
In June 1974, Isaac Asimov made his first and only visit to the UK. Above is
the cover of the booklet put out by his publisher to publicise this. Below is
his itinerary, as laid out in the booklet:
PROGRAMME - Programme subject to alteration without notice.
Wednesday 5th June
Arrive Southampton on the SS "France".
Monday 10th June
- 11.00 for 11.30am Press Conference aboard the "Old Caledonia",
Waterloo Pier, Victoria Embankment, London WC2. By invitation only.
- 2.00-5.00pm : Press and Radio interviews.
- 8.30pm Reception to install Dr Asimov as an Honorary Vice President of
International Mensa. For Mensa members and their guests.
Tuesday 11th June
- 1.00pm Lunch-time Lecture to students of the Science Faculty, in the
Lecture Theatre, King's College, University of London, Strand, London
- 2.30pm : Press and Television interviews.
- 6.00pm Private Reception at Doubleday's, 100 Wigmore Street, London
W1. By invitation only.
- 11.30pm-12.30am Guest on Capitol Radio's phone-in programme
"Sarah and Friends".
Wednesday 12th June
- 2.00-3.00pm Public Book Signing Session at Foyles, Charing Cross Road,
London WC2— ring store to confirm details.
- 3.00-5.00pm Visits to main London bookshops.
- 6.30-8.30pm Book Trade Reception by Granada Publishing (Panther
Paperbacks) at 36 Golden Square, London W1. By invitation only.
- 9.00-11.00pm Guest of Honour at the last SF meeting at the "Globe"
Hatton Garden, London EC1. All sci-fi fans welcome.
Thursday 13th June
- 2.00-5.00pm Birmingham Book Signing Sessions— (2.00-2.45pm) W. H. Smith & Son, 29 Union Street, Birmingham 2 ; (2.45-3.30pm) Hudsons Bookshop, Lower Temple Street, Birmingham 2; (3.30-4.00pm) Midland Educational Bookshop, Corporation Street, Birmingham 2; (4.00-5.00pm) Andromeda Bookshop, 57 Summer Row, Birmingham 3. Ring stores to confirm details.
- 8.00pm Public Lecture to the Birmingham Science Fiction Group at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Suffolk Street, Birmingham. Bar extension to midnight. Ticket enquiries to Andromeda Book Company Ltd., 57 Summer Row, Birmingham 3. (T: 021-236 1112).
Friday 14th June
- 2.00-6.00pm Recording of BBC-1 "Parkinson" TV show.
- 8.00pm Public Lecture organised jointly by British Mensa and the Science
Fiction Foundation at the Commonwealth Hall, Craven Street, London
WC2. Bar extension until 11.30pm. Ticket enquiries to British Mensa,
90A Crown Lane, Southgate N14 5AA. (T 01-886 5105).
Sunday 16th June
- Departure at midday on the "QE2".
Asimov at the Globe

Exterior of the Globe pub, taken some years earlier. (photo by Arthur Cruttenden).

Mervyn Barrett, Dave Rowe, Hazel Reynolds, Asimov

John Brunner in white check, Ken Bulmer with elbow on
bar, others unknown

Mervyn Barrett, Dave Rowe, Hazel Reynolds, Asimov

Sam Russell,
unknown, Florence Russell (photo: Merv Barrett)

Asimov outside the Globe

Gerry Webb, John Jarrold, Arthur C. Clarke, unknown

Andrew Stephenson at far left, Walter Gillings behind Asimov, others unknown

Gerald Bishop, Hazel Reynolds, Asimov, Andrew Stephenson, unknowns at rear

Asimov, Dave Rowe in mirror
(Howard Rosenblum)

Asimov, unknowns
(Howard Rosenblum)

Asimov, unknowns
(Howard Rosenblum)