Proposed Science Literary
Circle For Ilford
Dear Sir - We are writing to you in an attempt to bring together in Ilford
all who are in sympathy with the furtherance of scientific achievement.
Ilford people, we understand, have shown themselves to be devotees of the arts.
But the sciences have been sadly neglected, possibly because not only most
Ilfordians but most Englishmen in general possess a strictly limited imagination
regarding scientific matters, which the average individual surveys between
very narrow limits, refusing to speculate boldly and without hesitation
upon their future developments.
This, at least, is our impression.
Ideas such as have resulted in marvellous yet familiar present-day conveniences
like the telephone, wireless, and aeroplane, have all been the subject
of ridicule and a universal scepticism since the world began. Yet every
successful scientific discovery has evolved from some highly speculative leap of
the mind into the unknown, and there are several instances of writers of fantastic
fiction anticipating the accepted truths of the future.
Such literature has always carried some degree of popularity through the efforts of
Jules Verne and Mr H.G.Wells. But this kind of author is scarce in this country, and
consequently there is a shortage of scientific fiction. The writers of this letter,
however, can claim to have surmounted this difficulty and, being anxious to
popularise this type of literature (which, we would emphasize, is an admixture of
imagination and scientific FACT), propose to form a club and enable others with similar
literary tastes to avail themselves of the opportunity of becoming familiar with
more recent examples of "scientifiction".
In addition, anyone with literary ambition will be welcomed, as we hope to
organise a writing section.
Will anyone interested, therefore, in the formation of this proposedly named
"Science Literary Circle," please communicate at once with either of the undersigned,
who will be pleased to furnish them with further particulars.
Yours etc,
55, Icknield-drive, Ilford
123, Grove Green-road,
Leytonstone E. 11