The Convention Flyers
We did not start off with any definite idea of holding a Convention as such, but merely a meeting for local fandom where they could meet, in company, Capt and Mrs K.F. Slater, who were visiting us for a few days. However the idea snowballed, and with remarkably little effort promises to attend were arriving from people as far apart as Liverpool and Newcastle, Lancaster and Grimsby. Over 150 leaflets
were sent out to fans living within a radius of 100 miles and we were pleased to see 48 fen arrive on the day, a total which is remarkable when the weather and travelling conditions on a Sunday are considered. Unfortunately Mrs Slater could not attend, owing to the ill health of her mother and all present expressed their regrets that they could not meet her.
- To Eric Frank Russell who unable to attend sent best wishes, and enclosed a copy of "Dreadful Sanctuary" and an Orban illustration from Astounding.
- To Ted Carnell who donated many drawings from "New Worlds" and "Science Fantasy",
without being asked and "regretted he could not send the cover painting".
- To Mr H.Bilton the Bradford City Librarian, and Mr. MacDonald, Reference Department Librarian, for their very kind and helpful work in connection with the displays in the Bradford Public Library showcases of the FIRST public exhibition of Science Fiction and Fantasy literature in the British Isles.
- To J. Michael Rosenblum for loaning from his immense collection and library many extremely rare and valuable books and magazines, and for the great deal of time and effort he put into arranging the Exhibition.
- To Max Leviten (of Dell's) for distributing leaflets to his customers and for loaning many current new books for the Exhibition.
- To Mr.J.Wilkinson of Bradford Public Libraries, Bowling Branch, for arranging and displaying a small selection of books in his library during the week previous to the Convention.
- To Alan Hunter for donating many of his drawings for the auction.
- To the Nor'West Club for printing, without any charge, the tickets for the Convention. (see above)
- To Bob Foster, for sending copies of his fanzine 'SLUDGE' as gifts to people attending.
- To the many people who gave, some anonymously, books and magazines for the auction.
- To the fans who though unable to attend still sent subscriptions to us.
- To the fans who attended, and, by their active and enthusiastic participation in the items on the programme, made this first postwar Northern Convention a great success.

Pat's Cafe circa 1960, now called Tudor Cafe.
(supplied by Derek Pickles)
Terry Jeeves, Sheffield
Lyell Crane, Canada %
Connie Prophet, Stockport %
E.R.James, Skipton
Peter Windle, Batley
Kenneth Potter, Lancaster
Donald McCormick, Burnley
Norman Wansborough, Trowbridge %
C.Evans, Manchester
Bill Jesson, Manchester
Fred Fairless,Stockport
Frank Richards, Manchester
Ken Woodward, Stockport
J.Mawson, Bradford
Jack Sturgeon, Bradford
Max Leviten, Leeds
Leslie Cureton, Bradford
Rik Dalton, Leeds
Douglas Firth, Bradford
Mr J. Wilkinson, Bradford
Alec Dicpetris, Bradford
Mr Scarr, Bradford
K.Wharton, Bradford
H. Newrick, Manchester
Derek Pickles, Bradford
Kenneth F. Slater, B.A.O.R.
Alan Hunter, Bournemouth
Peter Campbell, Windermere %
D.Joyason, Wallasey %
Walter A.Willis, Belfast %
P.S.Hetherington, Chorley %
Peter Sowerby, Manchester
Eric Bentcliffe, Stockport
Arthur Duell,Newcastle
Bert High, Stockton-on-Tees
Arnold Gibson, Batley
G.Barstow, Doncaster (RAF) %
H.Bourne, Mirfield %
David Wood, Lancaster
Mrs F.Evans, Manchester
Dave Cohen, Manchester
Norman Weedall, Liverpool
A.E.Williams, Manchester
E.Furness, Sheffield %,
Ron Schubert, Grimsby
Marjorie. E. Harper, Bradford
J. Michael Rosenblum, Leeds
John C. Park, W.Australia
Mrs Dalton, Leeds
Donald Towers, Bradford
Mrs J.Wilkinson, Bradford
Mr. Jesson, Manchester
W. Richards, Bradford
Mr Mosley, Bradford
Mrs H. Newrick, Manchester
Mavis E.Pickles, Bradford
Ken Smith, Newcastle %
Mrs Joyce Hunter, Bournemouth
I.Tapping, Houghton-le-Spring
Cyril Banks, Co Durham
A.V.Clarke, London %
Paul Juneau, New Orleans %
% = did not attend
The first fen appeared around 11a.m. and by noon there
were around twenty people in the room. Arrangements were
soon under way and the walls blossomed with artwork,
advertisements, and notices; the tables around the walls
had displays of books, magazines, and gifts for the auction.

Table at head of the hall: Ken Slater,
Derek Pickles, Mavis Pickles, Mike Rosenblum.
At 1 o'clock the Convention was formally opened by Derek Pickles, greetings from Eric Frank Russell, L Sprague de Camp and Vincent Clarke were read out. A report of the New Orleans Convention sent by Paul Juneau was read and was received with great interest and amusement. The Guest of Honour was then introduced and he gave a short talk on 'The Definition of Fantasy' in which he criticised a definition made by August Derleth. In this talk Capt Slater suggested alternative definitions.

Front: Bill Jesson, Mike Rosenblum, Ken Slater,
Derek Pickles. (jmr)