The Programme

William Dunbar House in 2015 (rh)

Ella Parker turned up at a Globe meeting in London early in 1958 and was soon in the thick of things. Arguably the most important fan of the decade that followed it's almost impossible to imagine that period without her. Her council flat on Canterbury Road, West Kilburn - the 'Parker Penitentiary' - hosted meetings of SFCoL (the SF Club of London) from March 1960 and 'Friday Night at Ella's' from August that same year.

The latter was an open house for any BSFA member who wanted to drop by. However, the 'Pen' was already earmarked for demolition and in late January 1963 the council moved her to a new home: Flat 43, William Dunbar House, West Kilburn. The meetings moved with her, though 'Friday Night at Ella's' ceased in December 1964. SFCoL organised the 1965 London Worldcon - our second - and Ella was the Chairman (her listed title).

At the base of William Dunbar House was a small hall that could be hired by residents for events for a nominal fee. This being so, eventual use by fans was inevitable, as Ian Peters recounts:

The Science Fiction Club of London (S.F.CoL) in an attempt to boost membership and at the same time contribute something to London fandom in general, has started, as an experiment, a series of monthly open meetings consisting of a talk followed by a discussion, refreshments being provided. We have planned three for a start but these can be extended according to degree of success. This has only been possible because of Ella Parker's particular situation. She now lives in one of the multi-storey "matchbox" flats which are replacing the dreary rows of crumbling 19th century terraced houses in most London suburbs. While the flats themselves tend to make me feel slightly claustrophobic (I am 5'-11 ½" on the rare occasions I stand up straight) yet the extra amenities laid on are really tremendous e.g. central heating, waste disposal etc (good old G.L.C.!) On the ground level is a hall which can be hired for weddings, parties etc. at a nominal rent and this is just ideal for our purpose. We put the first meeting on free since we have a little bit in the bank due to the fact that, much to our surprise we got back in full the money we lent to finance Loncon II.

The first meeting took place on Sunday 9th January 1966. Some 25 people turned up and the speaker was John Brunner. Mike Moorcock reportedly grabbed the speech for NEW WORLDS.

In 1967 the hall was host to what, in November, would have been the first of two annual one-day Minicons had the second - planned for November 1968 - not been cancelled. It appears to be the first planned and announced UK con ever to be cancelled. James White would have been the GoH.

John Brunner (mb)

Known attendees:

Merv Barrett
John Brunner
Ted Carnell
Arthur Cruttenden
Diane Ellingsworth
George Hay
Dick Howett
Langdon Jones
Pauline Jones
Earl Kemp
Ethel Lindsay
Jim Linwood
George Locke
Ken McIntyre
Michael Moorcock
Jean Muggoch
Ella Parker
Chris Priest
Arthur Sellings
Norman Sherlock
Arthur Thomson
Ted Tubb
Gerry Webb

Photos by Rob Hansen (rh), Merv Barrett (mb), and Peter Cooper (pc). Jean Muggoch's report in her LONDON NEWSLETTER #5 is the only account of the event that could be located.

Chris Priest (mb)


I arrived in time to hear John Brunner's talk, "Divided we stand provided we prop each other up". John's "room for all of us" views on the current S.F. scene from the traditional to the way-far-out. His reasoning was most interesting, his preview of his next book frightening: His talk sprinkled with enjoyable reminiscences of N.Y.Con.

Ted Carnell, John Brunner (mb)

After lunch the audience had increased in numbers and exuberance and Ted Carnell, the Guest of Honour, had a rougher passage through his speech, which gave a review of SF publishing & selling. Lots of interesting facts about developments in Europe, the effect on sales during credit squeeze, American publishers expecting the film 2001 (Premiere next Easter) to trigger a boom in SF, etc. Background noise provided mainly by Arthur Sellings.

unknown, Jim Linwood, Jean Muggoch (mb)

Mike Moorcock (mb)

A panel next, Gerry Webb, Jim Linwood, Norman Sherlock, Dick Howett talking about Flying Saucers, a not very promising subject which became very entertaining. Gerry started with calm reason, was opposed, Mike Moorcock as an excellent Chairman managed to keep the audience under control for a short time but was soon overwhelmed. After a discussion en masse and a piece of impassioned rhetoric from Ted Tubb on the state of society, Mike brought the Panel to a disorderly but neat close.

Diane Ellingsworth, George Locke (mb)

Ted Tubb (mb)

Next came a comprehensive talk by George Locke on book and magazine collecting. This appeared to be of interest to many but as I am not a collector I retired to the quiet room where Mike moaned about approaching senility and Arthur Cruttenden wandered around looking for a bottle-opener.

The Mystery Guest proved to be Earl Kemp who started to give a talk on Fandom.


During the 1960s I found myself frequently flying back and forth from various European destinations on business. Initially I tried to make sure my trips there always began and ended in London. I loved to letdown there and wait for jet lag and time changes to catch up with me. In my free time, parties allowing, I'd get in a little fringe fan action.

Earl Kemp in 1967 (pc)

Ella Parker (mb)

Ella Parker comes instantly to mind, as being perhaps my favourite, closest British science fiction fan friend. I had met her first when she came to tour the States in 1961. I was immediately captivated by her charm, audacity, and gregariousness. I also met Ethel Lindsay the following year, and she was a very special person as well, but not the same type as Ella at all.

George Hay (mb)

Moorcock, Ethel Lindsay, unknown, Lang Jones (mb)

There were also other fan-type meetings that Ella would take me to and professional publishing socials, but the details, after all these years, have faded totally away. However I do remember partying with people like Michael Moorcock, John Brunner, etc. but that's all, just vague blurs (perhaps it was the British recreational drugs and their easy availability, perhaps the booze).

- eI #12 (Feb 2004) ed. Earl Kemp

This soon developed into a conversation with various members of the audience on various subjects and a chummy chat ensued.

All in all, an extremely good Con. The catering was efficient and the people who served the food and coffee were both pleasant and fast.

Pauline Jones, Arthur Thomson (mb)

Ken McIntyre (mb)

We are very lucky in London to have so many of the professionals who are willing to come along to a function of this kind for this, I feel, was the keynote of the success of this Minicon.

Ethel Lindsay, Jean Muggoch (mb)

"That was a fun day out - Ella phoned me at work and demanded I attend."
- Jim Linwood (2020)

A second Minicon was announced for November 1968 with James White as GoH but this never happened, not least because by then SFCoL had ceased to exist:
Received from SFCoL:

"On the 12th May 1968 an Extraordinary meeting of the SF Club of London was held. At this, the membership agreed to discontinue the club in its present form. It was decided that in future meetings would be held annually and that the only office-bearer appointed should be an Official Recorder. Keith Otter was then appointed Recorder."

LONDON NEWSLETTER #10 (June 1968, ed. Jean Muggoch)

There's no evidence that any of these proposed annual meetings ever took place. The group that had put on a Worldcon less than three years earlier was dead.