P.(Male or Female)
(4) Most Authentic Fantasy (Male or Female)
Groups are permissible but will not be eligible as
such for Judging. The Judges may, if they wish,
choose one from a group for an award.
There will be a special section for children up to
age of 12 years. Two categories only: The best
girl - either most beautiful costume or most authentic,
whichever aspect the Judges choose to make the award
for. And best boy, for which the same applies as
for the girls.
All those intending to wear costume and take
part in the Final Parade for Awards, should please
bring brief descriptions of their costumes to the
Committee rooms by 3.p.m. the latest, on Saturday.
No member of the 23rd World S.F,Convention
Committee will serve on the Judges Panel. The
decisions of the Judges will be final and binding
on both the Contestants and the Committee.
We, your Committee, wish to make this part
of the Programme as enjoyable for the Contestants
as we hope it will be for the audience. We hope
that you will try to help us in organising the
affair and accede to our requests when asked to
stand back to give the Judges a clear view. As
much provision for photographers will be made as is
Come one, come all, and have a ball.
| page 17: | |
List of Members
1. | Brian W. Aldiss | Oxford | 45. | Rick Sneary | Calif. |
2. | Ed Meskys | Calif. | 46. | Forry Ackerman | Calif. |
3. | Bill Mallardi | Ohio | 47. | Peter Learmount | London |
4. | Charlie Brown | N. J. | 48. | Liam Smith | London |
5. | Marsha Brown | N. J. | 49. | Peter H. Mabey | Surrey |
6. | Frank Dietz | N. J. | 50. | E. R. James | Yorks. |
7. | Walter R.Cole | N. J. | 51. | Elinor Busby | Wash. |
8. | Poul Anderson | Calif. | 52. | F. M. Busby | Wash. |
9. | Karen Anderson | Calif. | 53. | Danny Plachta | Mich. |
10. | Astrid Anderson | Calif. | 54. | David Dieckmann | Calif. |
11. | Mike Domina | Ill. | 55. | Ruth Berman | Minn. |
12. | George.R.Heap | N. Y. | 56. | Don Fitch | Calif. |
13. | Jim Webbert | Wash. | 57. | W. J. Denholm, III | Calif. |
14. | Cindy Heap | N. Y. | 58. | Don Franson | Calif. |
15. | Jock Root | N. Y. | 59. | Walt Daugherty | Calif. |
16. | Ben Jason | Ohio | 60. | Alan J. Lewis | Calif. |
17. | T. H. Engel | N. Y. | 61. | Pat Lupoff | N. Y. |
18. | Jean Engel | N. Y. | 62. | Dick Lupoff | N. Y. |
19. | Bill Bowers | Ohio | 63. | Kenneth J.Lupoff | N. Y. |
20. | Wally Conaer | Wash. | 64. | Katherine Lupoff | N. Y. |
21. | Fred Prophet | Mich. | 65. | Jean Bogart | Penn. |
22. | H. Schofield | Pa. | 66. | Al HaLevy | Calif. |
23. | Chuck Hanson | Colo. | 67. | J. Ben Stark | Calif. |
24. | Dave Kyle | N. Y. | 68. | Bill Donaho | Calif. |
25. | Ruth Kyle | N. Y. | 69. | Z. J. Grant | Ill. |
26. | A. P. Kyle III | N. Y. | 70. | Alva Rogers | Calif. |
27. | Katya Hulan | Calif. | 71. | Ron Ellik | Calif. |
28. | D. Hulan | Calif. | 72. | Al Lewis | Calif. |
29. | Cole G. Lalli | N. Y. | 73. | John Trimble | Calif. |
30. | Michael Lalli | N. Y. | 74. | Bjo Trimble | Calif. |
31. | Robert Silverberg | N. Y. | 75. | Fred Pattern | Calif. |
32. | Barbara Silverberg | N. Y. | 76. | Dennis Smith | Calif. |
33. | Brenda Crudge | Calif. | 77. | Clyde Beck | Calif. |
34. | Paul G.Herkart | N. J. | 78. | Claire Beck | Calif. |
35. | Harlan Ellison | Calif. | 79. | Margret Gemignani | N. Y. |
36. | Dave Samuelson | Germany | 80. | Sue E. Sanderson | Penn. |
37. | Allan Howard | N. J. | 81. | G. Willmorth | Calif. |
38. | Clyde Book | Calif. | 82. | Sam Moskowitz | N. J. |
39. | Ed Calvin | Mass. | 83. | Chris Moskowitz | N. J. |
40. | Earl Kemp | Ill. | 84. | Tony Houcher | Calif. |
41. | Nancy Kemp | Ill. | 85. | Leonard F.Zettel, Jr. | Calif. |
42. | Wally Weber | Ala. | 86. | Gail E. Zettel | Calif. |
43. | Ron Hicks | Calif. | 87. | Stan Woolston | Calif. |
44. | Len Moffatt | Calif. | 88. | Ben F. Keifer | Ohio |
Sponsored by Pike Pickens
| page 18: | |
89. I. M.
Phyllida |
U. S. A. |
George Scithers |
Germany |
90. Alex B.
Eisenstein |
Ill. |
Harry Douthwaite |
Lancs. |
91. J. M. Pournelle |
Calif. |
156. Archie Mercer |
Bristol |
92. Ron Matthias |
Calif. |
157. Norman Sherlock |
London |
93. David Trotter |
Ala. |
158. C. A. Fowkes |
Warwicks. |
94. Terry Carr |
N. Y. |
159. W. S. Swinburne |
London |
95. Carol Carr |
N. Y. |
160. Colin Pilkington |
Lancs. |
96. D. Lauren Exeter |
Calif. |
161. Wolfgang Thadewald |
Germany |
97. George Price |
Calif. |
162. Thomas Schluck |
Germany |
98. Lois Ann Price |
Calif. |
163. Ted Hall |
London |
99. Joan M. Corbett |
Calif. |
164. Terry Pratchett |
Bucks. |
100. Dr. Donald Corbett |
Calif. |
165.Dr. Karl F. Blomeyer |
Belgium |
101. Carol Murray |
Wash. |
166. Charles Smith |
Suffolk |
102. Ed Wood |
Idaho |
167. Lang Jones |
London |
103. Sid Rogers |
Calif. |
168. Dave Busby |
Berks. |
104. Mal Stark |
Calif. |
169. Dick Howett |
Essex |
105. Danny Curran |
Calif. |
170. Bruce Montgomery |
Devon |
106. S. Old |
U. S. A. |
171. Jim Cawthorn |
Durham |
107. Robert Franson |
Calif. |
172. Bill Temple |
Middx. |
108. P. A. Hiscox |
Warwicks. |
173. Ella Parker |
London |
109. Eric F. Russell |
Cheshire |
174.Walt Willis |
Co. Down |
110. Ted Tubb |
London |
175. Madeleine Willis |
Co.Down |
111. George N. Raybin |
N. Y. |
176. James White |
Belfast |
112. Fantast (Medway) Ltd. |
Cambs. |
177. Mike Moorcock |
London |
113. Charles Platt |
London |
178. Arthur Pottersman |
London |
114. Chris Priest |
Essex |
179. Alice Schonfeld |
Herts. |
115. Joseph G. Dittrich |
N. J. |
180. Bobbie Gray |
Glos. |
116. John Boardman |
N. Y. |
181. Ken M.P. Cheslin |
Worcs. |
117. Perdita Boardman |
N. Y. |
182. L. Leventhal |
London |
118. Vic Ryan |
Ill. |
183. M. D. Wippell |
London |
119. Ed Bielfeldt |
Ill. |
184. Jimmy Goddard |
Middx. |
120. Bill Evans |
Md. |
185. Patrick Shepherd |
Ill. |
121. Charles Partington |
Lancs. |
186. G. Marwick |
Edinburgh |
122. Harry Nadler |
Lancs. |
187. Ian McAuley |
Eire |
123. Tom Holt |
Lancs. |
188. Ken Potter |
Lancs. |
124. Shiela Barnes |
Staffs. |
189. Stanley Nicholls |
London |
125. Fred Brammer |
Va. |
190. David Griffiths |
London |
126. Harry Harrison |
Denmark |
191. C. H. Legg |
Herts. |
127. Jim Groves |
London |
192. D. G. Mechan |
Wwks. |
128. Ethel Lindsay |
Surrey |
193. Ruth Randle |
Wwks. |
129. John Brunner |
London |
194. P. Muldowney |
Devon |
130. Marjorie Brunner |
London |
195. D. E. Cohen |
London |
131. Stephen Oakey |
Hunts. |
196. A. T. R. Deacon |
London |
132. Eric Bentcliffe |
Cheshire |
197. S. G. Hugget |
Somerset |
133. John W. Andrews |
N. Mex. |
198. S. G. Hugget |
Somerset |
134. David Michelinie |
Tenn. |
199. S. G. Hugget |
Somerset |
135. Jay Kay Klein |
N. Y. |
200. S. G. Hugget |
Somerset |
136. George Fergus |
Ohio. |
201. Sanford Z. Meschkow |
N. Y. |
137. Richard Mann |
N. Dak. |
202.Tom Gilbert |
Calif. |
138. Bruce Taylor |
Md. |
203. Jack Chalker |
Md. |
139. Paul C. Crawford |
Calif. |
204. Andrew W. Bullington |
Va. |
140. Jerome Stemnock |
Penn. |
205. Larry Hicock |
Oreg. |
141. Dick Eney |
Va. |
206. Eric Delson |
N. Y. |
142. Robert Madle |
Md. |
207. Paul F. Galvin |
Mass. |
143. Jack Agnew |
Penn. |
208. Samuel D. Russell |
Calif. |
144. Banks Mebane |
Md. |
209. Henry Eichner |
Calif. |
145. Washington S.F. Assoc. |
D.C. |
210.Art Saha |
N. J. |
146. Angus M. Taylor |
Canada |
211. Fanoclasts/Fistfa |
N. Y. |
147. W. Stringer |
Lancs. |
212. Dave van Arnan |
N.Y. |
148. Ron Bennett |
Yorks. |
213. Ted White |
N. Y. |
149. Brian Burgess |
Hants. |
214. Bill Glass |
Calif. |
150. Doreen Parker |
Northants. |
215. Gordon van Toen |
Canada |
151. Keith Otter |
London |
216. Rick Brooks |
Ind. |
152. Ted Forsyth |
London |
217. Richard Bisson |
Mass. |
153. Des Squire |
London |
218. P. Schuyler Miller |
Pa. |
| page 25: | |
FRIDAY 27th August
Registration Desk opens.
Film show in Convention Hall.
6.00 Project Art Show opens.
Retail exhibits open.
(For subsequent opening times, see notice at regiatration
desk and exhibit rooms.)
8.00 Official Opening of convention by Chairman.
Introduction of notables by
Ella Parker and Ron Ellik.
Talk by
Harry Harrison:
"S.F. - the
salvation of the
modern novel?"
| page 26: | |
SATURDAY 28th August
9.00 Registration Desk opens.
9.55 Programme opened by Chairman.
10.00 Talk by Geoff Doherty
Panel: "SF in Europe"
Moderator, Brian Aldiss.
- where East meets West!
11.30 Bargain basement auction.
12.00 Break for lunch.
2.00 Transatlantic Quiz - U.S. versus the Rest.
Quizmaster: Al Lewis
2.45 Delta Group - short films.
3.30 Talk by
John Brunner:
"How to get high without
actually going into Orbit"
4.45 Tea break
(Hall being set up for
fancy dress parade.)
7.00 Now is the time to start
preparing for:
8.00 The Fancy Dress Party
Parade and Competition.
Compere: Arthur Thomson
| page 27: | |
SUNDAY 29th August
10.00 Programme opened by Chairman.
10.10 Panel:
"A Robot in the Executive Suite"
Moderator, Dick Eney.
11.00 Star Auction - in the Lounge -
Auctioneers: Ted Forsyth and Phil Rogers.
(Hall being prepared for Banquet)
1.00 The Convention Banquet
Toastmaster: | Tom Boardman |
Guest of Honour: | Brian W. Aldiss |
Special Speaker: | Arthur C. Clarke |
TAFF Delegate: | Terry Carr |
Hugo Presentation: | Robert Silverberg |
(Admission by
ticket only.)
- premiere of the Delta-Group feature film.
5.30 Talk by Ted White.
6.30 Panel: "From Cradle to Collection"
Moderator, Ted Carnell.
- author, agent, buyer, publisher, critic and reader
fight it out among themselves!
8.47 1/2. Initiation Ceremony of the
Knights-Elect into the Most Noble
and Illustrious Order of St. Fantony,
by the authority of the Master of
the Archives, Keith Freeman.
| page 28: | |
MONDAY 30th August
10.30 The Business Meeting
- at which will be discussed
the site for the 24th World
Science Fiction Convention,
and other matters.
2.00 Panel: "The Man on a White Horse"
Moderator, Charles Smith.
Followed by other official or unofficial programme
items, as to be announced or displayed at the registration
desk. (see notice on opposite page)
The copyright of all
illustrations from
magazines etc. presented
to the auctions is
reserved by the original
| page 29: | |
Programme Notices
All times in the programme are only
approximate, and the Committee reserve the
right to make such alterations in the items
as may prove necessary. Such changes will,
as far as is practicable, be announced in
the hall and displayed on the information
board at the registration desk.
At times when there is no official
programme item given the Convention hall
will be available (except as stated in the
programme) for putting on unofficial items;
please apply to the Committee for facilities
to display information about these.
We apologies for the fact that it
has proved impossible to include the "This
is Your Fan Life" item which we had planned
to have in the programme.
| page 35: | |
219. Leigh Brackett | Ohio | 287. Camille Cazedessus, Jr. | La. |
220. Edmond Hamilton | Ohio | 288. Mary Cazedessus | La. |
221. E. King Lulloff | Colo. | 289. R. D. Richmond | Tex. |
222. Martin Massoglia | Germany | 290. Leland Sapiro | Canada |
222. Martin Massoglia | Germany | 290. Leland Sapiro | Canada |
223. Lloyd Biggle, Jr. | Mich. | |
224. Harold Moellendick | Kan. | |
225. B. Phillip Walker | Va. | |
226. Lou Tabakow | Ohio | |
227. RoY Tackett | N. Mex. | |
228. John R. Isaac | Ill. | |
229. Ted Isaacs | N. Y. | |
230. Barbara Bealer | Pa. | |
231. Lois Lavender | Calif. | |
232. Fred W. Arnold | Fla. | |
233. Judi B. Sephton | N. Y. | |
234. Dick Schultz | Mich. | |
235. A. Joseph Rose | Mass. | |
236. Bob Tucker | Ill. | |
237. Donald A. Wollheim | N. Y. | 301. Mrs. T. Mielke | Germany |
238. Elsie B. Wollheim | N. Y. | 302. John Foyster | Australia |
239. Elizabeth Wollheim | N. Y. | 303. John Roles | Lancs. |
240. Carl Lundgren | Mich. | 304. Jurgen Mann | Germany |
241. Jim Blish | N. Y. | 305. Thea Grade | Germany |
242. Judith A. Lawrence | N. Y. | 306. Tony Glynn | Lancs. |
243. William Atheling, Jr. | N. Y. | 307. Steve Moore | London |
244. Robert S. Kennedy, Jr. | Calif. | 308. J. M. Rosenblum | Yorks. |
245. Bill Miller | Mo. | 309. H. A. Rosenblum | Yorks. |
246. Fritz Leiber | Calif. | 310. David Heptonstall | Yorks. |
247. Vincent D. Kohler | Calif. | 311. National Fantasy Fan Federation | Tenn |
248. William Glanville | Calif. | 312. John Pusey | Oxford |
249. Roger J. Zelazny | Ohio | 313. Ron McGuinness | London |
250. Dan Goodman | N. Y. | 314. Darroll Pardoe | Worcs. |
251. Nita G. Hagan | N. Y. | 315. Andrew Raisin | London |
252. Frank Andrasovsky | Ohio | 316. Fred Brown | Essex |
253. Evelyn del Rey | N. J. | 317. Brian Allport | Notts. |
254. Lester del Rey | N. J. | 318. D. St. P. Barnard | Glos. |
255. Mike McInerney | N. Y. | 319. David Piper | London |
256. Jim Caughran | Mich. | 320. Andrew Dunnett | Hants. |
257. Barbara May | Calif. | 321. Tony Bath | Hants. |
258. Mike Buchta | Wisc. | 322. T. Goodey | Cambs. |
259. Randel Feest | Wisc. | 323. R. Gray | Sussex |
260. Beresford Smith | N. J. | 324. Cliff Teague | Wwks. |
261. Sue A. Ward | Mich. | 325. Phillip Clarke | Wwks. |
262. Albert Jackson | Tex. | 326. Heinrich P.Arenz | Germany |
263. John Hillery | Mass. | 327. Ronald Whiting | London |
264. Charlotte Craig | Ill. | 328. James Moyles | Kent |
265. Eric D. McClafferty | Calif. | 329. Charles Wooste | Ohio |
266. Joe Hendricks | Mich. | 330. A. L. Nickels | London |
267. Chris Cowley | Ind. | 331. M. J. Cobden | Wwks. |
268. Henry Ha Heins | N. Y. | 332. Mrs M. Hall | N'hants. |
269. Wendayne Ackerman | Calif. | 333. William C. Fuller | Suffolk |
270. Clarence Hyde | Pa. | 334. Sandra Beckett-Tagg | N'humb'land |
271. Thomas M. Disch | N. Y | 335. Arthur C. Clarke | London |
272. Fred Clarke | Ill. | 336. Richard Gordon | Banffs. |
273. Peggy Rae Pavlat | Md. | 337. K. Slater | Bucks. |
274. Bob Pavlat | Md. | 338. Terry Overton | Essex |
275. Edward L. Ferman | N. Y. | 339. Phieme Overton | Essex |
276. Turner J. Howard | Tenn. | 340. Brenda Piper | London |
277. Donald M. Miller | Md. | 341. Alan Langridge | Middx. |
278. Claudia D. Galik | Ohio | 342. S. R. Dalton | Yorks. |
279. Andy Porter | N. Y. | 343. Eric Jones | Glos. |
280. Jerald Jacks | Md. | 344. Margaret Jones | Glos. |
281. Baltimore S.F. Society | Md. | 345. Maire Steele | Co. Durham |
282. Carl F. Braunig | Tex. | 346. Rosemary Allan | N'hants. |
283. Judith Merril | N. Y. | 347. Jill Adams | Hants. |
284. Norm Metcalf | Calif. | | |
285. Lauren Exeter | Calif. | | |
286. John H. Hart | La. | | |
| page 36: | |
401. A. F. Hillman | Mon. | 501. Jim Grant | Hants. |
402. Mack Reynolds | Spain | 502. B. A. Baker | London |
403. A. G. Thomas | Australia | 503. J. H. Barker | Yorks. |
404. Duncan Steel | Cambs. | 504. Mrs S. E. Barker | Yorks. |
405. Valerie Steel | Cambs. | 505. Miss D. Bailey | London |
406. Donald R. Benson | N. Y. | 505. Miss D. Bailey | London |
407. Waldemar Kumming | Germany | 506. R. Turner | N'humb'land |
408. Gary Klupfel | Germany | 507. P. C. Rapley | Middx. |
409. Audrey Eversfield | France | 508. Duncan Lunan | Ayre. |
410. George O. Smith | Germany | 509. Daphne Vincent | Essex |
411. Dona Smith | Germany | 510. Ian Peters | London |
412. Douglas Smith | Germany | 511. Betty Peters | London |
413. Robert M. Dixon | London | 512. Helmut Hoernlein | Germany |
414. Irene Boothroyd | Yorks. | 513. Riemer Visser | Germany |
415. Dorelle Boothroyd | Yorks. | 514. Robin Farquharson | Cambs. |
416. Ivor Latto | Lanarks. | 515. J. Watson | London |
417. Ron Wilson | Wash. | 516. R. Little | London |
418. Miss W. McGill | Ill. | 517. D.Dobson | London |
419. Gerry Webb | London | 518. J. Madracki | Lancs. |
420. LASFS | Calif. | 519. David Garnett | Lancs. |
421. E. J. Carnell | London | 520. Tony Richardson | Middx. |
422. David J. Williams | Germany | 521. Hans D. Furrer | Switzerland |
423. Walter Ernsting | Austria | 522. Alexander Hill | Switzerland |
424. Ursula Ernsting | Austria | 523. Bram Stokes | Middx. |
425. Syd Bounds | Surrey | 524. Jean Dempsey | London |
426. Terry Bull | N'hants. | |
427. Boyd Raeburn | Canada | |
428. Ken McIntyre | London | |
429. Eddie Jones | Lancs. | |
430. Jack Williamson | N. Mex. | |
431. Charles Winstone | Wwks. | |
432. Jeremy A. Barry | Calif. | |
433. Wendy Raybould | Worcs. | |
434. Meredith Chatterton | London | |
435. Joan Harrison | Denmark | | |
436. Roger Peyton | Woks. | | |
437. Beryl Henley | Worcs. | | |
438. Phil Rogers | Lincs. | | |
439. Daphne Sewell | N'hants. | | |
440. Frank Herbert | Somerset | | |
441. Norman Shorrock | Cheshire | | |
442. Mike Turner | Wwks. | | |
443. John Bain | Herts. | | |
444. Pat Picton | Worcs. | | |
445. Peter Day | Worcs. | | |
446. John Berry | Somerset | | |
447. Dr Josef Nesvadba | Czechoslovakia | | |
448. George Locke | London | | |
449. Virginia Marshall | N. Y. | | |
450. Thomas Mielke | Germany | | |
This list of members is that received hers up to 14th July.
Owing to several books of tickets being in use simultaneously, there
are gaps in the numbering representing unsold tickets and ones sold but
not yet reported (this particularly applies to ones sold by our US agent).
A further consequence in that only within blocks of 50 can it be said that
lower numbers were sold before higher ones.
Members are listed with their County (U.K.), State (U.S.) or country
(elsewhere) - that in their postal address is used.
| page 41: | |
In Memoriam: Don Ford
In April of this year fans all over the world were
shocked and saddened by the news of the sudden death of
Don Ford. He was only forty-four and we miss him sorely.
In particular all those connected with or interested in
the Transatlantic Fan Fund mourn him. He was the only
fan to administer the Fund without actually having made
the trip himself. Under the guidance of Don Ford and
Walt Willis the Fund came safely through its period of
teething troubles and Don himself was finally rewarded
with a TAFF trip to the 1960 Easter London Convention at
which he made many friends, thrilling the audience with
a show of some of his many prize-winning colour slides
and introducing to British fandom a new technique in
Don always took a keen interest in fandom's many
aspects and TAFF was always dear to his heart. To a
large extent thanks to him, TAFF goes marching on, and
TAFF will always remember and honour him.

1955 | Ken Bulmer | England | to Cleveland |
1957 | Robert A. Madle | U.S.A. | to London |
1958 | Ron Bennett | England | to Los Angeles |
1960 | Don Ford | U.S.A. | to London |
1960 | Eric Bentcllffe | England | to Pittsburgh |
1962 | Ron Ellik | U.S.A. | to Harrogate |
1962 | Ethel Lindsay | England | to Chicago |
1964 | Wally Weber | U.S.A. | to Peterborough |
1964 | Arthur Thomson | England | to San Francisco |
1965 | Terry Carr | U.S.A. | to London |
| page 42: | |
At the Pittsburgh Convention in 1960, Bjo Trimble inaugurated Project
Artshow. This is a Show which not only late Con attendees see
the work of many artists in fandom but enables the artist's work to be
seen to its beet advantage - also it makes it possible for the artwork
to be sold. This is the first time that Project Artshow has appeared
outside the States, although it has been running very successfully
since 1960, due of course to the devoted work of Bjo.
A panel of judges has been chosen, who will judge the
artwork during the Con weekend, so the results will be announced
before the end of the Convention. There will also be a Popular
Vote award, so remember to visit the Artshow and register your
vote - voting forms will be at the desk by the door of the Show
room, where you may also make enquiries about buying, or bidding
for any of the exhibits, with the exception of the few which may
be marked not for sale.
Awards are to be made in the following categories:
- Astronomical Art
- Fantasy Art
- Heroic Fantasy
- Children's Fantasy
- Outre Art
- Experimental Art
- Cartooning
- Open Category
- Fellowship of the Ring
- Science Fiction Illustration
Photo Salon: 1.Black & White 2. Colour 3. Experimental
Popular votes open to all categories.
Project Artshow wishes to thank all those who have helped in any
way - those who helped to set up, watch over, and dismantle the
Show at the end; and the judges who have the difficult task of
trying to pick the best. We hope that all the artists who
take part will do so profitably:
Enquiries about this year's Show to Ethel Lindsay, about future
ones to: Bjo Trimble,5571 Belgrave Ave.,Eastgate, Garden Grove,
Calif. 92641, U.S.A.
| page 48: | |
Rules of the Business Meeting
The business meeting of the 23rd World S.F.
Convention shall convene during the Monday morning
August 30th, 1965 programme, session. The meeting
shall be conducted informally insofar as possible
but with recourse to Robert's Rules of Order as the
final authority.
The first phase of the meeting will be Chaired
by Ella Parker, Convention Chaiman and will be solely
concerned with the selection of a Convention site for
the 1966 world Convention.
The first proposal will be that of Syracuse
for permission to have their bid admitted for a
vote. They will be allowed five minutes to make
their speech In support of this proposal; the
opposition will also have five minutes, with a further
two minutes each side for rebuttal.
In order to win admission to the bidding,
Syracuse must gain a three-quarter majority vote.
This will then be followed - assuming the
success of Syracuse - by the bid speeches. Ten
minutes each side with a further three minutes each
for rebuttal. To ensure non-partisanship, names
will be drawn out of a hat to decide who speaks first
in the bidding session.
When this part of the business has been concluded
the Chair will be surrendered to George Scithers who,
as Parliamentarian, will conduct the remainder of the
The first order of business will be the report
of the HUGO Committee. This will be a preliminary
report, open for discussion, not for a final vote.
Apart from this there is as yet, no further
| page 49: | |
Special Notices
The normal electric outlets supply power
at 250 volts, 50 cycles, but all bedrooms have
razor sockets which also provide a supply at
110 volts.
The Marble Arch area is a parking meter zone, so there
are restrictions on parking near the hotel, although these are
relaxed in the evening, at weekends, and on Bank Holidays - look
out for the notices in the streets! (and check the times during
which charges are made before putting money into a meter!)
Parking without lights is allowed on all roads with street
lighting other than bus routes.
Garage parking is available adjacent to the hotel.
The British liquor laws are too complex to
explain within the confines of this book,
but the essential feature of interest to
attendees is that adult hotel residents
are allowed to purchase drinks at all
hours, but non-residents may only
do so during the nomal hours of licensing.
page 50: (map rotated for ease of reading)

page 51: | |
The Committee wishes to record their appreciation of help
given by the following:
Mr Hall of Messrs King & Macson Ltd., the printers of the
progress reports and programme book.
Mr Philip Lambert, for the design of the Con emblem.
The SFCoL, for financial and moral support.
Mike Moorcock, for extensive publicity.
Mr Learmount and Mr Anka, of the Mount Royal Hotel.
"Skyrack", "Ratatosk", and "Focal Point".
Mr E. J. Carnell, and Mr G. Bonfiglioli.
Arthur Thomson, George Scithers, Al Lewis,
Bill Evans, Dick Eney, Ron Ellik, Bill Donaho,
Frank Dietz, F. M. Busby, and other fans too
numerous to mention, including particularly
one who is determined to remain anonymous.
(Names in reverse alphabetical order!)