NOVAE TERRAE #22 - Vol. 2 No. 10 (April 1938)
and: Copytyping this issue by Joe Patrizio.
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Editor: Maurice K. Hanson, 25 Bernard St., London W.C.1., England.
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The British Fan in his Natural Haunt - a series by William F. Temple No. 1. ERIC C. WILLIAMS I arrived at Eric's place at Catford (most London members will remember the house where the first big meeting took place) with a splitting headache. I mentioned this to Eric, asking sympathy. He immediately put "Steel Foundry" on the radio-gram. Now how can I write without prejudice about a bloke like that? After I'd swallowed my indignation and an apple, Eric led the way importantly upstairs to his den. (He will expect a personal portrait here of course -- the egotist. Well, Eric is a tall, good-looking, curly-hair photographer's mate, with doe-like brown eyes that can see cat-like in the darkrooms-like.) This "den" was a little cubical room with bookshelves on three walls and a lot of rubbish on the floor. Eric had a lot of hand-picked treasures ready to show me. "No patiality" I said (I'd still got a headache) "General impressions only". Firstly I ranged along the bookshelves. Now Eric is a confirmed haunter-of-old-book-shops. He loves to mooch around in frowsty little curio-cum-pawnbroker shops digging out ancient scientific works, especially books of "facts". Lord knows why - the information in them is mostly out of date and fallacious. But he's got this queer collecting habit badly, and I counted 67 of these tomes, each with its distinctive musty aroma. There were all the astronomical works of Proctor and Ball, "A Year-Book of Facts" (1855), "A Million Facts" by Sir R. Phillips, also 1855, odd volumes of "Knowledge", "The Origin of Species", and "Astronomy with an Opera-Glass" by the famous science-fiction author Garrett P. Serviss - dated 1892. This was intriguingly annotated with violent shorthand comments by some probably dead
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and buried genius. Also there were a number of
aged Verne novels, well illustrated, including "Hector Servadac" ("Off on a Comet"),
which I'd been chasing unsuccessfully for years. As anyone might have deduced from wads of newspaper articles pinned on the walls, Eric is (like myself) an H.G.Wells addict. Wells has written some 75 books, and Eric has 49 of 'em. (But here I score, he hasn't got Wells's best book "The Undying Fire".) He thinks H.G.'s best stf. work is his first, "The Time Machine". I think the volume I coveted most of all in his collection (because it's unique) is a bound collection of stories and science-fantasy articles selected from the STRAND MAGAZINE for years back. There were the original short science-fiction yarns of Wells and Doyle, some of them finely illustrated in colour, the Sherlock Holmes stories and science-fiction stories by authors I'd never heard of, but which looked most interesting, besides many striking articles and the inevitable "facts". This binding business is one of Eric's favourite rackets. He's got all the AMAZING, WONDER and ASTOUNDING from 1930 to date in a serried row of mostly bound blue covers. He prizes them greatly and watched me anxiously as I peered into one. As I couldn't hold my breath indefinitely I didn't investigate these as thoroughly as I'd have liked. Previous to 1930 his collection was a bit ragged, he informed me shame-facedly. But, brightening up, added that his collection of TALES OF WONDER was absolutely complete. He keeps an ever-growing card index, already a yard long, of every magazine science-fiction story he's got, mostly hand-printed with title, author, personal comments, date and page, so that he can locate any story at a moment's notice. Of all those hundreds of cards the one he takes out most is "Paradise and Iron" by Miles J. Breuer (Amazing Quarterly, Summer 1930). That, he said, is definitely his favourite story.
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Leaving anothe shelf of modern novels - Stapledon, Burroughs, Aldous Huxley etc. - I
began to explore the floor. I pushed aside a trumpet, a stack of hot jazz records, a toy
typewriter, a hundred reams of EX-LAX notepaper and Lo! there were treasures. A French fantasy magazine with its interplanetary stories interspersed with improper (or proper) Gallic jokes and sketches, some old AIR WONDERS, one of the only two published MIRACLE TALES, and some SCIENCE AND INVENTION (1923-4) containing "The Man on the Meteor" (Ray Cummings) "Dr. Hackenshaw's Secrets" (Clement Fezendie) and C. Peyton Wertenbaker's famous "Man from the Atom". This last lot was Eric's greatest bargain. In one of those old bric-a-brac shops he'd picked them up for a penny each. Feeling myself a mere amateur in this collecting business I took my leave. Eric saw to it that that was all I did take. For when I thanked him on his doormat for letting me take such a lot of material for this article, he interpreted me literally, and wouldn't let me go before searching me thoroughly. He didn't discover anything (apart from my pawn tickets), but I voluntarily surrendered the volume of STRAND MAGAZINE, which had been concealed in my trouser turn-up all the time. That's the nuisance of having a social conscience.
IN FUTURE ISSUES: You may be interested to know of several of the articles we have in hand for future publication: The Fantastic Muse by Arthur C. Clarke The Fan in his Natural Haunt, No. 2 - Ted Carnell. Happy Encounter by D. R. Smith The Curse of the Collector by The Paragon etc. etc.
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Religion and Science-Fiction by Albert Griffiths To a growing number of readers it is clear that science-fiction must go much more deeply into the problems of humanity than it has done hitherto. If it does not, they aver that it is not true science-fiction. If science-fiction will carry out this promise it seems perfectly reasonable to suppose that it will approach Religion - a field of human thought and activity that so far it has ((left)) strictly alone. It will thus be of value to investigate the normal reader's outlook upon Religion. The reader of science-fiction is in a position in which very many non-readers find themselves with regard to Religion. They have enough scientific knowledge and intelligence to observe that in many ways there is an incompatibility between modern life and organised religion. They realize also that in some way in all the varied religions there is something - incomplete. These people realize that to go to some place of worship, church or chapel or synagogue, and to participate in mild orgies of mass hypnotism and semi-superstitious sentimentalism is not enough. Nor can messes of outworn ritual or suave posturing disguise the fact that our own especial brand of religion - our Christianity - as it is practised today is nothing more than tongue-cheeking hypocrisy, redolent of smugness and evasive in all issues. Realizing this, and also the incompleteness of religion - its apparent incapacity to embody in itself, or to take into account science and its achievements - people crystallize their distaste by staying away from places of worship and refusing to take part in organized religious exercises. Many of them attempt to become atheists. Some even succeed.
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It is here that trouble begins, for many of
them discover, perhaps unconsciously, that to themselves - one can almost say "to all
humanity" - religion or religious experience is of vital importance if they are to extract
to the full the mental side of life. They are forced to reconsider their verdict, to choose
between a half-sham religion and the realities of science. Most of them compromise, and are
content to accept at its face value some religion or form of religion from which they can
derive the so-important religious satisfaction. As payment they close their eyes to its
inconsistencies and faults and they gloss over unpleasantries with the lubricant of mild
self delusion. One can say that for any religion to succeed truly, several things are necessary. It must take into account, in fact even be built upon, science so as to eliminate any needless friction between the two. But above all it must work. I must not be a sham fabric of delusions and quackeries, half-truths, sophistry, other-worldness, and it must be rid of the curse of non-applicability. It is true that any truly great religion will embody in it the ideals upon which Christianity - in fact, all our religions are built. Such ideals as the brotherhood of all men, truth, kindliness, tolerance -- all these things are unchanging, are recognised by all men as worthy ideals and are the very building blocks of religion. Yet the sorry fact is that these self-same ideals are smothered in rank growths of evils - greed, bigotry and hatred fill the minds of men to an overwhelming degree, making it almost impossible for anything else to exist. Such is man's ineradicable perversity that these very ideals are made excuses for inhuman wars and atrocities. History is full of the attempts of races or creeds to force down the throats of their neighbours their own beliefs, using the sword as the necessary instrument. It has been said that there is no real necessity for religion to mix with science. It is stated that these two elements can be kept quite separate and complete. While this may have been true a hundred
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years ago it is not at all
true today. Modern science is now questioning the very fabric of the Universe. Delving
into the atom, reaching out into uttermost Space, and analysing Time, it is beating
religion in its own den. Chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics all show signs of
dovetailing into each other. Questions once left for religion to answer are now being
investigated, sometimes even answered, by science. What is the Universe? Why does it
exist? Is there a Purpose? All of these questions and more, once within the dominion
of religion and once thought to be altogether beyond science's scope, are being tackled
today. Not within church or monastery, but in laboratories, observatories and in the
quietness of mathematicians' studies. But beyond a certain limit science fails just as religions fail. A combination of the two, a recognisance of the powers of each might result, will result, in mutual benefits. Hence science and religion must combine. Or at least they must consent to wrangle and dispute. They must realize that each is complementary to the other. For any religion to succeed the world must be in a vastly different state to that it is in today. For how can any religion be applied in a mad world? Or in a world where it is to one's advantage not to apply religious teaching. It is here that science-fiction can play its part. It can help the world out of its madness. It can, by pointing out the present anomalies and mistakes and suggesting remedies, help to build up a sane order. It can help to obtain those conditions which are so vitally necessary for any religion to work - conditions in which hatred and greed are eradicated and unnecessary, atavistic. It can, in a way unique, act as a veritable testing-ground of new religions, for it is within its scope for the theoretical results of new religions to be studied and the mistakes and gains realized. Is it too much to ask?
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PERSONALITY PARADE AT THE CONVENTION As seen by Ted Carnell A short report of the Convention is elsewhere in this issue, so herewith are some of the highlights not recorded. To those of you who were not present we tender our regrets, and trust that distance being no object, we shall see you next year. First pleasant surprise came when Ken Chapman, Les Johnson and I arrived at noon (by the Sun) in the form of a cable from our Los Angeles friends sending good wishes and okaying the Constitution. This seemed to set us right for the day. Shortly after lunch the eight Leeds fellows arrived followed by Harry Turner and friend Tozer from Manchester. It was then a continual procession of greetings and reunions. It was my first meeting with both "Novae Terrae" artists, and although I endeavoured a cover war similar to Brown v. Wesso, I failed owing to strong friendship ties between them. Harry Turner brought some great drawings along, topping his last NT cover, but the look in Frank Dobby's glassy eye at evening's close spelt still greater pics from Leeds. The arrival of Professor A.M.Low, John Russell Fearn, Benson Herbert, John Beynon Harris and Walt Gillings in the evening brought a new note to the growing friendly spirit.....and here's where I take all my hats off to Mr. Fearn. Criticism of his stories both here and abroad have created a false impression of him, but when he arose and delivered his speech to the evening gathering I altered my previous opinions. John is a personality unto himself, and his speech was the surprise of the day. He gave a concentrated news-digest gleaned from his contacts with Julius Schwartz, Ray Palmer and others in U.S.A., and surprised with the statement that AMAZING will shortly go monthly. Viva!
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Directly answering his many critics, he mentioned that he
writes under various pseudonyms as well, AND THESE STORIES ARE WELL LIKED.
"Which goes to prove" he said, "that it's the name that gets the slating and not the story."
And he's right too. Strangely enough though, and ((this)) I forgot to point out to John, his
stories under the pseudonyms I know he writes under, are far better than those written
under his own name. This doesn't only apply to John as I found several US authors' works
appear better when written under another name. Unfortunately nothing could prevail upon John Beynon Harris to address the gathering, he being of a retiring nature, but I noticed that he and Will Temple were comparing notes during the supper, and assume that something startling may come from Will in the near future. Wally Gillings was continuously beseiged by various people - were they trying to sell mss or were they showering congratulations on TALES OF WONDER? I noted that Arthur Janser of the BIS was hurriedly running through his many synopses -- and we had to tear him away by force. Another conference took place between Wally, Les Johnson, Ken and I concerning Wally's SCIENTIFICTION, but nothing came of it. At the moment tentative plans are the STF will be merged with the new printed TOMORROW by Doug Mayer. You may gather by this that Wally finds it impossible to continue his fine mag now that ToW is quarterly. A point worth noting was that when fixing arrangements for the Convention we impressed upon Bob the Barman that there would be no drunks in the party -- there wasn't -- but Bob himself was the nearest! Professor A.M.Low's speech was outstanding and his presence too, and I don't think that we could have anyone better as President of the SFA. I know from a private conversation with the Prof. that he is extremely delighted to be the apex of the SFA.
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Doug Mayer also gave us a big surprise
with a fine oratorical display. He called it "Psychology" but I fancy it was a British
slant upon America's Michelism. Benson Herbert also found great favour with everyone
and it was fine to have him with us this year. One surprise we had planned unfortunately fell short. We had hoped to have Mervyn Evans, recently of Denver, Colorado, with us. Mervyn, who is a close friend of Olon Wiggins of Denver, has been living in this country for some months, but we didn't receive his address in time for him to make arrangements to get to London on the Sunday. My greatest enjoyment was in the pleasure evident upon the faces of our younger members and friends present, while listening to the "big shots". It was well worth all the trouble in making the necessary arrangements to see the thrills they derived from the Convention. Let's make it a bigger one next year.
The Johnson SCIENCE-FICTION SERVICE announces: that we can now have your copy mailed to you direct from USA at no extra cost. Price 10/6 post free. Order only through the London Branch at 17 BURWASH ROAD, LONDON. S.E.18.
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COSMIC CASE No. 3 by D.R.Smith Is Humour an Anti-Cultural Influence? (Part Two) (Synopsis of Part One: A band of Homo Sapiens lead by a man calling himself Jolly Joe Jenkins landed on Ecanfo, chief planet of the system governed by the Riclavech, a humanlike race which has outlawed humour as a menace to culture. Jenkins resurrects the sense of humour in the children. This is alleged to have wrecked the Riclavech civilization and they are demanding the annihilation of the Race Homo Sapiens, a menace (they allege) to other civilizations.) THE DEFENCE After Reungeis Tefaillet's witnesses had established the factual basis of the accusation Sir David Trevelyan stated the case for the defence. "Since Reungeis Tefaillet has seen fit to describe in great detail the events preceding the so-called crime I too shall have to go into those occurrences in order to clear Captain Jenkins of the unpleasant insinuations brought against him. "Captain Jenkins' original vessel was scarcely spaceworthy, and the passage through a cloud of small particles forced him to accept the offer of rescue extended by a Renthyl ship in the vicinity. This was a patrol cruiser on Refuse Destruction duty, and although the failure of Captain Jenkins' ship was directly due to their negligence the Renthyl crew offered to oppose with violence the justifiable request that they yield control of their vessel to the inconvenienced band. Soon after this the Renthyl panicked for some unknown reason and impetuously deserted the cruiser.
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Short of food and in a vessel reeking of Renthyl, Captain Jenkins could do nothing but
land on the nearest planet.This was Ecanfe and the barbarous reception he met with has
already been described fully for logical minds by the biased statements of the Riclavech.
I would only ask you to observe how the malice of these hateful hosts defeated itself. The
flabby tasteless fruits they provided as the sole food for their guests would have caused
the death through starvation of the entire band in a short time, for naturally Captain
Jenkins would not have been so impolite as to protest. The sudden end ((of)) the supply gave
Captain Jenkins just reason to provide healthy food for his party. The subsequent events have been so stated as to make of this unfortunate man a villain whose depth of malice was only equalled by his shrewdness. I have had a number of skillful psychologists examine him and although they give him a fairly high IQ number they all agree that his character is too frank to conceive a plot of the depth alleged. Actually their conjectures agree with the fine kindly character his actions demonstrate when considered in the correct manner. He was honestly sorry, as who would not be, for the unfortunate Riclavech children condemned to misery in order that their pompous prigs of elders should not be disturbed by the sound of a happy laugh, and attempts to cheer them up a little. His immediate success naturally pleased him greatly and he devoted himself to spreading the radiant light of laughter in that gloomy civilization. "He meant no harm. He thought he was benefitting the Race immensely. It is alleged that he has wrecked a great civilization. But has he? Is humour the terrible anti-cultural influence alleged? "Reungeis Tefaillet has said that humour in the hands of the ignorant many infallibly prevents the intelligent few from developing the great plans for the advancement of culture possible to their minds. It does not occur to us that only mentally unstable cranks are seriously affected by laughter
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directed against them. Reasonable persons are sufficiently sure of the soundness
of their plans to be undeterred by such trivialities. A scheme that can be laughed out of
existence must be so logically unsound that even the inventor, however frantically
unseeing, perceives the flaws. "Where humour is prohibited these crazy plans are allowed to pass into operation, with results very detrimental to the unfortunate Race concerned. I could cite a dozen examples from the recent history of the Riclavech, but one will suffice. Some generations ago a famous thinker proposed that as starvation resulted in exceptional clarity of mind the entire Race should be starved. This is done by making the sole food the flabby fruits complained of by Captain Jenkins. Whether the intended result has been obtained is a matter of considerable doubt, but the vitality of the members of the victimised Race is so low that the slightest physical shock is sufficient to prostrate them, if not kill them outright. That is why a band of some fifty members of my Race met absolutely no resistance from billions of bitterly hostile Riclavech in their so-called wrecking of that fantastic culture. "The fact is that only an entirely humourless Race, governed entirely by cold logic from its earliest strivings can exist without humour. For a Race with that sense to attempt its complete destruction is as fantastic as if a Race possessing eyes decided to blind those useful organs in every member of the Race, alleging that it would be easier to think clearly in absolute darkness. Humour is at once the crudest and the most subtle form of criticism. The Riclavech should be greatful that the blundering of Captain Jenkins has restored their Race to sanity. "The appeal for our annihilation is unsoundly based in any case, for there is no such thing as a
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"menace" of our sense of humour to other cultures. We can only affect those similarly
gifted and none of these is in the fantastic position the Riclavech were. Our
destruction is a punishment, which is what the Riclavech really mean, is of course
directly against the Third Fundamental Principle, "That what is past is finished". I
submit that the Riclavech have not established the truth of their argument on any grounds
and that their antiquated desire for vengeance must fail." Sir David's witnesses being chiefly philosophers in support of his theories of humour were declared by the President to be redundant and the Adjudication Committee retired for a lengthy consideraton of the case. After their return the President delivered judgement in a long speech. He said that the damage done could only be temporary whichever of the theories of the uses of humour was correct, and that Sir David had at least established the comparative harmlessness of Homo Sapiens' sense of humour to other Races. A Race, however despicable its action might prove it, could not be destroyed merely because it was a nuisance, and so Homo Sapiens must continue to exist. He could only request that the Race Homo Sapiens should cleanse itself of all such anti-social persons as the man Jenkins and his companions.
The Johnson SCIENCE-FICTION SERVICE asks: Are you missing an additional pleasure?
WEIRD TALES Back issues available at 8d. each post free from the Liverpool Braanch only: 46 MILL LANE, LIVERPOOL 13.
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SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION - Executive Committee Report Headquarters: 59a Tremaine Road, Anerley, LONDON, SE20. PRESIDENT: At the recent SFA Convention all members present were invited to vote on the four nominations for the Presidency of the Assocn. The nominations were Professor A.M.Low, John Russell Fearn, John Beynon Harris, and Walter H. Gillings, and after a keen and even ballot we are glad to announce that Professor A.M.Low was elected as first President of the SFA. We take this opportunity of wishing him a long and happy association with the SFA and assure him of the constant and loyal support of every one of the members. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Members are asked specially to note that the Executive Headquarters have now been moved to London and all communications should now be made to the above address. SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Hon. Treasurer reports, with regret that a number of members are allowing their subscription to get behind. It is requested that subscriptions shall be promptly paid, or that notice of resignation to lapse same shall be made to 17 Burwash Road, S.E.18. TALES OF WONDER: Members are asked particularly to note that this will now appear quarterly. No. 2 is already on sale and No. 3 is due to appear on June 21st. Every support should be accorded it by SFA members and I am asked by the Editor, himself an Assocn. member, to state that letters from SFA members will be welcomed. Anyone finding difficulty in obtaining the magazine can get it from headquartersw for a 1/2d. Postal Order. TOMORROW: Owing to his time being wholly taken up with the production of "Tales of Wonder", Editor Gillings regrets to make notice of the fact that SCIENTIFICTION will be unable to run as an
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publication. It will henceforth be amalgamated with TOMORROW under the Editorship
of Douglas W.F. Mayer, with Walter H. Gillings as Associate Editor. The magazine
will contain the best features of each of its two predecessors, and will be printed
and illustrated in a new large-size format. Subscribers to "Scientifiction" will
receive the same number of issues of the new magazine as their subscription entitles
them to. Should they be SFA members they will receive two copies of each issue, or
else may use up their subscription in free adverts. Former subscribers of both
SCIENTIFICTION and TOMORROW will have their subscriptions added together, and will
be supplied with copies until their combined subscriptions expire. The first of
the new TOMORROW containing articles by Professor A.M. Low, I.O.Evans, Benson
Herbert, Festus Pragnell, etc. is already in the hands of the printers and will
be published during May. LIBRARY: The Librarian wishes to report the donation of the undermentioned books to the SFA Library: "The Hampdenshire Wonder" by J.D.Bereford (loaned by Mr. W.A.Deveraux) and " Voyage to Purilia" by Elmer Rice (loaned by A.C.Clarke). We wish to thank all members for books loaned and solicit any further additions. SPECIAL LIBRARY ATTRACTION:On May 11th next we intend to place before our members an entirely fresh departure in the lending library field. On that date the first of a series of science-fiction classics in file form will be available for borrowing. No. 1 will be "A Selection of Short Stories of Miles J.Breuer, M.D." and will include such famous stories as "The Stone Cat", "The Riot at Sanderac" and "The Gostak and the Doshes" as well as many other favourites of the old timers. It is hoped that a new file will be added each month and the June issue will be none other than the world famous SKYLARK OF SPACE by Dr. E.E.Smith. It is hoped that comparatively new readers of science-fiction among our members will, by this new series, be able to read all the most famous of the published magazine stories.
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Applications for the abovementioned 'files' are invited by the Librarian, and should be made
as soon as possible, as a waiting-list has been opened for the series. Librarian:
E.C.Williams, 11 Clowders Road, LONDON, S.E.6. NEW MEMBERS: We are delighted to welcome the following new members: J. Lightbrown (Nuneaton); Maurice G. Hugi (Folkestone); and Wilfred F. Cockcroft (Halifax). OBITUARY: We deeply regret to announce the deaths during the last few weeks of two of our valued members. They were Reginald Stevens of London and J.T.Greenwood of Birmingham. We wish to tender to the relatives our deepest sympathies and regrets and are sure that all members will join us therein. We wish to make it known that Mr. Greenwood's last wish was that his valuable collection of science-fiction should be donated to the Association, and arrangements for this are now being made Mr. Stevens' collection of fan-magazines have also been sent to the Association. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:We gratefully acknowledge the following: IMAGINATION (Los Angeles Branch), SCIENCE-FICTION NEWS-LETTER (Richard Wilson Jr.): SCIENCE-FICTION FAN (Olon Wiggins); THE ASTRONAUT (Manchester Interplanetary Society); and "Conclusions of the Paisley Rocketeers' Society" (P.R.S.). Our Los Angeles Branch have also sent "The Television Detective" by David H. Heller, for which many thanks. THE SECOND CONVENTION AND ANNUAL MEETING: We are pleased to announce that this event, held in London on April 10th last, was an unparallelled success, being attended by 43 delegates including Prof. A.M.Low, John Russell Fearn, Benson Herbert, Walter H.Gillings, I.O.Evans, John Beynon Harris, William F. Temple, Leslie J. Johnson, etc. A special official souvenir report of the Convention will be issued during May, Price 6d. Applications should be made to Headquarters as soon as possible. In brief, the following is a report of the Proceedings:
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"The afternoon session was attended by members only being the
Association's Annual General Meeting. The Chairman called for reports from
various officials including the Treasury Report, which disclosed a Balance in
Hand of £1.14.6d. Next followed a discussion on the Constitution,
and after some minor alterations the constitution as proposed by the Council
was adopted by the meeting. Next came the ballot for the President. (see above).
The evening session, Convention proper, consisted of addresses by Leslie J.
Johnson, Professor A.M.Low, Benson Herbert, I.O.Evans, John Russell Fearn,
Walter H.Gillings and Douglas Meyer, all of which will be fully reported in
the official souvenir report. The Convention was followed by a social supper
when the London Branch members entertained delegates." LONDON BRANCH REPORT: Owing to the Convention the London Branch meeting for April was limited to a few minutes during which a few items of branch business were conducted. The May London Branch meeting takes place at "A.O.D." on May 8th at 3 p.m. All Londoners are urged to support same. LEEDS BRANCH REPORT: The main event of importance during March was a visit on March 20th of Messrs. K.G.Chapman and M.K.Hanson from London, and Messrs. H.E.Turner and S.Davies from Manchester. An interesting meeting was held in the evening of that day when all the visitors addressed the Leeds Branch. It has now been decided to recommence the Branch Library and members are subscribing to several scientific publications with a view to rebuilding same. On April 10th eight Leeds members made the trip to London to Attend the Convention when a good time was had by all. We wish to thank the Londoners for their excellent hospitality. Chairnman:H.Warnes, 61 Thorne Grove, Gipton, Leeds 8. PROPOSED MANCHESTER BRANCH: An inaugural meeting will be ((held)) on May 22nd or about this date. Visitors will include delegations from Leeds and London. All interested should get in touch with H.E.Turner, 41 Longford Place, Manchester 14.
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We have been asked for poetry and have now received one contribution
consisting of verse. It appears below. In spite of its appropriateness we
understand that the BIS will not use it as their theme song.
Prelude to the Conquest of Space
If you could not attend the Convention the official report will give you verbatim speeches and all the information you want about the proceedings. If you were present you will need some permanent record of the day's oustanding events. Order your copy as early a possible from 59a Tremaine Road, Anerly, London S.E.20, England. Price 6d, or 12 cents. Ready during May.
REPORT ON QUESTIONNAIRE #2: | |||||||||||||
You have now answered more than fifty questions. It seems that many of you need a rest. For the assistance you have given in the past, sincere thanks. Below appears the report on the second questionnaire. Next month reports on the third and fourth questionnaires will appear. After that questionnaire number 5 will make its appearance. I trust that I may have your valued assistance for that and later questionnaires. Maurice K. Hanson
Report on questionnaire number 2 77% of replies to question 1 wanted NT to have a contents page, chiefly because it was thought there was little else that could go on the back of the cover. The order of merit of the articles was "What Purpose Science-Fiction" by Wollheim - 61 points, "Wake Up, Fans" by Mayer - 57 points, and "Cosmic Case No.2" by Smith - 56 points. 52% agreed with the view expounded in "What Purpose Science-Fiction". 40% thought second, Cosmic Case not quite so good as the first. 67% were prepared to wake up as Mr. Mayer suggested, though this figure includes quite a few who stated they had already woken up. Who’d have thought it? 77% preferred that month's cover to the one before it, whichever they may have been. 55% wanted a Reader's Letter section. Will you please write? - 44% wanted more outspoken criticism. (More outspoken than what?) 40% wanted to see poetry. 77% wanted a judicious mixture of long and. short articles. 19% only habitually buy remainder magazines. 100% had no objection to personal questions. Psycho-analytical paradise!