I've been involved in SF fandom in the UK in varying degrees since the mid-1970s. After
becoming immersed in that sub-culture I also developed an interest in its history.
Since no-one had actually written a history of UK fandom I decided to do so myself and
between 1989 and 1993, with the indispensible help of my partner-in-research the
much-missed Vince Clarke, I did just that. It was initially published as a four issue fanzine
part-work but has since been expanded and upgraded and is now available in book form. In the course of the project, he
and I also extended the Peter Roberts British Fanzine Bibliography. There are links below to
both of these. THEN: The Archive is a cornucopia of old photos and old fanzines, and is in fact the largest
part of this website.
It's not something I do much anymore, but during the 1970s and 1980s I provided
artwork for innumerable fanzines. While I still have original art, quite a lot was either
given away or auctioned off in aid of various fan funds, so some of these have had to
be scanned from copies of variable print quality. Under 'Portfolio' is artwork from my files
that few have seen before since it was mostly done for my own pleasure rather than for
publication. Enough of these pieces were of superheroes for me to have separated them off
into their own file.
I've no intention of putting everything I ever wrote for a fanzine
online, but there are some pieces I still enjoy and which I think are
deserving of a wider audience.
* with photos
In 1984, I made my first ever trip to the USA under the auspices of the
Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund. During the three weeks I was there I visited Los
Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Washington D.C., meeting SF fans
in all of them. As is traditional for TAFF winners, I then wrote a report
on my adventures, one I hope you will find amusing and entertaining.
In today's common usage, fan fiction is usually amateur fiction using the
characters and settings from a film, TV series, or book. Faan fiction as
the term is understood in the oldtime SF fan community is often allegorical
or satirical fiction that uses fans and fandom as its subject matter.
The Internet being the wonderful resource that it is there's no need on my part to assemble one
of these as others have already done that work for me: