I checked all the authors listed in this bibliography against the SF Encyclopedia and added or updated some SFE entries as a result. See below for links to SFE (or where applicable to the 1997 Encyclopedia of Fantasy), plus occasional comments on bibliography listings and the previous owner's handwritten annotations. The two encyclopedias focus on first editions while BSFB is more concerned with available editions "during the last thirty or so years". (April 2018)
Page 3 - About, Edmond
- Ambler, Eric
- Anstey, F – the previous owner correctly notes that Vice Versâ is a novel, not a collection. The referenced book is probably the omnibus Humour & Fantasy (John Murray, 1931), which includes Vice Versâ plus other Anstey novels and collections.
- Arlen, Michael
- Astor, John Jacob
- Baerlein, Anthony – Baerlain is a typo and the novel is Daze, The Magician (not Dazo): see cover here.
- Balmer, Edwin, and Philip Wylie
- Bellamy, Edward
- Belloc, Hilaire
- Benson, Robert Hugh
- Bernay, Henri – no SFE entry (untranslated French authors are traditionally outside our scope), but see ISFDB. The book title is Le Scolopendre: this bibliography often though not always omits the initial "A" or "The" from English titles, so maybe it's just house style.
Page 4 - Beynon, John – see John Wyndham.
- Blackwood, Algernon – the previous owner has corrected the description of John Silence from "Scientific fantasy" to "Weird fantasy", which seems fair enough.
- Boothby, Guy
- Bradford, J S
- Bramah, Ernest
- Buchan, John
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Page 5 - Burroughs, Edgar Rice (continued)
- Butler, Samuel
- Čapek, Karel
- Chambers, Robert W – The Dark Star is a World War I story with mildly psychic/supernatural elements, and certainly not "Interplanetary adventure", a description which the past owner has crossed out.
- Clark, Charles
- Clouston, J Storer
- Collingwood, Harry
Page 6 - Collins, Gilbert
- Conquest, Joan
- Corbett, James
- Cox, Erle
- Cunningham, Beall
- Curtis, Robert G – see Edgar Wallace, whose film script Curtis novelized.
- Desmond, Shaw
- Detre, L
- Devine, Arthur D
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
Page 7 - Doyle, Arthur Conan (continued)
- du Maurier, Guy
- Eddison, E R
- Edmonds, Harry
- Edwards, Charman
- Edwards, Gawain – see G Edward Pendray.
- Egremont, Michael – see Michael Harrison.
- Ertz, Susan
- Forester, C S
- Forster, E M
- Futrelle, Jacques – "Futrell" in BSFB is a typo.
- Giesy, J U
- Gloag, John
- Gorer, Geoffrey
Page 8 - Grierson, Francis D
- Hamilton, Edmond
- Harbou, Thea von
- Hedges, Sid G
- Hekking, Avis
- Herbert, Benson
- Hinton, C H
- Household, Geoffrey
- Houser, Lionel
- Hubbard, Wynant Davis
- Hudson, W H
- Hurrell, F G
- Huxley, Aldous
- Hyne, C J Cutcliffe
Page 9 - Jaeger, Muriel
- Janvier, Thomas A
- Jarrett, Cora – the story is actually about identity exchange between two women, one middle-aged and one a teenage strip-dancer.
- Jefferies, Richard
- Kellermann, Bernhard
- Large, E C
- Laurie, André
- Le Queux, William – title is The Mystery of the Green Ray.
- Lindsay, David – the previous owner disagrees with the description of A Voyage to Arcturus as "Scientific fantasy" and has crossed out the first word.
- Lindsay, David T – "Linsay" is a typo. The handwritten change of [The] Ninth Life to [The] Ninth Plague is correct.
- Llewellyn, Alun
- London, Jack – the "Interplanetary travel" part of the description has correctly been crossed out.
Page 10 - Low, A M
- Lynch, Bohun
- MacClure, Victor
- McIlraith, Frank, and Roy Connolly
- McKenna, Stephen – see the Encyclopedia of Fantasy.
- Mackworth, John
- MacMillan, Armour
- MacPherson, Donald
- Macpherson, Ian
- Maddock, Stephen – see J M Walsh. I have my doubts about A Woman of Destiny since online sources describe it as a straight mystery novel. ISFDB lists it, but they know about this bibliography and may have included it solely because it's in BSFB.
- Marshall, Archibald
Page 11 - Mastin, John
- Matson, Norman
- Maugham, W Somerset – see the Encyclopedia of Fantasy.
- Maurois, André
- "Miles" – see Neil Bell.
- Mitchell, J Leslie
- Mitchell, M – Traveller in Time is almost certainly not sf. Worldcat lists a 1935 Sheed & Ward book with this title by Mairin Mitchell, plus reprints: two Worldcat listings have the subtitle "Essays on travel" and all the rest classify it as an Irish/European travel book, so I suspect it was included by mistake.
- Morison, Frank
- Morris, William
- Moxley, F Wright
Page 12 - Nichols, Robert and Maurice Brown – Wings Over Europe is a play rather than a novel.
- Northrup, Edwin Fitch – see entry for his subtle pseudonym Akkad Pseudoman.
- Odle, E V
- O'Neill, Joseph
- Painter, Thomas, and Alexander Laing
- Pragnell, Festus
- Reeve, Arthur B
- Renard, Maurice, and Albert Jean
- Rice, Elmer
- Richardson, E
- Rohmer, Sax
- Rowe, John Gabriel
- Saunders, P – from online descriptions The Flame Flower (also known as The Flame and the Flower) by Phyllis Saunders appears to be a fairytale for children rather than a "Scientific fantasy".
Page 13 - Scarborough, Harold E – typo in the listed initials "H F".
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Shiel, M P
- Sibson, Francis H
- Sieveking, Lance – according to most references (including a lengthy plot summary in E F Bleiler's Science Fiction: The Early Years), Stampede! is a novel and not a collection.
- Sims, Alan
- Sinclair, Upton
- Smith, Thorne
- Smith, Wayland
- Snell, Edmund
Page 14 - Spitz, Jacques
- Square, A – see Edwin A Abbott.
- Stacpoole, H de Vere
- Stapledon, Olaf
- Stevenson, D E
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Strang, Herbert
- Sullivan, Alan
- Sutphen, Van Tassel
- Tarde, Gabriel
- Tillyard, Aelfrida
Page 15 - Tolstoi, A
- Trevarthen, Hal P – see J K Heydon.
- Verne, Jules
Page 16 - Verne, Jules (continued)
- Wakefield, H Russell – see the Encyclopedia of Fantasy. Wakefield mostly wrote supernatural horror, and Imagine a Man in a Box is a collection.
- Wallace, Edgar
- Walsh, J M
- Wells, H G
Page 17 - Wells, H G (continued)
- Weston, George
- Wheatley, Dennis
- Williams, Charles
Page 18 - Williams, F Chenhalls
- Winsor, G McLeod
- Wodehouse, P G
- Wootton, Barbara – "Wooton" is a typo and the novel title is London's Burning.
- Wright, S Fowler