The sun streamed through the stained glass windows of one of the ballrooms of the Royal Hotel, London, on Saturday, May 12th, casting a kaleidoscope of colour upon the highly polished floor. Muralled pictures of puzzled Victorian ladies frowned down upon the oak panelling, now with futuristic art work of spaceships in flight, of alien monsters, and heroines in dire peril. In front of the Chairman's table, across from the clutter of cables, microphones, wire-recording equipment, camera and sound equipment, a half circle of red leather chairs formed a perimeter of comfort for the hundred and fifty to two hundred delegates representing eight countries, who were attending the first International Science Fiction Convention. Behind them, tastefully dressed out on tables along the walls. were magnificent displays of fantasy books and magazines. Thus the setting for an historic moment in the annals of science fiction.
For, while the past eight American conventions have been termed 'world' affairs, this was the first truly international gathering, with Britain host to some twenty delegates from seven countries, and the Committee responsible for the success of the enterprise had worked prodigiously to see that everything was in readiness for the great event.
The previous two evenings had seen as many as one hundred delegates, professional and amateur, getting acquainted at London's celebrated White Horse tavern off Fleet Street, so there was little reluctance or shyness upon the part of the conventioneers as the opening speeches and addresses were disposed with.
Walter Gillings gave an interesting talk upon his theories of the future of science fiction in this country, followed by Forrest Ackerman from California talking about the publishing activities in the U.S.A. Author William F Temple then gave an hilarious "lecture" on how to write magazine serials (never having written one himself !), which. was followed by some more humour in the form of a radio playlet, acted by Committee members, "Life Can Be Horrible." This, and the evening satirical playlet "Who Goes Where?" were written by Milton A. Rothman of Philadelphia for earlier American conventions. They were highlights of some of the lighter moments.
During the evening session on the first day, just as the concealed lighting came on in the glass ceiling, author John Kerr Cross, who adapted Paul Capon's recent book The Other Side of the Sun for B.B.C. serialisation, discussed his efforts at interesting Broadcasting House in this type of story, and was followed by author Arthur C. Clarke, who gave a humorous account of his antics before the television cameras at Alexandra Palace in recent astronautic programmes.
Later, after an exciting auction of books and magazines, which bore some slight resemblance to "bear" days upon the Stock Exchange, and a brief break for a buffet supper, the lights dimmed and the audience relaxed and watched the film of Conan Doyle's "Lost World," which had lost little of its excitement during the twenty-five years since it was made.
Major session of the Convention was arranged for Sunday afternoon, May 13th, when a delegate from each of the visiting countries gave a summary pf the activities taking place in his own territory. Lyell Crane, from Toronto, Canada, discussed the Canadian plan for an international organisation, preferably with an H.Q. outside the two major publishing countries of Britain and U.S.A.; Forrest Ackerman, one of the American delegates, explained how fandom in the United States was becoming more sought-after by publishing houses, radio, TV. and film people, for their specialised knowledge of the field ; George Gallet, journalist and editor from France, long a well-known personality in the French field, discussed the new publishing venture he has started there, producing pocketbooks in French of some of the better-known fantasy novels. The Star Kings, Vandals of the Void, and Stowaway to Mars were amongst titles listed for forthcoming publication.
From Holland, artist Ben Abas explained, with many personal humorous reminiscences, the Dutch interest in science fiction, stating that he and his father were responsible for attempting to produce a regular science fiction magazine in Holland recently, but the interest was not sufficiently high for then to continue after four issues. Sigvard Ostlund, from Stockholm discussed the small amount of publishing which goes on in Sweden, and surprised the assembly by telling them that a weekly science fiction magazine is published there - but that quite often detective and western stories are mixed in the issues.
Of two Australian delegates, only Ken Paynter from Sydney spoke, but enlivened the gathering with a pithy and witty account of events 'down under'. Wendayne Ackerman gave a glossary of earlier Germanic excursions into science fiction; Walter Willis, from Belfast, covered the Irish field; and Frank Arnold, representing Britain, gave a comprehensive coverage of all European fantasy book publishing, proving that science fiction was indeed international. During the debate which followed, guest Lee Jacobs, another American who had flown from Versailles to attend, discussed the number of technical and professional men he knew who were fans. Then followed the highlight of the entire Convention, which came as a complete surprise to most of the attending assembly. This was the 1951 International Fantasy Award, an idea which had been thought up only a few weeks before by some members of the London Circle, and was intended to be a presentation trophy offered to the authors of the best science fiction novel of 1950, and the best technical book in the field for the same year.
Announcing the award, G. Ken Chapman on behalf of the Award Committee explained that it was hoped the Award would be a yearly one, and that other branches of fantasy, such as art, films, short stories, and publishing would be embraced by similar trophies. "But, for this year," he continued, "owing to the limited funds and time at our disposal, we decided that only two awards were possible. A design has been approved and put on the draught-board, but it was not possible to have the actual trophies available at this Convention. An exact replica in wood, however, has been made for today's ceremony".
The trophies, taken from a Bonestell design on the cover of the 1951 Galaxy magazine, would be a 12 inch high metal spaceship resting its fins upon a mahogany base, attached to which would be a beautiful global lighter. The fiction award would be in chrome, and the non-fiction bronze-coloured metal. The awards would be permanent and a inscription would be placed on the base.
Mr. Chapman then stated that, after due consideration by the Award Committee, it had been decided that Dr. George R. Stewart had won the fiction award for his book The Earth Abides, and Chesley Bonestell and Willy Ley would share the non-fiction award for their joint book The Conquest of Space. Both books had been published in Britain and America, but this was not a necessary qualification. Amidst thunderous applause from the assembly and the glare of numerous flashlight bulbs Forrest Ackerman then accepted the replica trophies on behalf of his fellow countrymen, and it was hoped that the actual awards would be ready for him to take back to U.S.A. when he left and present to the winners.
An Award Fund has now been opened, whereby anyone may donate monetary gifts from time to time during each year, and all donors will become adjudicators for forthcoming awards.
The closing sessions of the two-day affair were even more convivial than any before. After a two-hour auction of books, magazines, and original art works, presided over by author E. C. Tubb as auctioneer, and another buffet supper, the audience settled down to an hour and a half's enjoyment of a series of short fantasy films (London Films having kindly loaned a complete projector equipment for the occasion). Arthur Clarke presented a technicolour film on rockets which had been made in U.S.A., and Forrest Ackerman had brought four films from Hollywood - one a weird playlet enacted by members of the Los Angeles Fantasy Society; another entitled "Monsters of the Moon" which had been salvaged from the cutting-room floor and the scraps fitted together to make a coherent fantasy by Bob Tucker of Bloomington, Illinois
By popular request the visitors asked London to stage another Convention next year, and it seems almost certain after the success of the 1951 gathering, that London - after it gets over its aching back - will be only too pleased to start planning for an even bigger 1952 Convention.
Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Committee: Projectionist: Wire Recording: Music: |
E.J.(Ted) Carnell A.Vincent Clarke Charles Duncombe Audrey Lovett ![]() Fred Brown ![]() Jim Rattigan ![]() Kerry Gaulder Jim Burch Records supplied by Arthur C. Clarke and Bill Temple |
Dear 'Festivention' Member,
As you were unable to attend the Festival Convention, we are sending you herewith a copy of the programme, and here is a short report, A Souvenir Booklet is being compiled from recordings and personal reports ... we are at present weighing the respective merits of printing, duplicating and lithographing .... and one will be sent to you when it is published. This may not be for two or three months, an there is a large amount of material in the recorded speeches to sort out, and arrangements will be made to reproduce many of the photographs that were taken.
Owing to the uncartainty of many people as to whether they could attend and address the Convention, the programme was inevitably a last-minute affair. Even then changes were made such as the 'Guest Authors' session on Saturday, which had been reserved for S. Fowler Wright and I.O.Evans. In the event neither came, but as previous sessions had overrun their time there was no hiatus.
The final week before the Con. was a very busy period as last minute arrangements took place, but eventually Thursday, May 10th saw a large crowd of visitors at the "White Horse', Estimates vary, but there is little doubt that at least 60 were present, and probably about 90 passed through during the evening. Every now and then the Secretary, who had secured half-a-table in one corner, wormed his way through the crowd to pass out admission tickets to those who hadn't received them through the post, and the voice of Charlie Duncombe, our Treasurer, rose above the general high noise level as he extolled the merits of paying in advance.
Amongst the many overseas visitors present were the Ackermans and Lyell Crane, the Northern Irish fans, and Mr Abas, his brother and his wife from Holland, Professor A.M.Low, pre-war President of the 'Science Fiction Association' looked in for a short time during the evening but said he was unable to attend during the weekend. Another well known figure from SFA times, Doctor W.A. Gibson of Scotland was also there, and at the main sessions.
The Convention Committee retired to the Private Bar for their deliberations, eventually to leave the Secretary and Treasurer to official business and to rehearse the plays to be given during the weekend. These had been presented at U.S. conventions, and had been sent over to Ted Carnell who had translated the more esoteric references into modern English S.F.ism. As it happened, various changes in the cast on that day caused a complete change over of parts, but at least the voices raised in a mystic chant contributed to the volume of fantastic sound that shook Fetter Lane.
A similar meeting took piece on Friday night, though only about 40 wore present, leaving enough room for a darts match in the usual corner. Amongst the new visitors were old time fans D.W.F. Meyer and Sid Birchby, and during the evening a number of Northerners arrived; Mike Rosenblum, Max Leviten, Rick Dalton and Derek Pickles and his sister Mavis, amongst others. Artist Alan Hunter, who was there with his wife, was one of an interested group who discussed with Ted Carnell the cover of the next 'New Worlds', the original of which he had and which represented a startling departure from previous policy. On both evenings, and especially on Thursday, the 'London Circle' was present in force to meet visitors.
Disaster nearly overtook the Committee's arrangements on Saturday morning when the duplicating machine on which the programme was supposed to be printed refused to work. The full and uncensored story will be contained in the Souvenir Booklet, but hare we'll only say that by tremendous efforts the programmes were eventually delivered during the lunch break at half past one. By that time, the introductory sessions were over and at 2,00 Ted Carnell opened the main Convention, Walter Gillings, who has had a great deal of bad luck in the past in his many efforts to establish s-f in this country, was rather pessimistic as to the success of future attempts in that line, but Forrest J. Ackerman in the next address gave a detailed account of the s-f field in the States which must have led to a great deal of argument in the breaks between the sessions on the difference between the two countries.
William F. (Bill) Temple, one of the very few s.f authors who can write with genuine humour, introduced a lighter touch into the Con, with his account of a spaceship powered by the mitogentic-rays given off by onions, and the plight of a crew when their food-supplies ran out and they had to start eating their fuel ..... we hope to reproduce Bill's mss. in the Souvenir Booklet, so will not go into details.
The S.F. Soap Opera Company scored a resounding success with their play of a typical s.f hero and heroine marooned on a desert planet; this play and the later 'Who Goes Where' in the evening were both recorded and disc records may be taken of them. Further details of this will be given later.
Following the tea break, a recording made when the 'Evening News' wrote a report on the 'White Horse' was played, in which authors Clarke, Temple, Youd, Harris, editor Ted Carnell and others took part. A short discussion followed, and then piles of magazines were taken to the tables in front of the audience, and the first auction began. Ted Tubb (whose first pro. story appeared in the current 'New Worlds') is always in demand as auctioneer, for he is undoubtedly the best, and funniest, s-f auctioneer in this country, and even those who had no intention of buying took great enjoyment in sitting and listening.
After the buffet and dinner break, which produced an enormous queue at the buffet tables, John Kerr Cross and Paul Capon were introduced. and J.K.C. spoke at length and very entertainingly of the inside story of the B.B.C, and their reactions to science-fictlon. It was, they thought, not real enough. Arthur C. Clarke followed with his experiences of television and his reactions to television make-up.
It was then announced that as by unfortunate circumstances a 9.5mm projector was not available, it was doubtful whether 'Metropolis' could be shown at all, though if a projector could be obtained the film was available for the next night. 'The Lost World' made in 1925 and based on Conan Doyle's fantasy classic was then shown. For its age it was remarkably good, and thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The formal programme ended about 10 pm and guests broke into a number of groups and sightseers who examined the tables on which books and magazines were displayed, and the numerous fantasy drawings which covered the walls.
The Sunday sessions began with a talk on the policy of New Worlds which led to such a hot discussion that Lunch break was 20 minutes late. On resumption, international science-fiction and fandom, were discussed by Lyell Crane, Forrest J,Ackerman and his wife, B. Abas of Holland, M. Gallet of France, Ken Paynter of Australia, Sigvard Ostlund of Sweden and Walt Willis of Belfast, who in the shortest but funniest speech told completists of a new s-f work written in Gaelic.
The International Award, which in its finished form will consist of a Bonestell-type space-ship in chromium plate standing an its fins mounted on a stand with a cigarette lighter, was awarded to George Stewart for 'Earth Abides' and Ley and Bonestell for 'Conquest of Space'. Ackerman received the award on their behalf.
After tea break, Wendayne Ackerman gave an interesting discourse on Dianetics, and two of the leading exponents were present to answer questions after the sessions. So many books and magazines were available for auction that the last was not sold till after the dinner break, and with a film show consisting of two rocket experiment shorts (one in colour) lent by Arthur C. Clarke, and 4 fan-made fantasy shorts lent by Forry, the Convention ended at 10.15. Some guests formed parties to visit the festival on Monday, and a farewell meeting at the 'Havelock' in Grays Inn Road that night brought 30 stalwarts to say farewell and to start planning the 1952 Convention!
a)"THE OUTPOST" by Walter Willis
I wasn't myself for a good part of the Convention-- -when I find out who I was I'll let you know--the reason being an arch suggestion by that arch fiend Ted Carnell that I should have to make a speech. I do hate to see people suffer, especially myself. However, innocent of the doom hanging over them, the rest of the guests seemed to be having a very good time. In fact it seems to me that the Convention was a wonderful success, from every point of view. Most of the credit should go to three men, Ackerman, Carnell and Temple. Other striking personalities included Alan Hunter and his beard. It suits him too, if not quite down to the ground. And Derek Pickles with his surprising size. I had expected a lot of Pickles, but not just in that way. I got quite a jar! I suppose it must have been the large economy size. (I know you never thought I would sink so low as to make puns about Derek's name. How little you know me.) But the biggest surprise was H. J. Campbell, editor of SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY. His beard made Alan Hunter's look almost like 5 o'clock shadow, and the rest of his hair looked as if it was his ambition to become a Big Mane Fan. As far as I can see this magazine has more hair-raising possibilities than we ever imagined. Seriously, he seemed a very likeable and intelligent chap, and I felt a great deal of sympathy for him at times. Especially during one conversation he had at the White Horse, with a well-known author. Campbell asked him baldly (it must have been a difficult thing to do!) if he would write something for him. The author asked him who he was, though of course he already knew. Campbell explained that he edited SFF. "Must you?" said the author rudely. Down in the forest something stirred, but Campbell with an obvious effort smothered the crushing retort he was well capable of making, and listened patiently while the author, of whom I had hitherto held the highest personal opinion, explained exactly how many cents a word he could get for his stuff in America. He was nearly getting two black eyes per word in England. Personally I thought Campbell should have been invited to speak at the Convention. It may be of course that he was, but refused, and certainly Ted Carnell was generous enough to pay him a well deserved tribute in his own speech.
Other things that stand out in memory are:- TED TUBB'S amazing talent as an auctioneer. Maybe it was his dianetic training that enabled him to clear the table so quickly, and so profitably. TED CARNELL valiantly defending his feature POST MORTEM against an attack which had never been made. Actually the point Derek wanted to make was that the title POST MORTEM implied not only that the last issue was dead, but that there was a strong suspicion of foul play. The way FORRY ACKERMAN surpassed our expectations. Not only did he show just why he is Fan Number 1, but there was, unexpectedly, enough of him to make Numbers 2 & 3 as well.
I could fill 20 pages with this stuff, but as Derek says, paper for Phantas is very dear, especially when you think where most of it ends up.
![]() |
Two of the great attractions at the meeting were, naturally, the beards of Alan Hunter and H.J. Campbell of SFM. One was Van Dyke, and one was Van Gogh. The cartoon will help, the gentleman on the left is AH. I (and Mavis) spent several days in Alan's company, with him was his charming wife, Joyce, they are both extremely nice folk, and we only hope they could tell half of what we said in our not too broad Yorkshire. For accents tho' the Wild Irishmen took some beating, half the time we couldn't tell a word they said, and the other half only part of their conversation, but we got on very well in sign language.
The funniest part of the proceedings was when Bill Temple told one of his legendary stories of his life with the "EGO". 'The Voyage of the Space Onion' was the wittiest and most hilarious yarn I have ever heard, even exceeding his story at the "LONCON" in 1949. Briefly it is the story of Clarke and Temple's attempt to reach the Moon in a spaceship which is a gigantic onion, working on the principle of mitogenic rays. The bare idea is astounding but the details were superb, especially the trouble they have when supplies run out and they have to exist on the onion itself and the consequent biological effects on C & T. Unfortunately (as Bob Shaw says elsewhere) it has been lost to British fandom.
Dear Ken,
Many thanks for your letter, received this morning.
You asked me to write an account of the Convention (incidentally, your sister-in-law got mixed up between 'Convent' and 'Missionary', and told a friend I had gone to a Mission In London). For many (not to say multifarious and multitudinous) reasons I am unable to do as you ask. Firstly, I hate - repeat, hate - writing of any kind, as I do it all the time in my work at an aircraft factory. Secondly, the little writing that I have attempted is so poor that in editing and re-editing my effort you would eventually curse the day you ever asked me.
Thirdly, well, there is no thirdly, so I'll go on to the next. Fourthly, my viewpoint is that of a poor country lad (poor but proud) and would cause derision both for G.L.C. and O.F. (Reverting to reason No. 2, look at all the brackets that have worked their insidious way already into this letter.)
I may say, however, that I think I was the only fan who flew to the Convention. As Confucius says, "Better be airsick for two hours than seasick for twenty-four." Also I think I was the only one to get a room in the Royal Hotel - a purely fortuitous circumstance, by the way. However, for the first half-hour after the Viking lifted I was okay, but the steward served a light lunch, and having injudiciously partaken thereof, I very shortly began to fear that Short Bros. would be short one checker. I asked for a paper bag, and when the plane touched down I was able to give the lunch back to the steward. Coming back, I took two Kwell tablets and the old tum did no flip-flaps at all, at all.
This letter started out as a one-page effort, but like my figure, its spreading.
Going to the Hotel from the terminal I took a taxi - cost 5/-. That was on Tuesday the 8th. On my return I went by underground - cost 4d. That was on Monday, 14th.
Only saw two shows: Wednesday at the Berkeley (" Odette" and "Une si jolie petite plage") and the Folies Bergere at the Hippodrome, on Friday. Thursday, went to see the Changing of the Guard at the Palace; St. Paul's; Tower of London; The British Museum, etc. The last named could do with a cleaning, it is a grim, forbidding pile. One can almost imagine that it actually does have a copy of the fabulous NECRONOMICON. Come to think of it there are quite a number of similar piles in London, which reminds me I saw Harley Street. And nearly every book-shop I saw had several prominently displayed copies of "How I Cured My Duodenal Ulcer." In between times I wandered around High Holborn, Tottenham Court Road, Charing Cross, Fleet Street, the Strand, the Embankment, and so on. Somehow I got a great kick out of seeing places I've often read about. The greatest kick of all, however, was the morning I saw the Household Cavalry passing along the Strand in brilliant sunshine. I was fascinated.
Thursday night, about eight, I wandered down to the White Horse and was met by a terrific babble of noise. Definitely they are not the strong silent type, these London fans. Vince Clarke painlessly relieved me of 15/- and it was the following Sunday before I began to realise how they could do it all for so little. It was almost 10-30 before I dragged myself away. I went round again on Friday and got back to the Hotel at about eleven. You'll see I was not an all-night member! I gather there were plenty of those, tho.
Ted Carnell made a very good Chairman and thoroughly deserved the applause he received on Sunday night. Ted is the optimistic type. Forry Ackerman is a grand speaker - I could listen to him all day. William Temple's "feud" with Arthur C. Clarke was grand fun, though I think Temple won on points; his deadpan "Serial" was excellent.
The S.F. Soap Opera Company's "plays" were very good, and in particular I think most of us were surprised at the discovery of the Second Foundation. The auction went off well, and Ted Tubb got some good laughs from the folk who were being stung. Vince Clarke dished out 21/- for a first aSF, and a copy of 'WEAPON MAKERS' went for 95/- ... I shouldn't give Ted all the credit, other folk were auctioneering also, but I can't remember just who! Talks by Mrs. Ackerman and A. C. Clarke went down very well, and I was especially interested in the subject of DIANETICS, which Mrs. Ackerman explained much better than the book! Ben Abas, the Dutch artist, many of whose water colours of fantastic animals, etc., decorated the walls, delivered a very good talk. A surprise item was the S-F AWARD, a Bonestell-type rocket, about a foot high on a stand, with a cigarette lighter in front, finished in chromium plate. One for non-fiction was awarded jointly to Bonestell and Ley for CONQUEST OF SPACE, and another to George Stewart for EARTH ABIDES. Forry Ackerman accepted the presentation on their behalf. This was arranged by an anonymous group, but whoever they were, it was a fine idea, and they deserve a pat on the back for it.
I enjoyed the films that were shown, but it was unfortunate that a misunderstanding 'twixt Vince and Ted prevented METROPOLIS from being included. As it happened there were plenty without it, and LOST WORLD was shown Saturday; and sundry assorted items, including rocket shots loaned by A. C. Clarke, and four amateur fantasy films, loaned by Forry, on Sunday. I don't know who the projectionist was, but he did a very creditable job, considering the difficulties under which he had to work.
I may have confused the auctions ... there were two. Forry ran one, and Ted the other. However, mags and books went for very reasonable prices. An autographed copy of SLAN fetched 75/-. I think it was £10. There were various side-shows. SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY was displayed by Editor Campbell, who was present all through the proceedings. Frank Cooper displayed, as did Ted Carnell.
All in all, I think everyone enjoyed themselves...nearly 200 people attended, 8 countries were represented, and there were about twenty overseas visitors, including George Gallet, France; Sigvard Ostlund, Sweden; Ben Abas, Holland; Lee Jacobs, U.S.A.; Ken Paynter, Australia; Walt Willis and Party, and me, Ireland; and of course the Ackermans. And some more, whose names I didn't get. I enjoyed myself, anyway. The weather was good all through my visit and I do not think London could have looked any better. And everyone seemed anxious to help a visitor: in fact the only mean thing in London was Greenwich Mean Time! It even has a 'Shaver's Place'! (The Belfast fans are quietly proud of their 'Bradbury Place'). The police over there are not so tall as the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and it seemed odd at first to see so many of them without revolvers.
The Royal Hotel is in W.C.1. They tell me that W.C. stands for "West Central." How quaint!
If you have had the patience to read thus far you can see why I cannot send a report as requested. It is a case of the spirit being willing, but the mind being weak. Maybe next year - if I can get to it - and maybe also Ken Slater will be there.